The Retarded or Sculpted Plant Game


Well-Known Member
Triploid ;-)
But i'm not sure that's whats going on there...although I can't see it all that well, so I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Heres my Chemo Iranan tard, 4 weeks she was a Trillapod also.

Bonzai Ak (not mine)

Blueberry mix, (not mine)


Well-Known Member

She had approximately 30 Tops. She had beautiful symmetry & each top bud weighed approximately 3 Grams.

The above photo is from just before harvest. As u can see all the branches originate from within the same inch or so.. They were initially closer but stretched a bit during flower. You can see i also removed a few branches that were under-performing.



Well-Known Member

She had approximately 30 Tops. She had beautiful symmetry & each top bud weighed approximately 3 Grams.

The above photo is from just before harvest. As u can see all the branches originate from within the same inch or so.. They were initially closer but stretched a bit during flower. You can see i also removed a few branches that were under-performing.

Jesus Man...and that blueberry one i think was posted in this thread already, but no biggie. And I could be wrong, but that blueberry one looks like it was supposed to be an autoflower that found it's recessive ruderalis traits loud and clear....but of course, I don't know that for just looks short and weak, like ruderalis :-P


Well-Known Member
The 30 top looks like a plant that was cloned after flower...a clone of an already flowering plant rather....I think they call it monster cropping or some such thing I saw on another internet forum...but from experimenting I found that all the little bubbly looking plant matter that makes up a bud will make it's own branch if you clone that is how to recreate it....


Active Member
The 30 top looks like a plant that was cloned after flower...a clone of an already flowering plant rather....I think they call it monster cropping or some such thing I saw on another internet forum...but from experimenting I found that all the little bubbly looking plant matter that makes up a bud will make it's own branch if you clone that is how to recreate it....
Can anyone confirm this? I'm about to go see what I can find on monster cropping, sound's dope. I have a serious itch for some type of cannabonsai ever since I posted that pic earlier.

Calvin Cobb

Well-Known Member
This White dwarf was a freebie from the attitude seed bank and so far has showed some strange traits, it sprouted with only one real leaf at first and i am sure it did not break off as i saw it come out of it's shell intact.
Also I have been playing with some plants with LST. I currently have three from bagseed, and the original herb knocked me on my ass so I am expecting great things from these girls once they go outside to the garden. Each one has 25 to 35 secondary stems at this point...



Well-Known Member
Here's my Magic Bud from Paradise seeds. This is a 4th generation clone and for some reason started growing only 3 leaves per group. The bottom of the plant had 5 leaf-sets though. strange.



Well-Known Member
This is my version of the Hobbes CCOB method. Wonder Woman harvest a bit early, at 7.5 weeks.

I am working on my own variety of this method with plants in early flower and veg that I call SCOB (Spiral Crop Of Bud). I will post some pics of that later.



New Member
trust me they were nasty shit the last one is taken at like 110 days flower , it never finished or never even had much for trichomes, basically just threw it in the garbage


Well-Known Member
sorry the vid is kinda dark, it wasnt when i watched it on my laptop threw window media player.
