The Real Reason Brett Kavanaugh is So Dangerous to Democracy

Not your thread.

What does this have to do with Brett Kavanaugh and the handing off of our democracy to the highest bidder?

I can answer; I want a better country for the sake of my daughter and the world she'll have to live in.

If I'm lucky, I'll see 2050. Thanks to our family's longevity, she stands a better than even chance of seeing 2100.

I'm working to make the world a better place. I'm even willing to believe that you are trying to do the same.

How is that goal advanced by alienating people with whom you share so much in common politically?

"mr. putin"

Huh, my favorite Atheist agnostic reconstructionist humanist incontinent alcoholic racist self-applied honorary Jew tagged me.


I was sincere about wishing your daughter the best, after you let the WorldWideWeb know she could suffer from known diseases and/or birth defects because of your wife's Jewish heritage. She's an innocent child with no clue (yet) her Dad is blacked out drunk every night. When you display every second of your life on a website, don't whine when someone responds to it.

By the way, how's the wife? I remember you posting on the WorldWideWeb when she was sickly, rapidly losing weight and undergoing endoscopies and colonoscopies. But her Docs thought it was just because of her copious weed intake. Did that resolve? She ever cut back on getting high to see if that helped? I sincerely hope that situation with her worked itself out.

More recently, I recall you letting the WorldWideWeb know that your lovely bride was suffering major post partum. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.

Having hitched her wagon to an angry unemployed drunk must exacerbate her condition. If only there was a way for you to help out with that . . .

Wow and he makes fun of me and my wife?
which only proves how insincere you were when you said that you wished my infant daughter did not die of any 'jew diseases'

you're up past midnight posting again, jew hater. don't you have a fucking job?
It proves nothing of the sort, dumb-dumb. Just so there's no confusion later: I expressed well-wishes regarding your daughter after you let the entire internet know she may be subject to diseases and birth defects because of your wife's Jewish heritage. And you take offense to that. Got it.

So, how is your wife? Less sickly? Doing ok? Off the weed?

What time "it it"?
maybe i will invite myself over when you;re not home and show your wife some affection

You went further than maybe yesterday. You break every rule here. You have no respect for yourself.

Poor lost child buck. Notice with so many easy openings your drunk self gives me I won’t say anything bad about your lovely wife.

If you were a man. You would apologize to mine.
I expressed well-wishes regarding your daughter after you let the entire internet know she may be subject to diseases and birth defects because of your wife's Jewish heritage.

allow me to express my well wishes to you. i hope that you do not slip on an empty meth baggie and crack your head open on a kitchen counter. i mean this VERY sincerely

thank you for your repeated well wishes that my infant daughter not die of any jew diseases. we can all tell you mean it sincerely and in good faith, ya fucking nazi trumptard bitch
Which is it? We need more or less regulations? I can’t tell which side your on. The way you talk to people it sure isn’t the Americans side.

you're dodging the question

has anyone who hasn't expressed a desire for a federal crackdown on illegal rats like yourself caught any ill will from me, meth boi?
you're dodging the question

has anyone who hasn't expressed a desire for a federal crackdown on illegal rats like yourself caught any ill will from me, meth boi?

You just say anyone is anything at your hateful convenience. You are dead wrong about most of the people you attack.

You have little people experience. Why do you think you know so much about them. Your RIU PhD?
allow me to express my well wishes to you. i hope that you do not slip on an empty meth baggie and crack your head open on a kitchen counter. i mean this VERY sincerely

thank you for your repeated well wishes that my infant daughter not die of any jew diseases. we can all tell you mean it sincerely and in good faith, ya fucking nazi trumptard bitch
Thank you. So, how's your wife? Still sickly? Perhaps she'd be less sickly if her husband wasn't an angry blacked-out racist drunk, and could properly care for her and her child.

You could get help. Do it for your family. Or not.
which ones have i threatened?

were they promoting a massive federal crackdown on "illegals"?

you're an illegal btw. are you on the side of people who threaten massive federal crackdowns on illegals?

You want my attention so bad little boy?

I’ll bite. Why am I an illegal?

And I would like to see a better system of course. But I do want dangerous criminals stopped.

You just make a blanket statement of hate against the system. You offer no solutions. Not even an idea to start a conversation.

Political propoganda is all you offer. I understand it’s your job and you are a fraud here but lighten up some and use your head a little.
Thank you. So, how's your wife? Still sickly? Perhaps she'd be less sickly if her husband wasn't an angry blacked-out racist drunk, and could properly care for her and her child.

You could get help. Do it for your family. Or not.

even methigan knew you were wishing death on my jewish infant daughter. he saw what you wrote and was concerned at your hostility, which is resurfacing, exactly as i had planned when i called you in here.

it's now almost 1 am where you are. don't you have a fucking job to wake up for?
Why am I an illegal?

you manufacture, sell, and possess a schedule 1 illegal narcotic, which is a felony that carries federal prison time

so i'll ask again, have i ever wished ill will upon anyone who wasn't asking for a massive federal crackdown on "illegals"?

it's a yes or no question you fucking rat