The second half of my First Harvest


Well-Known Member
My first grow consisted of two different setups. I had lowlife automatic ak 47 hindu kush in the aerogarden and the church feminized from green house seeds ordered from attitude. I also got 5 power skunk seeds free with my order. I paid the insurance so I wouldnt lose my money, and got the stealth shipping. I recieved my order within a week. I only got one seed from the church to take. This was my frist grwo so I ended up using soil from walmart and a 3 gallon( i think) pot. After trying LST with my autoflowers and reading up on the church, I decided that LST was the way to go with this plant. I Transplanted the seedling and started with 2 26 watt cfl light bulbs, eventually moving to 4. I was entertained enough with the autoflowering process and didnt want to try to flower with 4 household light bulbs , so I let the plant veg until I was able to acquire the right lighting. This was in August 2008. I experimented with cloning but I only had success with one. I did two separate runs of ak-hk and half way thru the second run purchased the 400w hps from htg supply for 119. I put the church to veg under the hps from october until december and let it veg for another 2 months or so while starting more seeds and trying my hand at cloning. I only had success with one taking root and decided to flower this one, leaving me with separating the plants I wanted to flower and the ones that were vegging. This became too much work around the first of december and with no clones taking put all my plants to flower. I ended up with 7 plants at different stage of flowering. The clone has been harvested,I think a week too early. The church will be 9 weeks flowering on feb 11th. I have already started the flush. The buds look amazing and there are SO many more bud site than just letting the plant grow straight up. I have yet to experiment with topping or any kind of cutting. Here are the pics I have so far.

Vegging with hps




Well-Known Member
These were taken right before harvest after trimming the bigger leaves and giving her 24 hours of darkness. And if I put the pics in order the last one is of the buds drying. After 2 hours of trimming I left most of the smaller buds on the lower half of the plant and am going to try to transplant to a larger pot and re-veg. More pics after the cure.
