The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
some photos of "nug city"... current.



New Member
via a transponder.

its not a smart meter in the modern "big brother" sense.

just allows the meter reader to do that meter reading biz outside.

can you imagine dude having to come in the house?

nope. i cant.


Well-Known Member
via a transponder.

its not a smart meter in the modern "big brother" sense.

just allows the meter reader to do that meter reading biz outside.

can you imagine dude having to come in the house?

nope. i cant.
cool, didnt know they could read them wirelessly like that.

still weird that its inside though.

lol, no, i couldnt imagine....having to move branches out of the way to see the meter..yeah, you wouldnt last long.

just heard about a week ago that around here, they hope to have all houses upgraded to smart meters before the end of the year.


New Member
they're trying that here too.

but you dont have to upgrade & im certain you can choose not to.

remember those meters can give information like freq. range , times things turn off/on , and more ... which can easily be linked to HID usage!!!

if they ever hit me up for a smart meter... imma fight till they force me.


Well-Known Member
they're trying that here too.

but you dont have to upgrade & im certain you can choose not to.

remember those meters can give information like freq. range , times things turn off/on , and more ... which can easily be linked to HID usage!!!

if they ever hit me up for a smart meter... imma fight till they force me.
yup, the choice goes to the homeowner...thats why i said they HOPE ;) ....cuz they sure as fuck wont get me to switch, or a lot of other people around here. especially since i know quite a few people who flip their meters over for a while during the month to roll back the clock..

if you rent though, you dont have the choice, the landlord/owner does.

you're correct...the meters will tell the company all sorts of shit that can get ya in trouble. also, my buddy's father in law is a big wig at our major power company, they are working on a program that will send them automatic alerts for suspicious usage and routines. like if the power usage for a house jumps and then drops off everyday at the same a grow light schedule.

i love the idea of the smart meters in order to get rid of meters readers...just think of all the money that would be saved in wages and gas....but hate the idea for obvious reasons.

i'd like a smart meter that sends a report once a month of only how much power i used, no specifics.


Well-Known Member
any word on the Space Dawg?? What happened? is it gonna happen? when? where? how much? damn it man I'm gettin antsy.........


Well-Known Member
any word on the Space Dawg?? What happened? is it gonna happen? when? where? how much? damn it man I'm gettin antsy.........
Who the fvck knows....
I asked attitude yesterday, and got this response....

Hi there

Many Thanks
The Attitude

That was at 7am yesterday.........

Thanks for stringin us along you cockguzzlers.....

Yah, alot of the meters in the city are inside.... They install a "remote" meter outside so they can read it without having to enter, its not really wireless cause they still have to come to the building where the meter is...
Theyve recently switched all (mostly) the water meters in NYC to wireless meters that record the activity every day and send it back to the Water Company, eliminating the need for meter readers at all....
Theyll prob adapt this to electric soon enough, but water is done by the government, and electric is private....

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Laxfiz. U were asking about fecalponics. It's a pretty advanced technique. But I'll try to break it down for you.
U have to use straight dogshit as your medium. And u water with only urine. Every third day u make yourself throw up in the Rez. But only after eating a vegan meal.
This is a cutting edge technique.


Well-Known Member
thats ridiculous....why wouldnt you just have one meter outside? there is no need for 2. just a waste.

i'm glad i dont have to pay for water....that would suck....especially recycled toilet water...fuckin nasty...


Well-Known Member
Who the fvck knows....
I asked attitude yesterday, and got this response....

Hi there

Many Thanks
The Attitude

That was at 7am yesterday.........

Thanks for stringin us along you cockguzzlers.....

lol, those fucks.

well, at least they dont do PM/email sales like CZ before shit is listed..


Rebel From The North
Hey on another note is shit on a stick that was listed some time ago on cz the same as shit on a stick v1 that just got listed


Well-Known Member
Hey on another note is shit on a stick that was listed some time ago on cz the same as shit on a stick v1 that just got listed
Yah im pretty sure it is... I dont see how it would me different... i like that Zit... it looks just like Sage...
its S.A.G.E. x GG


Active Member
Spring Break 2012 @ Nug City! :bigjoint:

how are these smart meters not considered a violation of the 4th amendment? i mean, its essentially spying on you if i understand correctly, right?
No the private companies have programmed algorithms that measure usage and MHz. From how I understand it. The main reason they 'claim' is it helps save power. What it really does is allow the electrical company to control the flow of power that you consume. I also don't like how even after they install one your bill never actually goes down. They can tell what is on and how much power is being pulled by that individual device. The 4th amendment I believe only applies to the gov't and law. If the companies are guilty of a crime it's under a different term. The same reason Israel can spy on ANY american without cause, where as the US govt needs to jump through a bunch of hoops. <-- that was pre-patriot act and NDAA