Alter Jean
Well-Known Member
High there. Thanks for visiting. Wanted to share something with you.

(90 Sensi Superskunk x 89NL5) = Old Lady F2
OL F2 x 89NL5 = The North F1 by Melvanetics

In the Second Circle of Hell we have 5 plants. Dante and his friend Virgil find people who were overcome by lust. They are punished by being blown violently back and forth by strong winds, preventing them from finding peace and rest. Strong winds symbolize the restlessness of a person who is led by the desire for fleshly pleasures. Just like in Limbo, Dante sees many notable people from history and mythology including Cleopatra, Tristan, Helen of Troy and others who were adulterous during their lifetime.
My soil base here is simple coco x peat x perlite. Nothing additional and I cooked it before sowing. Will water 1/4 strength until I amend the top with some compost and a bit of soil from the uppot mix. The uppot mix is 6 parts. If you care to know what the mix is just ask I can post about it. But a disclaimer: it's always changing. I will add soil from rootballs out of successful tests and re-amend with the base mix most of the time adding some more aeration. For these plants will go from peat pots to .75 gal to 3 gal. Not sure from there. Will need to get a tent for the next move I suppose.
Words from Mel:
"My 1989 NL 5 that is currently being auctioned at the **** ***** are F3s on my end, but it was obviously a worked line already. They were made from seed provided from the original stock of '89 NL 5 that were never released due to the breeder's incarceration. They cannot be called Sensi as they never made it to the that year's catalog.
They did not come from bodhi or maddfarmer, although the female clone they have was mother to my seed, but that clone was donated to them from a mutual friend we all share. I chose to take the seed, not the clone, for the specific purpose of hunting a male to preserve the seed. I still have the male and am planning F4 BX1 for regular release sometime in the next year.
I don't hang here, but I will pop in to check this thread. Please feel free to ask me any questions you like, other than who handed me the seeds because I am not allowed to share that.
And, here's some pics for you. If you're old enough to remember her, then you recognize her. I am very excited to have the opportunity to reintroduce this girl to the breeding pool, which is why I specifically put 15 in the auction packs, so that others can work with her and get her stable genetic back in the pool. "
>> Mel's Post
So we have an original NL5 leaning skunk cross based on the history and genes. These are the original F1's.
The one that grows more slowly and is very small... In my opinion, these are the ones that are very close to the Mother (Parent) plants.
But only just a thought. I'm pulling that one and another slower one aside for the moment.
Feel free to say hallo. Any input you might have on the plants is great. Not growing for weight.
Most of my friends are trapped in Limbo. I'll be hanging here for the most part until they break free.
Comments are always welcome and you are appreciated.

Pictured they are under 9W full spectrum LED.
Only recieved 5 seeds. Infinite thanks to Mel for all the work.
Also Thanks to the person who trusted me enough to gift them.
Since we only have 5 plants I might add one more. Who knows. Beatrix Choice is on my mind.
The other two things in random pots there, don't worry about those. They are just some lonely Begonias.
Thanks for stopping by

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