The Search for Meaning

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I see a lot of people on here, opening up threads to create a dialog about the meaning of life, our purpose for being here, the belief that things happen for a reason, etc. All well and good.
Here's how I feel about it, if you care, and you probably don't, but here it is anyway.
Life is just one big long shuffle to the grave. There is no real purpose for us but to be recycled into the ecosystem. All your money and things mean nothing when you're dead. You're not any more or less "special" than anyone else is on this insignificant piece of debris in this vast universe. You possess no unique affinity, empathy or insight that millions of others don't have. It is highly probable at this point in our history as humans that none of your ideas are completely original. Surely someone else at some point must have touched on what you're thinking right now.
All the shit that stresses you out means nothing in the end. Think of all the time you have wasted mowing your lawn so the neighbors don't start bitching. How hard you tried to be popular in high school. Who gives a fuck?
Anticipation is nearly always better than the reality.
In general, most people are out for themselves and don't really give a shit about you. If you are a good listener, it's likely no one will ever listen to your problems again.
Psychology was founded by a coke head who believed everybody wanted to get it on with their parental units. It has brought us shock therapy, repressed memory syndrome, Haldol. They're people just like you are, and they cannot possibly know what baseline "normal" is because they haven't studied every human mind that exists or ever has existed. They have opinions just like you, and make mistakes just like you. And they keep records of all you tell them. Medical records can be subpoenaed.
Someone is always hotter, has a bigger prick, deeper throat, or tighter pussy.
You WILL die. No matter what you do.

Soooooo....okay. Sorry for the depressing little rant. Here's a hug. And a joint.:peace:


Well-Known Member

So what does this entail?

You seem to be saying "Nothing matters so fuck off and be lazy. Don't mow your lawn or bother with anyone else's opinion. Who gives a shit?"

Should we stop seeking knowledge because we are going to die anyway?

Suppose I stopped mowing my lawn and giving a shit about other peoples' opinion. Suppose because of this my homeowners association has me fined into oblivion, the bank forecloses on my mortgage, my wife and I get busted for cultivating marijuana, my kids are taken from me, and I sit in jail being buttraped for the next 20 years.

It's ok, because the suffering and depression that I go through don't fucking matter - I'm going to die in the end anyway.

Am I understanding this correctly?


Well-Known Member
Psychology was founded by a coke head who believed everybody wanted to get it on with their parental units. It has brought us shock therapy, repressed memory syndrome, Haldol. They're people just like you are, and they cannot possibly know what baseline "normal" is because they haven't studied every human mind that exists or ever has existed.
Not all psychological concepts are based on that 'coke head's point of view. Psychology has brought us many wonderful things, such as understanding, treatment, and sometimes cure. Do you expect that doctors, or any professionals, ever aren't 'people just like you are'? Do I need to study every car engine in the world to get an idea of it's intended operation?

And they keep records of all you tell them. Medical records can be subpoenaed.
Would you prefer that a therapist just wing it from memory and not keep a detailed analysis? Would you prefer that the information be open to the public rather than restricted to subpoena?

Your philosophy seems to be, why shower when you just get dirty again? Why sleep when you'll just be tired again tomorrow. Why eat when you'll just be hungry again later. A true defeatist attitude. I would ask you to remember, it is the journey that matters, not the destination.

You seem to be venting, which is just fine, but you posted it in a place that was sure to receive critical review, and neglected to think things through.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, not what I was saying. I guess my point is, just try to be happy and don't sweat all the small bullshit. And let me edit to explain further: why in the fuck do we even have homeowner's associations? What mental state to we get into to allow a small group of our neighbors to tell us what grass to plant? Why?

So what does this entail?

You seem to be saying "Nothing matters so fuck off and be lazy. Don't mow your lawn or bother with anyone else's opinion. Who gives a shit?"

Should we stop seeking knowledge because we are going to die anyway?

Suppose I stopped mowing my lawn and giving a shit about other peoples' opinion. Suppose because of this my homeowners association has me fined into oblivion, the bank forecloses on my mortgage, my wife and I get busted for cultivating marijuana, my kids are taken from me, and I sit in jail being buttraped for the next 20 years.

It's ok, because the suffering and depression that I go through don't fucking matter - I'm going to die in the end anyway.

Am I understanding this correctly?


Well-Known Member
The key to a happy existence is the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide. - Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I thought things through. My point about psychologists is the stock that is placed in their opinion. They can commit you; folks are often forced to attend therapy sessions by courts, which in my mind makes about as much sense as a forced palm reading. As for studying every car engine, well, compared to the brain, an engine is fairly straightforward. We know how engines function, engine parts are tangible. Thoughts and the processes that drive them are not.
Not all psychological concepts are based on that 'coke head's point of view. Psychology has brought us many wonderful things, such as understanding, treatment, and sometimes cure. Do you expect that doctors, or any professionals, ever aren't 'people just like you are'? Do I need to study every car engine in the world to get an idea of it's intended operation?

Would you prefer that a therapist just wing it from memory and not keep a detailed analysis? Would you prefer that the information be open to the public rather than restricted to subpoena?

Your philosophy seems to be, why shower when you just get dirty again? Why sleep when you'll just be tired again tomorrow. Why eat when you'll just be hungry again later. A true defeatist attitude. I would only ask you to remember, it is the journey that matters, not the destination.

You seem to be venting, which is just fine, but you posted it in a place that was sure to receive critical review, and neglected to think things through.


Well-Known Member
folks are often forced to attend therapy sessions by courts, which in my mind makes about as much sense as a forced palm reading.
This statement I strongly agree with, but you listed several disqualifying attributes to psychology that have nothing to do with the politics. Also known as poisoning the well.

As for studying every car engine, well, compared to the brain, an engine is fairly straightforward. We know how engines function, engine parts are tangible. Thoughts and the processes that drive them are not.
How complicated the object is has nothing to do with it. The fallacy is in believing that we can't reasonably understand functionality without studying every instance.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, I guess that's just my opinion showing. I think psychology is mostly bunk.
This statement I strongly agree with, but you listed several disqualifying attributes to psychology that have nothing to do with the politics. Also known as poisoning the well.

We can understand functionality reasonably, but we cannot say with 100 percent certainty. That leaves a huge margin for error. And when one has that kind of power over the course of another person's life, that makes me nervous.
How complicated the object is has nothing to do with it. The fallacy is in believing that we can't reasonably understand functionality without studying every instance.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Anyway, I guess the meaning of the original message is, don't become too convinced of your importance in the grand scheme of things.


Active Member
Simple. Get off your couch stop thinking so much. Stop searching because you won't find it. Your human your not meant to know the "meaning". I had a bad case of this and the best thing I did was stop looking for the answer I wouldn't find. And in doing that I found the answer.. It is to just live your life, do what makes you happy, get some pussy. Please don't think im shallow minded for saying that. I'm a deep thinker and that was my main problem until I just let go. Yeah life is unexplainable there's so much we don't know .. But that's what keeps us going., why we get up every morning. Lol I hope none of you think I'm crazy I'm just speaking from experience. Peace.
Edit: idk if this has anything to do with the post above I just read the title and replied.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LOL! You only read the title? No the original post?
Simple. Get off your couch stop thinking so much. Stop searching because you won't find it. Your human your not meant to know the "meaning". I had a bad case of this and the best thing I did was stop looking for the answer I wouldn't find. And in doing that I found the answer.. It is to just live your life, do what makes you happy, get some pussy. Please don't think im shallow minded for saying that. I'm a deep thinker and that was my main problem until I just let go. Yeah life is unexplainable there's so much we don't know .. But that's what keeps us going., why we get up every morning. Lol I hope none of you think I'm crazy I'm just speaking from experience. Peace.
Edit: idk if this has anything to do with the post above I just read the title and replied.


Active Member
Ok, I'm a little confused by your post,, I'm not sure wether you are trying to make people realize they should be more humble? Or if they should completely lose there ego and give up on life because there's nothing they haven't done that someone else has? I understand your saying when your dead nothing you've done matters.. But does that mean we should just say fuck it, I'm going to let my grass grow into weeds, grow our hair out, quit our jobs, ect? I'm not trying to be an asshole at all I just need you to enlighten me a bit. Like I realize nobody lives forever but I'm going to make the best out of it. Lol, and I'll continue to mow my lawn every week because it looks nice.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I explained it a few posts later. Basically, I'm saying don't overestimate your importance in the universe, lol.
Ok, I'm a little confused by your post,, I'm not sure wether you are trying to make people realize they should be more humble? Or if they should completely lose there ego and give up on life because there's nothing they haven't done that someone else has? I understand your saying when your dead nothing you've done matters.. But does that mean we should just say fuck it, I'm going to let my grass grow into weeds, grow our hair out, quit our jobs, ect? I'm not trying to be an asshole at all I just need you to enlighten me a bit.


Active Member
Ahh, in other words keep ya ego in check. That would have been alot easier if you just said that. Hahaha.