The Second Circle of Hell

Alter Jean

Well-Known Member

High there. Thanks for visiting. Wanted to share something with you.



(90 Sensi Superskunk x 89NL5) = Old Lady F2
OL F2 x 89NL5 = The North F1 by Melvanetics


TheNorth-003.jpg TheNorth-004.jpg TheNorth-005.jpg TheNorth-006.jpg TheNorth-007.jpg

In the Second Circle of Hell we have 5 plants. Dante and his friend Virgil find people who were overcome by lust. They are punished by being blown violently back and forth by strong winds, preventing them from finding peace and rest. Strong winds symbolize the restlessness of a person who is led by the desire for fleshly pleasures. Just like in Limbo, Dante sees many notable people from history and mythology including Cleopatra, Tristan, Helen of Troy and others who were adulterous during their lifetime.

My soil base here is simple coco x peat x perlite. Nothing additional and I cooked it before sowing. Will water 1/4 strength until I amend the top with some compost and a bit of soil from the uppot mix. The uppot mix is 6 parts. If you care to know what the mix is just ask I can post about it. But a disclaimer: it's always changing. I will add soil from rootballs out of successful tests and re-amend with the base mix most of the time adding some more aeration. For these plants will go from peat pots to .75 gal to 3 gal. Not sure from there. Will need to get a tent for the next move I suppose.

Words from Mel:

"My 1989 NL 5 that is currently being auctioned at the **** ***** are F3s on my end, but it was obviously a worked line already. They were made from seed provided from the original stock of '89 NL 5 that were never released due to the breeder's incarceration. They cannot be called Sensi as they never made it to the that year's catalog.

They did not come from bodhi or maddfarmer, although the female clone they have was mother to my seed, but that clone was donated to them from a mutual friend we all share. I chose to take the seed, not the clone, for the specific purpose of hunting a male to preserve the seed. I still have the male and am planning F4 BX1 for regular release sometime in the next year.

I don't hang here, but I will pop in to check this thread. Please feel free to ask me any questions you like, other than who handed me the seeds because I am not allowed to share that.

And, here's some pics for you. If you're old enough to remember her, then you recognize her. I am very excited to have the opportunity to reintroduce this girl to the breeding pool, which is why I specifically put 15 in the auction packs, so that others can work with her and get her stable genetic back in the pool.

>> Mel's Post

So we have an original NL5 leaning skunk cross based on the history and genes. These are the original F1's.

The one that grows more slowly and is very small... In my opinion, these are the ones that are very close to the Mother (Parent) plants.
But only just a thought. I'm pulling that one and another slower one aside for the moment.

Feel free to say hallo. Any input you might have on the plants is great. Not growing for weight.
Most of my friends are trapped in Limbo. I'll be hanging here for the most part until they break free.

Comments are always welcome and you are appreciated.

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Pictured they are under 9W full spectrum LED.
Only recieved 5 seeds. Infinite thanks to Mel for all the work.
Also Thanks to the person who trusted me enough to gift them.

Since we only have 5 plants I might add one more. Who knows. Beatrix Choice is on my mind.
The other two things in random pots there, don't worry about those. They are just some lonely Begonias.

Thanks for stopping by :blsmoke:
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Very interested in how these will turn out for you. 89NL5 crosses/offspring are something I've wanted to grow outside again for a long time now.
Hi there Tangerine :blsmoke:

Hopefully they turn out alright in my care! Have some plans with them.

Outside plants are so beautiful. Don't get me wrong a nice indoor canopy is dank... But a well kept monster?
Bathing in the sunlight? Dripping in resin as those water leaves curl in on themselves like a wave? Count me in.

These plants here will be nursed for quite some time.. No outside plans (yet... I'll leave that up to you).
So I hope you don't get bored. I'll try not to write too long of stories.

Key word: try

Anyways, I appreciate you stopping through. Hope you had a pleasant weekend

( I know nobody ever listens to the youtube links but hey, one day.. someone is going to realize all that gold they missed)
holy fkn shitballs are those really F2 NL#5s....from 1989??
Hey there Mudballs. The seed I have is not from 89. The parent is and these are the F1's from 2017/18

I tried to include a snippet from Mel about her 89NL in the original post.
This one is unique to me. So you are partially correct. These aren't some random NL beans.

Happy Sunday to everyone

F1's ok yes my mistake. F1's from a 1989 NL is just man
Everytime I look at the plants, I get that feeling. So I know what you mean.

I have an addiction or something... To finding seeds that give me a thrill to grow.
It gives me that first time feeling lol. Still running from cops! (jk never did that)

Can I #1 sprout them #2 keep them alive? We will find out :blsmoke:

I just fed them this morning. They look happy so, more pics to come.
Thanks for saying hello
We'll you sure don't mess with the ordinary.
These are awesome! Happy hunting!

How goes it Budderton? Let's tray and make something extraordinary happen.

Thanks for your comments. The two slow growers have me concerned a bit as they aren't just slow but the leaves are looking pretty depressed. The one slower plant that is already transplanted wasn't looking as this one. Thinking it might be the medium.. So letting it dry up a bit longer in the peat pot before putting it along with the others.


Let's grow :blsmoke:

Cool post @Alter Jean . Great to know people have these kinds of stashes.

Hey there. Much appreciated. I really enjoy collecting and growing, so hoping a few people will recognize some of these plants.
A few of my friends put my stash to shame though.. Honestly

Thanks everyone for tagging along and commenting. Happy Sundaze & Keep it green
Very healthy looking youngens! The potential for old school x new school is strong will these ones! ( And old school x old school for that matter)
Funny thing is, I remember when NL was the new school. Those adds in the Sensi Seed Bank catalog warning about lose of bowel control was motivation to travel to the Dam on a seed gathering mission back in the mid 90's. Gotta have that stuff that makes you crap your pants, right?!
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Looking good dude. I see Princess Leia is following along as well.

Weird he’s never started a journey with his clone only green crack he must have that thing disliked right in after growing it a decade already :)
Morning everyone!

@MustGro Let's grow it. Hoping for 50/50 male / fem but looking like the fems might be out numbered.. Still early to tell

@Budderton Thanks for that. Haha and that is the goal.. Stuff that makes you crap your pants! LOL made me laugh.
I agree there is lot's of potential in both directions. I am going to do my best to not get in the way of that potential.
For I have one/two set of plans with it. Want the heaviest 89 to keep. Secondly Ss = Afghan × SK so if it works the way they say then F2's will have the SK pop up in it. If not then maybe need to hunt from all angles unfortunatley. A selfed plant will show us these things. With that I say this for my notes Sk is 2/3 sativa...Ss is 50/50.... but a little taller than a pure indica or mostly indica. Also ss wouldn't have super broad leaves...maybe a blend at best

@bk78 What's up bro? Thanks for the comments. Hopefully pull something cool here.
Also, he can watch.. But he's smart enough to not leave any crumbs that I can follow back to their rat cave. Getting sloppier though.

@ Everyone else I hope you have a wonderful Wednezday. I appreciate you guys.
I just got some Blonde Espresso and going to give it a try. Never had it but apparently it is stronger.. :blsmoke:
Alright @bk78 I've gotta ask you a cat question. Is Sabre a regular cat or some special breed? I don't think I've ever seen leopard spots on a housecat. They don't show up well in this pic but there was another one where you could see them real well.
He's obviously not declawed...
I always get a chuckle out of your signature. You can dish it out pretty well but not a lot of people would put those replies in their signature. Gotta give you credit, takes a certain amount of moxy to do that.
Mixing up some light feed. Figured I'd drop my friends organic soil mix.
My feeds will vary but most of the time in veg 0.7-1.2 EC and I use Earth Juice elements.
I have a secondary nutrient schedule but will maybe divulge that later.

Both are 5 parts but with earth juice in a pinch it is OK to only use Grow and Bloom.
This is speaking for my soil mix only. Probably wouldn't be as successful in coco because coco likes consistency.

SS#4, Atomi Coco, Black Gold, Master's Nursery Bumper Crop and Bioactive Cow Manure

Special ingredients:

Paramagnetic Rock & Larger Perlite


Meet Baby Bu
