dip (rinse) them in light soap & water solution.
then do it again.
id mix a fresh batch of soap/water for rinse #2.
when they dry, and after you got them in the cloner , rooters, or whatever, id neem them top & undersides.
examine the cuts real close for mites BEFORE you take them home !!! especially !!!
mite damage is easy to see like little specs (pinpricks) on the leaves.
those fuckers ...they hide underneath ...so look under leaves.
me personally, id NEVER bring outside inside.
too much to loose in my space.
once you get mite you'll be very very upset cause they hang for a while & come back if you dont treat to DESTROY.
maybe you got some ladybugs?
i found one outside and brought him straight into the lab yesterday

got me a bug bully. i call him "shorty rock".
& no mites here. THANK JEBUS.
but one time :: i had them sent by a farmer from opengrow... cause he so fucking cool with those cutty cuts.
friends, how many of us have them?
friends, one's you can depend on?
friends, the kind...