
Well-Known Member
just wondering if all the smoke and ash were getting here in Fresno from the rough fire is harmful or will have negative effects on plants??

for those who are not from around here its 110,000 acres burning in the Sierra Nevada's kings cannon national forest 30 miles from Fresno.this morning when the people of fresno woke up and left for work we were welcomed with thin sheets of ash on are windshields. and sadly cannabis leafs and buds?? its not good for any of us, so i cant see how it could be good for plants??

i hope for the growers in that area that all is well and your gardens well be safe!!


Well-Known Member
That's so shitty.....I've been seeing somethings about the fires, and I believe it absolutely one of the craziest things ever...obv I'm from the east coast as in we don't have those