The Seed Collectors Thread

G13 Labs Sour AK Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds G13A48 1 £29.99 DNA Genetics Kandy Kush x Skunk
Reg Seeds Per Pack - 13 Seeds DNAW35 1 £54.99 TGA Subcool Seeds Deep Purple
Reg Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds TGAO125 1 £29.99 Nirvana Seeds Wonder Woman Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds NIRQ21/NSF558 1 £24.99 Nirvana Seeds Snow White Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds NIRC21/NSF543 1 £24.99 UFO#5 Dinafem Seeds Moby Dick
FREE SEED 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF UFO#4 Dinafem Seeds Critical Jack Autoflowering
FREE SEED 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF FREE G13 Labs Auto AK Feminzed
October Promo 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF FREE G13 Labs Purple Haze Feminized
October Promo 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF FREE G13 Labs Pineapple Express Feminized
October Promo 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF UFO#1 Paradise Nebula Feminized
FREE SEED 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF UFO#2 Paradise Seeds Wappa Feminized
FREE SEED 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF UFO#3 Paradise Seeds Acid Feminized
FREE SEED 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF DNA Genetics Pure Afghan 13 seeds
DNA-017 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF Order Date/Time: Oct 07 2011, 20:10 PM Payment Method: SagePay Shipping Method: INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS
Crush Proof Tins
Subtotal: £164.95 Discount Coupon
- £0.00 Total Tax: £0.00 Shipping: £16.50 Grand Total: £181.45

should be here tomorrow!! and yes i just realized my coupon code didnt go through!! dammit lol
i wish i knew more about generic weed becuz it says its a heavy yielder of purp buds and id like that around.
its here everywhere, we get exotic strains once a year if that. its good but variety is better. just go all out everything you can think of . all i can think of. does give promising results when your bro give you a bud that had a seed in it. O and for the sake of sanity please be diligent on the taste, may come around all the time but doesnt mean it should taste like ash
its here everywhere, we get exotic strains once a year if that. its good but variety is better. just go all out everything you can think of . all i can think of. does give promising results when your bro give you a bud that had a seed in it. O and for the sake of sanity please be diligent on the taste, may come around all the time but doesnt mean it should taste like ash

Hahahahaha ever have that feeling where something goes right over your head?
Knobs or no0bs? I don't know but I'm about to insist Hempstead makes us all wear badges and secret handshakes to get into this club!!
To whoever the guy was that cant figure out how to order on CZ, you don't wait for your membership to get upgraded... Your membership gets upgraded once you've made your first order... Just pm Mr. C with your order and hell send you the info.. then once its all said and done ull be able to access all the forums and marketplaces...

Ill be passing out now...(high as fuck...)
Does anyone know when the tude gets new ufo freebies? and when do they ad new deals? like the hazeman that just left lol??

i think it 's like the first few days of every month, like mayb 3 - 5 of each month that they have their monthly specials... as far as other offers, they come and go pretty much all of the time... you've just got to keep an eye pearched over there pretty much all of the time...
either that, or be a member in one of the most kick ass threads on this site and let you friends do the watching for you, lol.. :)
If its not letting you enter the forum or market then mr c needs to approve your account.
Im pretty sure he was in the market lookin at the descriptions, but your right if he just signed up he may need to be approved...
I think the approval process is fairly quick though...
Does anyone have any idea on when the drawing for the tudes amsterdamn tickets are? i entered but have no idea on when or if they would notify me that i was actually entered or when they will let the winner know if they won or not.
Still can't figure out why TCVG named that strain Generic Weed? When I think of generic I think of a white can with black letters that say "BEER", not some bomb ass chronic