Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call natural science occult. Scientists share their findings.
i have some idols too, you gonna try ans stone me?illuminati
bohemian grove
The world is run by the rich which work together in a secret occult to manipulate mankind.
This is what our Presidents and politicians do.
This contains info about bohemian grove --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove
This is a section from Wikipedia the site in the link above
] Important political and business deals have been developed at the Grove.[5]
The Grove is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there in September 1942, which subsequently led to the atomic bomb.
Those attending this meeting included Ernest Lawrence, U.C. Berkeley colleague Robert Oppenheimer, various military officials, the S-1 Committee heads such as the presidents of Harvard, Yale and Princeton along with representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric.
BELOW is video of the grove worshiping a demon called "moloch"
This is what Wikipedia say's about moloch
As a god worshipped by the Phoenicians and Canaanites, Moloch had associations with a particular kind of propitiatory child sacrifice by parents. Moloch figures in the (THE HOLY BIBLE) Book of Deuteronomy and in the Book of Leviticus as a form of idolatry (Leviticus 18:21: "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch"). In the Old Testament, Gehenna was a valley by Jerusalem, where apostate Israelites and followers of various Baalim and Caananite gods, including Moloch, sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6; Jer. 7:31, 19:2–6).
Ahhh, but they bury these secrets of the Universe in mathematical appendices, through complexly derived and contrived equations of the mysteries (not unlike arcane spells). Much of it is impenetrable to the average human, or forgotten amongst dusty shelves and storage boxes.I wouldn't call natural science occult. Scientists share their findings.
You might be on to something here. Maybe if science were more accessible it wouldn't seem like magic. I think at the core what we have in such a debate is essentially the oldest philosophical duality known. It can be found in some form or another lurking beneath the surface of any debate, from friendly to polemic.Ahhh, but they bury these secrets of the Universe in mathematical appendices, through complexly derived and contrived equations of the mysteries (not unlike arcane spells). Much of it is impenetrable to the average human, or forgotten amongst dusty shelves and storage boxes.
While those with the knowledge have the power to control the very forces of nature, and bend them to their will; akin to demi-gods...and the masses are captured in awe.
Some of those masses go on to the Secret Halls of Academia, to train under priests and wizards--guardians of the deeper secrets; gatekeepers of enlightenment, etc.
I'd say that qualifies as occult, by definition.
I can only really offer an opinion from the Physics side of Nat Sci, to which I'd say it is a Rebis (not to be confused with rebus, although it is certainly one of those, too).Back to science. If I understand you correctly, you are sardonically expressing a desire for science to be more accessible. You are scientifically proficient and wish that a higher percentage of mankind were also.
If this is correct, you are of the opinion that what has been called magic has simply been research, as science is today. If not, and you are not being sarcastic, science is magic.
ok, so youre retarded.This whole Darwin lie propaganda is pushed so government doesn't have problems when people are killing people in the holocaust coming.
When they start killing millions of people and claim they are doing it for the greater good religion is the worlds problem.
Then you will realize their religion, darwins religion is worshipping the anti Christ.
How obvious things are it's painfully hilarious.
This brain washing anti Christ religion is like the Nazi Holocaust.
Will you care if you see people being killed for no reason? You just consider yourself pond scum, and other human beings too why is murder not okay right?
The population is going to have a shock when they realize they are in a battle of Good vs evil. And they willingly let themselves be exterminated like sheep. Lets see the Georgia guidstones say reduce the population to 500 million, we have like what 7 Billion?
You think you will be one of the "elite" that doesn't get killed? LOL no they will disarm the people, kill the threats first, drag masses to fema camps, kill them in groups there, keep a small amount of people to be slaved and make slaves.
Just like how people are scared to read THE HOLY BIBLE people will be scared to even watch these videos.
A lot of people think they can just stick their head in the sand like a ostrich, and continue to waste their life away doing whatever it is they do in their little hole they have created from reality.
Movies, Shows, videogames, facebook, pornography...
"Nothing bad could ever happen to me" they think." Not here not now.... I will deal with it when it happens haha no use worrying now! haha.........." - That's the devil stealing the truth form you...
People don't like talking about death, talking about hell and sin... Because it makes them FEEL uncomfortable so they avoid it..
They avoid PAIN...
Prolonging the pain is making it unfathomably worse for yourself.... Stop procrastinating and address the issues.
Stop being afraid.
Hallelujah that we get to be here in this pivotal point in time before the great judgment day of THE LORD. Glory to LORD THE CREATOR and HIS Son LORD JESUS CHRIST forever and ever Amen.
This whole Darwin lie propaganda is pushed so government doesn't have problems when people are killing people in the holocaust coming.
When they start killing millions of people and claim they are doing it for the greater good religion is the worlds problem.
Then you will realize their religion, darwins religion is worshipping the anti Christ.
How obvious things are it's painfully hilarious.
This brain washing anti Christ religion is like the Nazi Holocaust.
Will you care if you see people being killed for no reason? You just consider yourself pond scum, and other human beings too why is murder not okay right?
The population is going to have a shock when they realize they are in a battle of Good vs evil. And they willingly let themselves be exterminated like sheep. Lets see the Georgia guidstones say reduce the population to 500 million, we have like what 7 Billion?
You think you will be one of the "elite" that doesn't get killed? LOL no they will disarm the people, kill the threats first, drag masses to fema camps, kill them in groups there, keep a small amount of people to be slaved and make slaves.
Just like how people are scared to read THE HOLY BIBLE people will be scared to even watch these videos.
A lot of people think they can just stick their head in the sand like a ostrich, and continue to waste their life away doing whatever it is they do in their little hole they have created from reality.
Movies, Shows, videogames, facebook, pornography...
"Nothing bad could ever happen to me" they think." Not here not now.... I will deal with it when it happens haha no use worrying now! haha.........." - That's the devil stealing the truth form you...
People don't like talking about death, talking about hell and sin... Because it makes them FEEL uncomfortable so they avoid it..
They avoid PAIN...
Prolonging the pain is making it unfathomably worse for yourself.... Stop procrastinating and address the issues.
Stop being afraid.
Hallelujah that we get to be here in this pivotal point in time before the great judgment day of THE LORD. Glory to LORD THE CREATOR and HIS Son LORD JESUS CHRIST forever and ever Amen.
"Forbidden Truth" is on my reading list; between "50 Shades of Grey," and the back of a box of Froot Loops^^^ I covered these cult religions in my thread forbidden truth.
When THE HOLY BIBLE says take up the serpent and not be bitten it's talking about Satan as the serpent not a poisonous snake.
If you did a little research you would know how ignorant this is and how that's NOT what GOD wants you to do...
Obvious you're trying to change the topic..
This isn't something that can go away, and even if they promised you a spot if you're a mason or police or military...When they are done using you THEY WILL KILL YOU then you have to answer to GOD. Which everyone will.... There was seven videos hours long and you reply minutes after my post and claim is all a lie!!! Watching them in that time would be impossible.Who would post on things before they even know what it is?I don't think half of the replies on this site is real I think it's filled with little undercover informant spies designed to break up people gathering and obtaining information.
Like youtube.
its practicing its stone-throwing pose..............
I find your cult of child molestors offensive, I don't spam bullshit everywhere about it tho.Also I want to state I'm not a anonymous. I'm a servant for the Lord. And I'm against satanic occultism. AKA illuminati Praise GOD and Praise the son of GOD JESUS CHRIST.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. - Matthew chapter 10
^^^ I covered these cult religions in my thread forbidden truth.
When THE HOLY BIBLE says take up the serpent and not be bitten it's talking about Satan as the serpent not a poisonous snake.
If you did a little research you would know how ignorant this is and how that's NOT what GOD wants you to do...
Obvious you're trying to change the topic..
This isn't something that can go away, and even if they promised you a spot if you're a mason or police or military...When they are done using you THEY WILL KILL YOU then you have to answer to GOD. Which everyone will.... There was seven videos hours long and you reply minutes after my post and claim is all a lie!!! Watching them in that time would be impossible.Who would post on things before they even know what it is?I don't think half of the replies on this site is real I think it's filled with little undercover informant spies designed to break up people gathering and obtaining information.
Like youtube.