The Secret Garden- Twin Blackstar 240.


Well-Known Member
Welcome and enter "The Secret Garden"

Praise be to Apollo for granting us his life giving energy.

Twin. Blackstar 240 2012 flower models.

I recently just moved these plants from my first stealth build 65" Stow and grow TV.

This unit will now be used for veg and I will probably let that thread die off for the most part.

Plants are currently in day 17 of flower.

Purple Wreck. ( my lil rockstar)

Lemon OG Kush-
I don't have a recent photo of her for some reason. This one's from like a week ago, she had some random stretching so I tied her up to a cage. Will get new pics asap.

Skywalker OG.
This girl didn't have much time to veg before going into flower and she was topped just a few days before and didn't have time sprout much. Shes starting to take off now. I tied the sides off to the cage and I am debating on tying the two centers or making it more of a pyramid shape with two big colas in the mid. ... guess I just made up my mind lol.
I don't think I will have any penetration issues (hehe) with this one do you?

Popcorn anyone?

I just got back from a 4 day trip up to Duluth MN. The girls had it a little rough but the two bagseeds had it the worst. Their one gallon pots dried out too quick and they suffered.

but just like the rest of the beatings I intentionally put them through they bounced right back... albeit a little ragged.

That's all for tonight, work a little crazy next few days. Can't wait to get some new pics of the girls up soon.

