New Member
Yah the only coco available near me is Jiffy... So i took the drive and got some Botanicare.. No more cuttin corners for me....
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That must suck not having decent supplies closeby. There's 3 hydro shops all within 10 minutes of each other where I live.
One is kinda shady tho. They have all the equipment and supplies you need except the only nute line they carry is HESI. The dude there preaches how friggin wonderful it is. I really haven't heard good things about that line from those who have used it but either way.. you'd think a store owner would recognize that variety makes customers happy... way happier than Hesi. The worst is when you're at the hydro store and they're trying to talk you into something.. or giving bad information. That really pisses me off.. but not as much as when theyre trying to get rid of a product that doesn't sell well and push it. I hate that more than anything.
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I have light speed broadband.. ten minutes done.
well not exactly light speed.. but wicked friggin fast considering it was a torrent. Rapidshares transfer at about 2.5MB/sec