The real Obama


New Member
Yeah, its all interesting. He smoked pot and snorted coke. He went to college. He got elected as a state senator. He's still a kid. Now what qualifications does he have to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth and the leader of the free world?



New Member
Yeah, its all interesting. He smoked pot and snorted coke. He went to college. He got elected as a state senator. He's still a kid. Now what qualifications does he have to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth and the leader of the free world?

He's almost if not as old as Jack Kennedy, and didn't I see you post that you haven't voted democratic since John Kennedy. We need some young blood! I'm sure you think you're wiser now than when you were in your 40s but It's probably just cynicism!


New Member
We'll see, Med. Quite frankly, I hope Obama does run for president in '08. With Obama on the debating stage with Edwards, Kerry and Hillary, it should make for some great entertainment. I've always loved good comedy.



New Member
We'll see, Med. Quite frankly, I hope Obama does run for president in '08. With Obama on the debating stage with Edwards, Kerry and Hillary, it should make for some great entertainment. I've always loved good comedy.

Maybe! BTW your greed quote, nice, fits you to a tee, you and all the upper management jerks I've known, next time, look it up before posting such bull!


New Member
BTW your greed quote, nice, fits you to a tee, you and all the upper management jerks I've known, next time, look it up before posting such bull!

So, let's see here ... You consider anyone who is "rich" to be a "greedy fuck." You consider upper management people to be "jerks." You rant and whine like a baby when disagreed with. How tall are you, Med? You seem to suffer from a vertically challenged, inferiority complex.



Active Member
In politics you have to fight without the name calling- a)to childish, b)you are showing your opponent that you really don't have anything valuable to say. Now I am not agreeing with either of you, just letting you in on some debating secrets. And no I am not saying that I know everything, just a couple of things.


New Member
In politics you have to fight without the name calling- a)to childish, b)you are showing your opponent that you really don't have anything valuable to say. Now I am not agreeing with either of you, just letting you in on some debating secrets. And no I am not saying that I know everything, just a couple of things.
I calls them as I sees them!


Well-Known Member
I like to watch them fight, I think it is funny. I would love to see these two people get together to smoke with. I could just see it now; "Vi - now I know the color of the ocean is turquoise. Med - thats bull, I know it is aquamarine." lol. I would love to smoke with you two. It would be the pinnacle of my toking and talking.


New Member
I like to watch them fight, I think it is funny. I would love to see these two people get together to smoke with. I could just see it now; "Vi - now I know the color of the ocean is turquoise. Med - thats bull, I know it is aquamarine." lol. I would love to smoke with you two. It would be the pinnacle of my toking and talking.
Hey, maybe you could come to Barstow and smoke with the winner.LOL!


New Member
Barstow! Damn, Med ... that's one huge Hell-hole. I wouldn't go there even if I had the chance to work in the Borax mines for minumum wages..



New Member
Barstow! Damn, Med ... that's one huge Hell-hole. I wouldn't go there even if I had the chance to work in the Borax mines for minumum wages..

I figured it was about half way! And BTW, if you ever think I'm imitating you please tell me so I can immeadiately shoot myself at least twice in the head!


New Member
Oh, I forgot ... Borax comes from the mines in Boron California and not Barstow. Ever been to Boron, Med? Boron would be a great place to build reeducation camps for when Hillary takes over the federal government. I'm sure she would delight in sending miscreants there who won't comply with her centralized medical planning.



New Member
Oh, I forgot ... Borax comes from the mines in Boron California and not Barstow. Ever been to Boron, Med? Boron would be a great place to build reeducation camps for when Hillary takes over the federal government. I'm sure she would delight in sending miscreants there who won't comply with her centralized medical planning.

Why bother, just let them Die! BTW who is your chariot driver, the one who can save us from all this government intervention, Isn't that the platform that Hitler ran on?


New Member
"BTW who is your chariot driver, the one who can save us from all this government intervention, Isn't that the platform that Hitler ran on?"

Hitler? Your comparing my politics with that of Hitler? Geeze, Med ... Hitler was a Socialist. In your opinion, who posts the most socialistic viewpoints in the forum here?



New Member
"BTW who is your chariot driver, the one who can save us from all this government intervention, Isn't that the platform that Hitler ran on?"

Hitler? Your comparing my politics with that of Hitler? Geeze, Med ... Hitler was a Socialist. In your opinion, who posts the most socialistic viewpoints in the forum here?

Wait, you mean you're now allowing Me to have a viewpoint? Amazing! My braincells are cavorting like crazy!


New Member
Reading your viewpoints is my pleasure, Med ... especially when you leave the expletives out. In fact, in those cases you are enjoyable to read. That's not to say that you always make sense ... but then considering your a libbie, what can I say? *lol*



New Member
Reading your viewpoints is my pleasure, Med ... especially when you leave the expletives out. In fact, in those cases you are enjoyable to read. That's not to say that you always make sense ... but then considering your a libbie, what can I say? *lol*

Libbies, libbies, we don't need no stinkin libbiesI I'm an individualist! I believe in sharing the wealth but not squandering it on wars and rich corporations. There is plenty of money to go around, it just goes to the wrong places, like wars, defense contractors (Halliburton, General electric, etc.).We could provide a very good life to every citizen if the money trail was cleaned up. Example: 1 week of Iraq could build everyone in New Orleans a new home and fix the levies. How fucking stupid are we? we're destroying Iraq and New Orleans so Haliburton can steal billions in taxpayer money. Unlike you whom I assume to like war as youve stated we need a strong military to protect us from the boogey man, I'd rather see that tax money spent on America, new schools, rebuild Bridges, interstates, New Orleans etc. I think Iraq is the stupidest waste of money ever except maybe Viet Nam and in 4 years we,ve way exceeded that expenditure