The Seed Collectors Thread

Yeah mine was hydrofarm and the difference is noticeable it fucking killed my plants!! So bad I thought I thought a mouse was playing monkey bars with my seedling stems !

Botanicare is worth the 19.99 that and a bag of pro mix mixed together should be great;)
I put that all season stay the fuck away from my house bug repellant around the perimeter of my house every year in the spring,summer,and fall. Figure it's gotta help. Sketchy if u have the cash I'd have the ducts cleaned,furnace serviced and hot water heater as well. Before u move in. Could save a major headache down the road

$800 for ducted cleaning is not to bad I guess.. I'm not moving SHIT! till I get this whole place sealed up.. LAB Tech style ;)
I've used those Raid bug fogger things and I thought they sucked. Never really remedied things. The gnats I had would be back the next day. I set off a bunch of them, twice in one day in a 12x12 room. It should have done the trick. But didn't. I've tried a bunch of foggers at the Hardware stores. Nothing worked as well for me as the Doktor Doom fogger. Those things are the bomb. Literally. Bug bomb. I set off the Doktor Dooms and it killed everything. No sign of reinfestation after. Those home defense sprays suck too. Last year and this year I'm going to dump diatomaceous earth along the door way entrances, and window sills and reapply every now and then. Its cheap and works well.
I was really frustrated earlier about sannie but this response from another member here is the best answer in my head. I just wish sannie would of said this to me.

I did'nt think of it like this

I understand where youre coming from hydgrow, but once it leaves his hands and the p o fucks it up hes out the seeds. You will order more but what if more run into problems? Then he has to keep tacking on seeds to reship to some place that may have a dickhead postal worker fucking with his business. Why would it go back and get reshipped by the post office? Maybe they lost the package or scanned the wrong thing. At least youre not out anything like he is. Out seeds and out of a customer for something that is out of his hands.

It sucks for everyone. Hopefully, the signed delivery will minimize lost orders.

The rep from highlifeseedbank sent me another email and confirmed to me that Blue Moonshine is discontinued (I thought I said that??? lol) and they do not have any packs remaining. They do have some Grape Krush which isn't available at the Attitude. So the employees are a little misinformed, but they are quick to reply and get it straight in the end. Might place an order with them when the GGG drop hits to test them out.
Shady. Seems to me they want you to order even if they don't have what you want. Good price on the grape krush though. Shopping cart says they only have one in stock, so I'm not touching that.
Last year and this year I'm going to dump diatomaceous earth along the door way entrances, and window sills and reapply every now and then. Its cheap and works well.

Pest control

Diatomite is used as an insecticide, due to its physico-sorptive properties. The fine powder absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects' exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate.[SUP][9][/SUP] Arthropods die as a result of the water pressure deficiency, based on Fick's law of diffusion. This also works against gastropods and is commonly employed in gardening to defeat slugs. However, since slugs inhabit humid environments, efficacy is very low. It is sometimes mixed with an attractant or other additives to increase its effectiveness. Medical-grade diatomite is sometimes used to de-worm both animals and humans, with questionable efficacy.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] It is most commonly used in lieu of boric acid, and can be used to help control and eventually eliminate cockroach and flea infestations. This material has wide application for insect control in grain storage.[SUP][12][/SUP] It has also been used to control bedbug infestations, but this method may take weeks to work.[SUP][13][/SUP]
The rep from highlifeseedbank sent me another email and confirmed to me that Blue Moonshine is discontinued (I thought I said that??? lol) and they do not have any packs remaining. They do have some Grape Krush which isn't available at the Attitude. So the employees are a little misinformed, but they are quick to reply and get it straight in the end. Might place an order with them when the GGG drop hits to test them out.

Grape Krush had horrible germ rates...
Got my sannie's order today as well...

Turns out there are two numbers on the box.. One for TNT tracking.. and One for USPS tracking...
Oh well....

And my 'Tude order...
Got the SSSL freebies.. Aww yeah...

I've used those Raid bug fogger things and I thought they sucked. Never really remedied things. The gnats I had would be back the next day. I set off a bunch of them, twice in one day in a 12x12 room. It should have done the trick. But didn't. I've tried a bunch of foggers at the Hardware stores. Nothing worked as well for me as the Doktor Doom fogger. Those things are the bomb. Literally. Bug bomb. I set off the Doktor Dooms and it killed everything. No sign of reinfestation after. Those home defense sprays suck too. Last year and this year I'm going to dump diatomaceous earth along the door way entrances, and window sills and reapply every now and then. Its cheap and works well.

I used the Fumigator's not the fogger's....
You have to add water to them not just press the button.. But i didnt use them on gnats... i dont see that working cause the gnats hide in the soil...
And even if the adults die, the larvae would prob still survive...
A combo of fogger and hot shot's may work.. But too chemical for me....
Plus i wouldnt use it in a room with plant's in it..

But i do think the Ortho home defense max works great...
did u hve to sign for it jkhan? ..... I had a similar problem 3 weeks ago I tried down to earth coco for 7$, I've only ever used botanicare and I've NEVER bad to rinse it. I rinsed the down to earth, apparantly not good enough, it damn near killed everything I transplanted into it. I only lost one flodawg seedling luckily but stunted a lot of plants.
did u hve to sign for it jkhan? ..... I had a similar problem 3 weeks ago I tried down to earth coco for 7$, I've only ever used botanicare and I've NEVER bad to rinse it. I rinsed the down to earth, apparantly not good enough, it damn near killed everything I transplanted into it. I only lost one flodawg seedling luckily but stunted a lot of plants.

I use a Mailbox...
So the clerk at the mailbox signs for it...(no matter the name)
And i just pick it up from my box...(24hrs a day)
A real good setup... So yes "I" had to sign for it.....

Hell ye JK good shit your order was not FUBAR

started a log for the SSSL and DDF5's


off topic, but just trimmed 2+oz off a deadhead OG, and it's frosty, but smells like a pastrami sandwhich, FML! Def turned me off to cali con crap. Where's the lemon funk skunk?! straight heavy pepper pastrami sandwhich is all i get?
off topic, but just trimmed 2+oz off a deadhead OG, and it's frosty, but smells like a pastrami sandwhich, FML! Def turned me off to cali con crap. Where's the lemon funk skunk?! straight heavy pepper pastrami sandwhich is all i get?

NO! I hate when I get a shitty tasting pheno or stock... my Critical Sensi Star smelled like salted sunflower seeds... YUCK!! so I can feel your pain... even tho I think you got the worst of the two smells....
@ gudkarma do you flood those table? The reson i ask is im looking to finish out my ggg testers in hydro and there in botanicare
Ready mix.
Welcome the the World of Powdery Mildew! You have done the right things,so
1/ Treat with PMT once or twice a week, depending on severity of first
infection, for at least three weeks.
2/ Treat with PMT every week, at least, from now on.
2/ PMT is not systemic. You need to spray under the leaves as well as the
top. Be diligent about this.
4/ Unfortunately, once you have had powdery mildew, you are likely to keep
getting it more often. You will, unfortunately, have to continue to spray
your plants, as a preventative. None of us likes spraying, but it is a
fact of life in growing.
5/ PMT works by changing the leaf environment and it also dries out the
fungus. It will not appear to have fast results but it does, in fact, kill
the fungus quickly and stop its spread. There is no toxicity and no
withholding period involved. It is very safe and can be used right up
until harvest.
6/ We sell a lot of PMT to commercial cucumber growers who suffer greatly
from Powdery Mildew. Its only drawback is that it is not a systemic
agricultural chemical and you have to keep applying it.
I hope this helps but if you have more questions, please ask.

CX Agronomist

Email I got back from dude at cx. Im going back to the store to get some sns244. It's a fungicide that is systemic. So first I'm hitting em with this. And then that. Bye bye pm
Super baked...
But bout to test out the Bandanna.. My nose is stuffed.. But can still smell the Chemmy Sour patch kids...LoL
I keep smellin it to describe it another way.. But i cant... Besides "Sour Chem"..

Def gonna pop a few of those beans for myself.....
Fuck Deli Weed..
And for those who were wondering I spoke with $our. He did in fact breed those sour dXsnowdawg beans. He said he expects em to go 9-10. With afew maybe 11 weeks.