The Seed Collectors Thread

Yes as it always will be, and if you cant handle it, get your ass to the uk or some shit.

word. if someone in that crowd had their CC, it would have been half the tradjedy..


if guns kill people then i can tell my chick that it was my dick that fucked that stripper last night..
Originally Posted by Swerve
milovan hahaha you do realize im from the SFV right ...thats my stomping grounds hahahaha... rookie hahahaha
you even know anyone in the sfv that is the reason why og exists.? or did you jump in a few years ago and og is your things man...


do some research before u spout stupid shit like that....

fuck ur og kush bro, ill never buy ur seeds bro, ur a dick to plp. i bet ur bigger hermaphrodite then ur gear.
yes. exactly. recut & do that rooting hormone magic.

treat them same as any clone once you get them home.

EXCEPT from outside to inside ========> make sure you treat them several times for bugs !!!
i heard, read, & researched his deadhead og.

they say it's a banger.

gudkarma got some trade bait for that one & only CC strain.
dear firefox ,

fuck you for not playing pandora ! and not fixing that fucking problem intuitively !!!!

2012 and all.

chrome installed & digging it.

hey i dont want 2 sound like a noob, but how should i go about de-bugging em? and ya i might cut the tahoe i have in veg down and piss on it tonight........
dip (rinse) them in light soap & water solution.

then do it again.
id mix a fresh batch of soap/water for rinse #2.

when they dry, and after you got them in the cloner , rooters, or whatever, id neem them top & undersides.

examine the cuts real close for mites BEFORE you take them home !!! especially !!!

mite damage is easy to see like little specs (pinpricks) on the leaves.
those fuckers ...they hide underneath look under leaves.

me personally, id NEVER bring outside inside.
too much to loose in my space.

once you get mite you'll be very very upset cause they hang for a while & come back if you dont treat to DESTROY.

maybe you got some ladybugs?

i found one outside and brought him straight into the lab yesterday :-) free.

got me a bug bully. i call him "shorty rock".

& no mites here. THANK JEBUS.

but one time :: i had them sent by a farmer from opengrow... cause he so fucking cool with those cutty cuts.

friends, how many of us have them?
friends, one's you can depend on?
friends, the kind...

thank u gud, ya my buddy just got a supper bad infestation, so i a bit worried. should i be neeming my plants? i used some vegtable garden spray from job lot when they went out in april. im going 2 treat real good and even just root and veg em up in my shed just 2 keep them totaly away from my plants
and yah, i use chrome as well, i love how i can have multiple tabs open at once.. my only thing is i somehow just managed to dload some stupid fucking tool bar for it the other day and it's making shit super slow, and i can't figure out how to uninstall it, it's been pissing me off for about 2 days now.. i even tried to use firefox instead, but fuck ff, i'll use the slow chrome..

i'm thinking about uninstalling chrome and reinstalling it and see if that gets rid of this bs toolbar.. :)
damn. id really like that one.

id consider a pork chop with TWO cali connex strains for that one.


no worries cause im running 5 of those classic seeds afgoo x romulan (joe's cut) as soon as they show.

i lost all the G13 skunk #1... its like they spounted to live their entire lives as seedlings. wtf cheap freebies!

my blue cheese did the same. 15 for ZERO on barneys farm. superb numbers ;-)

so i got some room to crack 5 beans & think classic gives me the best shot at a dank winner that nobodys running.

** you pork chop & grill first thing monday morning bro , my word. **

& thanks for thinking about me & being so generous !!!
damn. id really like that one.

id consider a pork chop with TWO cali connex strains for that one.


no worries cause im running 5 of those classic seeds afgoo x romulan (joe's cut) as soon as they show.

i lost all the G13 skunk #1... its like they spounted to live their entire lives as seedlings. wtf cheap freebies!

my blue cheese did the same. 15 for ZERO on barneys farm. superb numbers ;-)

so i got some room to crack 5 beans & think classic gives me the best shot at a dank winner that nobodys running.

** you chop monday morning bro. my word. **

& thanks for thinking about me & being so generous !!!

ya i got 3 packs from classics on the way chemdogXalphaD , humbolt purple, and whatever free pack i get.
I'll be watchin that classic seeds AfgooXRomJoe's grow, I have a pack that is near the top of my list.

Just popped full packs of Candy Queen and Bio-Diesel, will have room for another full pack in about a week, im thinkin I might run SoCal's "Dawg" ChemDXChemD