The second impeachment of Donald trump*

They may be waiting for the court battle to end first.
I was curious why the house only handed down two articles, my double barrel mentality, I guess. But, leaving the articles out that will allege crimes is making some sense now, being that Trump's defense attorneys argued that you can't impeach a president without a crime for three days straight. Could Allen dirtbagowitz be more right a third time? Not that it will matter, at this point I think trump really could shoot someone. These republican senators are obviously spineless cowards, and trump has called them out on it. Hopefully 2020 resembles 2018, vote these cowards out.
This ain't over, the hearings and testimony will continue through the spring and summer up until labor day, then shit will continue to fall from the sky. Congress will have key public testimony and documents by labor day, probably Trump's taxes too, once it breaks the bottom will drop out quickly in the house and it will cascade.

The TV ads that will be run against GOP senators this fall will take your breath away.
This ain't over, the hearings and testimony will continue through the spring and summer up until labor day, then shit will continue to fall from the sky. Congress will have key public testimony and documents by labor day, probably Trump's taxes too, once it breaks the bottom will drop out quickly in the house and it will cascade.

The TV ads that will be run against GOP senators this fall will take your breath away.
I do believe that was part of the strategy.
I do believe that was part of the strategy.
Yer reading Nancy's mind, get close to the election and paint the GOP senate into a corner with a slam dunk, simple as shit impeachment trial, a story that a child could follow. If they acquit Trump, pummel them and Trump all summer with investigations and shit falling from the sky. Soon witnesses and documents will be compelled by the courts, the case of McGhan has been settled and he will be before the house along with Bolton and others. It will be a shit storm for the republicans and Trump right up to labor day and beyond. No wonder so many of them are "retiring" from the house, they are all gonna be running against a strong headwind, before it's over not even Dixie might safe for some of them.
Its game over dudes. 2nd impeachment..rly..come on do you really want to destroy your entire party off. Know when to quit.
At this point it would be worth it, Trump is using the full power of the Presidency as his personal re-election campaign. And the 'Right' is fully locked in now, let's all see what skeletons start popping out from everyone's closets in the House and Senate with these Russian paid Republicans that are holding office.

The Democrats tried to play it tight and just target Trump, but the Republicans were too stupid not to take the deal because they fear his ability to burn them online.
At this point it would be worth it, Trump is using the full power of the Presidency as his personal re-election campaign. And the 'Right' is fully locked in now, let's all see what skeletons start popping out from everyone's closets in the House and Senate with these Russian paid Republicans that are holding office.

The Democrats tried to play it tight and just target Trump, but the Republicans were too stupid not to take the deal because they fear his ability to burn them online.
You all call cover up or whatever everytime ya lose. Its boring now. Ever since this, no one believes the media or democrats anymore. Sorry over.
Have you ever met a Russian that lives in Russia? Not an american russian.
You all call cover up or whatever everytime ya lose. Its boring now. Ever since this, no one believes the media or democrats anymore. Sorry over.
Have you ever met a Russian that lives in Russia? Not an american russian.
You have the highest average daily post count in this subforum by far in the last week. It's not even close.

When is your meltdown going to end?
You all call cover up or whatever everytime ya lose. Its boring now. Ever since this, no one believes the media or democrats anymore. Sorry over.
Have you ever met a Russian that lives in Russia? Not an american russian.
The guy can't own his charity anymore. He didn't pay his taxes, he's been ruled against in countless court cases for fraud ect. He's on record bragging about his sex crimes, he's had countless women come forward with rape testimonies. Trump is not the guy you'd want giving your daughter a ride home from school. The guy is the shit stain on the inside of the toilet bowl. There is a MAJOR cover up going on. The Trump attorney rest their case on unfounded legal technicalities, they don't dispute his actions. The guy is guilty as sin and he's getting off on legal technicalities because republicans are allowing it! Puke.
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You all call cover up or whatever everytime ya lose.

As I said in a different thread, all US citizens lost today, including yourself. You're so hyper-focused on Mr. Trump that you fail to see that your representatives have selfishly put themselves and their interests above that of the people.

This whole fiasco has caused egregious, long-lasting irreparable harm to the United States, both internally and on an International scale.

Trump will continue to behave in his irrational, erratic and unhinged ways, stealing from you, the taxpayer (assuming you do pay taxes), eroding international ties, causing prices to rise due to the ongoing trade wars (and no, tariffs are NOT income despite what Trump continues to say), destroying services his own supporters heavily rely on (public education, health care, social security etc), continuing to destroy the environment (allowing pollution and destruction, and allowing private corporations access to Federal park lands etc) among a host of other nefarious actions.

How anyone can think that Trump is "America First" is wildly beyond me. Trump is Trump-only. He acts like nothing more than a 12 year old bully online, while his wife pretends to be an anti-bully advocate. That's how much respect he has for anyone but himself. None.
You all call cover up or whatever everytime ya lose. Its boring now. Ever since this, no one believes the media or democrats anymore. Sorry over.
Have you ever met a Russian that lives in Russia? Not an american russian.
Where are the dems wrong. Point out where their story breaks down. What exactly is wrong about having eyewitness testimony (aside from the fact that it would compromise the lies republicans want to tell themselves)?
Where are the dems wrong. Point out where their story breaks down. What exactly is wrong about having eyewitness testimony (aside from the fact that it would compromise the lies republicans want to tell themselves)?
You see, dear phist, as the OJ defense lawyer said, by definition anything the president does to get elected is acting in the national interest. So, if the president commits a crime in order to get elected, he cannot be impeached and removed from office for doing so. From this most perfect and genius legal argument, and now that we have a precedent set, President Trump may tear up the Constitution and put one of his own in its place because whatever he does is in the national interest. Therefore we should all start calling him Donald the First and refer to Ivanka as Princess Ivanka because anything he does is in the national interest because that's what kings do.

Got it?

I'm surprised I had to explain that to you.