The 'sarcastically nice' only thread ............

Yea Dave tell me about your thing, or the thing...yea the thing
Sorry, missed this. I am happy to explain.

Until my current grow I had only tried HPS on one other. My strains are classic Bubblegum, classic Paralyzer and had always finished classically :) in 70 days when I used MH, start to finish. I chopped the HPS grow at 75 days and even then felt I was going a little early.

I mentioned it in a post and asked if longer finish times was to be expected with HPS. You see, I am a newb on his 5th grow and looking to learn.

Someone ELSE answered that HPS grows took 14 days longer. I laid out the math showing how significant that was, IF true.
is the "thing, yea the thing".
you ask about.
I am/was skeptical of the 14 days but not of there being some difference.

Mr Sunshine, who trolls me because the trollmaster told him to, runs around misrepresenting the above. Simple as that.

That said, since Alienwidow's shake hands thread I have come to love and appreciate Mr Sunshine and will think of his future trollings as crys for my attention and he will continue to get it.