The Ruiner
Well-Known Member
I guess every sentence in the prop should have had a medical disclaimer!
No, they should have just put the exemptions in the right places.
I guess every sentence in the prop should have had a medical disclaimer!
I am still waiting for your words to carry any weight whatsoever...until then you are just a know-nothing internet blow-hard.
Great question!
IMO, Some powers that be don't like the results of any of the prop19 polls.
I'ld love to be proven wrong.![]()
The title of the proposition is "Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010", not "Cannabis Legalization Act" or "Cannabis Decriminalization Act". Regulation, taxation and enforcement (control) are components of commercialization. California Senate Bill 1449 was a true decriminalization bill. Any true legalization legislation would not add criminal charges for activities currently decriminalized, which Prop. 19 does. As I've said before, we don't need new cannabis laws, we're doing fine getting rid of the ones we already have.
ok wait,so pretty much the people votein no to prop19 are the people that r makeing killer profits off their medical grows and dont wanna be taxed up the ass?!?!... understandable i guess, but think about all the other ppl that dont even have legal rights to medicinal growing!...where im from they decriminalized up to an oz, but theres not medicinal usage here nor can u grow! if prop 19 pass's in cali i think it would open up doors for other states to atleast start medicinal usage!...sorry if this makes no sense,i just blazed some hash out the bong!![]()
And because you are a resident of California, that gives you the right to make unsubstantiated claims against prop 19 without being called out on them? Regardless of where I am, you made a statement as if it was fact and are now unwilling or unable to explain it in detail, yet you will resort to name calling and insults?
Perfect..... You represent your side so well...
No, they should have just put the exemptions in the right places.
legalize it already
At this point I dont really care about how you care to see things...or how i say them... you are exactly what I said you are (in my eyes). If you can't even see a grain of truth in my statements - then you are also considerably delusional. Every chance you get you try and twist everything around... you make a bunch of insinuations and allegations that are as patently false as the medical exemptions you claim are a part of 19. You are an embodiment of everything that is wrong with modern politics in this country.
Besides making it a felony to smoke with or provide marijuana to minors under 18 years of age, what felonies are you talking about? Do you advocate that minors should be provided with marijuana? If the answer is no, what other felonies are you referring to?
You guys have been proven wrong in your claims about P19's effects on P215. Every major pro MJ group supports P19. Retired judge Jim Gray has stated in his blog that P19 exempts P215. You guys are voting your wallet, which is fine, but you are also a bunch of big fat liars trying to scare others with insinuations and allegations that are as patently false as your claims that P19 will affect P215.
No, they should have just put the exemptions in the right places.
They did according to every pro MJ group in existence.
Oh well, if all the cool kids are doing it, it must be right!![]()
Oh well, if all the drug thugs say vote no on 19, that must be right.
i bet you'd suck a dick for a LEGAL ounce.
hey, it's a start.
this is fun.![]()
At this point I dont really care about how you care to see things...or how i say them... you are exactly what I said you are (in my eyes). If you can't even see a grain of truth in my statements - then you are also considerably delusional. Every chance you get you try and twist everything around... you make a bunch of insinuations and allegations that are as patently false as the medical exemptions you claim are a part of 19. You are an embodiment of everything that is wrong with modern politics in this country.
My guess is that you are more likely to be sucking dick than me, when you are sitting in a federal penitentiary for growing and distributing marijuana. I don't smoke it, sell it or grow it.
How can I see a grain of truth in your statements when you make claims that you can't even back up or explain in any type of detail? You have yet to explain how 215 gardens will become criminal under 19, as you claim. I have asked you three times to expand upion that in detail, because I know it is a false statement, therefore you can't explain it or justify the remark. I'm simply asking you to explain a false statement that you made, and you are twisting this into allegations and insinuations? Go read prop 19 sections 6, 7, and 8 and come back here and tell me that they don't specifically EXEMPT 11362.5 smart ass.....
I can tell by your deceit and manner that you are a conservative, you are very conservative with the truth in this matter. You have been very vocal in all 19 threads, and you have made some outrageous claims. When asked to back them up and show us where in the prop it states that, YOU ALWAYS resort to name calling and insults.... I wonder why that is? If you have a solid platform, you should be able to easily defend your statements...