The Seed Collectors Thread


Active Member
im supposed to be getting sent raspberry bubba x mm as replacements for my burgundy of which only one ever made it, but its been almost a week with no reply im not that worried though i know gage will take care of i just really want those beans lol!! you fuckers better be sending my single burgundy good vibes lets pray for a female!!!

thanks again batman i have mad respect for you bro your a really good dude infact all you guys are, im glad i found this thread and started running seeds. if you could see my agents you would be proud batman the one im calling sour orange starburst pheno looks so fucking dank and the smells are out of this world!


New Member
im supposed to be getting sent raspberry bubba x mm as replacements for my burgundy of which only one ever made it, but its been almost a week with no reply im not that worried though i know gage will take care of i just really want those beans lol!! you fuckers better be sending my single burgundy good vibes lets pray for a female!!!
To greater your chances keep the light cycle 18/6 and not 24/0, keep nutes low at first and cross those fingers.


Active Member
i always run 18/6 and try to keep temps low for seedlings and im using biobizz light mix and roots mixed 50/50 for my soil so it shouldnt be too hot as the biobizz is very weak, and i only give them plain water or maybe some trinity and roots excel until i see they need some food got my fingers crossed!

Boyz N Da Hood

Well-Known Member
I don't understand how you can't read's like watching a train wreck. U don't wanna look but you can't help yourself. Then again I did just smoke a roach,and I got dank for months.

Too bad for my chicago peeps. Just lost ur chance at a ship. Love the playoffs
It sucks that he got hurt like that.. A lot of players never come back the same.. But I've anted to see the heat vs thunder for the longest :lol:

Hell yeah I need some bodhi! Anyone know if that A11g is ever gonna come back? I missed my chance at those..


Well-Known Member
Ditching Blackberry Kush, super susceptable to PM. Green Plushberry is the best pheno...........end of story. Pink pheno full blown hermie second run, going in the trash. BCS pheno is pretty but nothing compared to green pheno. Pics coming soon.......Speaking of which those pics I posted of my Leia last week are actually Plush, forgot I rotated the two. My apologies to anyone who may have been misled by those. Have to pick a new mom for those Leia's now, to be honest they are not filling in too good right now but if they go 70 days they still have plenty of time. Real Leia pics coming soon as well.....promise this time they will be Leia's. I have 6 GS X jOG in cups along with 2 GTH #8 that I am still trying to figure out what to do with? Next run? Smoked some Kosher Kush at my friends today, he called it Jew Bomb shit but he said it did not yield well

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I'm going to read this entire taffbang thread. He doesn't annoy me nearly as bad as far. He actually makes me laugh.

I don't care if hazey is a legit retard or not. I'd punch him in the mouth on GP if I ever met him. Some people are just so stupid that's the only way to say hello to them.
Im with you there mang, id smoke that fool even if he was in a wheelchair and full blown retarded. I wouldnt even feel bad for a minute.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome. Still laughing.
You have no idea Batman, was chilling having beers and went to burn and he said let me get this Jew Gold. I'm like what the funk is Jew Gold?.....tells me Kosher Kush and I almost fell over. Not prejudice but that is funny shyte

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
You have no idea Batman, was chilling having beers and went to burn and he said let me get this Jew Gold. I'm like what the funk is Jew Gold?.....tells me Kosher Kush and I almost fell over. Not prejudice but that is funny shyte
i wulda laffed hard to lol, thats funny as fuck , i got a Jew buddy that throws Hebrew in front of everything to Jew-a-tize it


Well-Known Member
Ik wonder if sub knows that everyones plushes are herming. Chopped the green crack dom gc x bb plant today. Can't wait to smoke this one.
i cant say exactly cause i didnt bother to note it.
run just to see what it does... to see if its fickle ...& for a quick & clean "morning head" taste a few ways w/ coffee : big fatty , some pipe, & the bong
maybe 6 or 7... but i hate to say! took it early for sure.
honestly if its not on the tables who knows.
i have a nice low profile space pricess bush doing the same too... i just watch hairs & check trichs & peep bud development for testers.
thx Gud, I asked cause I want to snip a few testers off my day 53 plants (9-10week finishers). You gave me a good idea. Hope the BK finishes dank for you.

KaB- As long as OKC Thunder don't win it all, I'm happy. (ex-Sonics die-hard fan here). I am rooting for Memphis for no reason. Sucks for Chicago.