The Seed Collectors Thread

Hmmm which WoS strain should I pick tomorrow? I am thinking a sativa landrace. Either the wild Thai, kwazulu, Columbian gold or Kilimanjaro. Has anybody heard anything about these landrace strains?
Hmmm which WoS strain should I pick tomorrow? I am thinking a sativa landrace. Either the wild Thai, kwazulu, Columbian gold or Kilimanjaro. Has anybody heard anything about these landrace strains?

I'm skeptical that they are true landraces but that doesn't mean they aren't any good. I have their colombian gold and they were strong growers but I haven't finished the up. I have been following this journal for a while:
Ihave heard the thai is pretty good and have seen a grow report on the kilimanjaro and the grower recommended it highly. I'd be interested in seeing any of those grown out, especially the thai :)
I'm having a hard time with this moneypak shit!! If you've used this before I need some tips!!

i'm interested in finding out how you make out with these as i was wanting to buy something online, and the only method that i like is the moneypack option, but i've yet to try and purchase one myself.. i guess i'll wait to see how you make out with yours first..
and hey, did everybody read that thread about this new seedbank sending a lot of us emails called highlife seeds?? everyone is trying to figure out how they have ALL of our info, including from what i've read not only our emails, but also our addys as well.. i think everyone has it narrowed to down pretty much to stemming from the attitude, which is soooo not cool, but i thought that i'd let all of us seed collector's aware of the problem.. i didn't even see the email till i just ran across the thread and checked my spam folder..

Makes me glad i only use 2 banks ..i dont think either one sells my 411..i hope they dont lol

Heres what im on the hunt for. I have some of the crosses..but im after the real deals..holla if you have or know of their wereabouts.

A13 X C99 = (Apollo 13 X (Genius X Princess .75)) X Princess .94

A13 Trip = Brother's Grimm Apollo 13 X Positronics Haze #19

Big Hawaiian = Sensi Big Bud X Federation Hawaiian Sativa

Blowfish = (AG13 X Oregon Funk) X (AG13 X Blue Dot)

Champagne Fig Widow = Champange X Fig Widow Queen

Chocolate Trip = (Indigo Diamond X Chocolate Thai) X (Chocolate Thai X Indigo Diamond)

Durban Fig Widow = Dutch Passion Durban X Mota Fig Widow

Fig Widow Queen = Fig Skunk + Sweet Thang (AWW) + Cinderella 99

Green Napalm = Nepalese Mountain Sativa x Mighty Candy

Haze/Skunk = Skunk #1 X Positronics Haze #19

Indigo Blue = Bubblegum x Oregon Funk

Oxygen 19 = Positronics Haze #19 X Indigo Blue

Uber Candy Haze = Candy Haze X (Candy Haze X Neville's Haze)

Venomberry = (Uzbeki x Durban Figwidow) x Chocolate Thai
i got the high life email today too...i'd say someone is sellin our info...thats enough to get me to stop buying from attitude...
i got the high life email today too...i'd say someone is sellin our info...thats enough to get me to stop buying from attitude...

yah, me too, i can't believe that they are really that dumb to pull some shit like this.. i can't even imagine the amount of money that this site alone brings to their company, then you're going to pull some dumb ass shit like this?? i can't believe that they made any where near the money by selling off our info as they are now going to be losing as a result of doing so.. stupid ass move on their parts for snizzle..
are we sure it wasnt RIU?
Riu doesn't have my name and address but that email did. heh I don't think I will be buying from Attitude anymore. I emailed them and told them what is going on too. So if they do not get back to me they will lose at least 1 sale this weekend. heh
Riu doesn't have my name and address but that email did. heh I don't think I will be buying from Attitude anymore. I emailed them and told them what is going on too. So if they do not get back to me they will lose at least 1 sale this weekend. heh

yah, i was thinking the same thing when someone thought that maybe riu had something to do with it, but all riu has on me is some bunk email addy..