Skunk I see your growing skills at a couple other sites I'm on. Keep it green broham
What did the ban hammer come flying out again and everyone bailed?
Same issue i had with breedbay forum activation email was going to spam and auto deleted
once that was fixed i got right in! Same thing for tsd
I checked my spam folders and don't have anything set on auto delete..
I even pm'ed monster drank and nada..
I am pretty sure it.stems from my repeating wbw's claim of not getting his order when tsd first opened as I know my post was seen by JD or w/e admin is over there and they didn't like it..
Oh effin well is what I say.. I'm a member on enough forums and sure as shit ain't going to beg tsd to activate me.. I feel I'm a pretty solid member of each and every site I belong to and tsd's loss is another sites gain..