the road less taken...


Active Member
most people would agree with me that you are able to succeed at something that you are passionate about... and well, obviously enough i have decided to try my hand at growing.

the thing is, i live in oklahoma, one of the worst states ever to be caught growing/selling/consuming herb in... i grow because i want to have good smoke for myself, and if i have a little extra to toss around to my buddies, then cool.. i'm not trying to be scarface, or some drug lord. it's just a hobby i have that i really enjoy...

my question is, should i be scared? i am going into this growing thing with the best of intentions, and i truly feel that karm exists, but what if i get caught. i guess i'm really trying to figure out whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks...

so basically, my questions is this: how did everyone here come to the decision to finally do it and start growing (theoretically)? i might sound a little melodramatic, but i feel that this decision i made that will put me on an entirely different path that i was originally headed on.

not to say that it's a bad thing. cannabis is beautiful, it's just unfortunate that there's people out there who do not realize it...


Well-Known Member
I've been plannng on growing for years, I just never had the opportunity until 6 months ago. Plus I just moved to a new town, didn't know any dealers, and was short on cash, so the decision just came naturally. I've harvested a little over 4 zips and this time around in a couple weeks I'll have another 8!


Well-Known Member
I came to the conclusion that if I would just invest in a few 600 watt hps lamps that I would save tons of money in the long run of things.. I had my first initial fears as every first timer has; but after a few weeks you become less fearful as you start understanding that these plants are beautiful!

Only thing I would change at this point would be the ammount of people who know whats going on. Too many friendly friends. If you really really need to talk about it; do it on the forums. :D good luck friend!


Well-Known Member
I came to the conclusion that if I were caught... I wouldn't mind jail or whatever they gave me, it would only further show the stupidity for arresting a man who pays his taxes just like everyone else for growing a harmless plant. I have this martyrdom sense about the whole thing... though I do not wish to goto jail, it wouldn't bother me. I'd be writing a book while in there on the stupidity of it all. Might be a bestseller eh?


Active Member
yea... kinda like hitler writing his mein kampf? haha just playing. but seriously though, this is @ biz, i thikn you are correct in cutting down my social circle...

it kinda hurts to get rid of some "cool peeps" but man... we all walk a lonely road... thank the creator for the internet, which allows us to discuss this stuff openly,with out worrying about repercussions... for the most part...

or maybe i should thank al gore... for the internet, and introducing me to the dangerous effects of global warming. haha.


Well-Known Member
Through life I've discovered that by not letting my fears get to me I am able to do a lot. Not just illegal things, but many, many risky things. I actually get a kick out of conquering my fears, but that's not what this is about.

What I mean to say is that if you are able to free from your mind the fear, but be intelligent about what you're doing, you should be alright. However, first question you do need to ask yourself is whether or not you can pay the piper should the rats come a-knockin'.


Active Member
What I mean to say is that if you are able to free from your mind the fear, but be intelligent about what you're doing, you should be alright. However, first question you do need to ask yourself is whether or not you can pay the piper should the rats come a-knockin'.
if i don't know the answer to your question right now, does that mean i am not ready to go through with it?


Well-Known Member
my questions is this: how did everyone here come to the decision to finally do it and start growing
I decided because I got sick-n-tired of paying ridiculous prices for crap weed, and dealing with people who are known criminals.
I've been smoking marijuana for more 20 years. I'm not a chronic smoker. I smoke about 2-3 times a week. When I do smoke I want to smoke good weed. Good weed is hard to come by for fair prices due to the fact that it's illegal.
Plus, when I grow it I know exactly what I'm putting into my body.


Well-Known Member
if i don't know the answer to your question right now, does that mean i am not ready to go through with it?
Only you can answer that for yourself. At the very least, educate yourself on how things work so you don't have to worry about posting one of those threads. You know the ones, "Busted! What's gonna happen to me?"

Mostly, though, just keep your shit tight and you really should be alright. Small-timers aren't very interesting.


Well-Known Member
Coming from someone whos facing the same kinda laws...

I just didn't care, I don't think about being found out by anything but lose lips or things that need to be taken care of which I do.

But the main reason I decided to do it is...

Lady Jane is too beautiful to say no to and my loyalty is to her which means even if it was a death sentence I'd be growing her for my own enjoyment.

Just play it smart, the cops have their hands full with meth and real criminals to worry about the guy growing 1-5 plants in his closet.