wow I turn off my l/t to do some transplanting and other grow room "work" and wtf!! I missed tickets to see some "sports"!! I'm pissed about that one big time, I love sports too (not) Is that fella for real!?

... and hell yes fella before you ask I'm a rambo lol, real "sports" lovin jungle warrior all the way I am

. Stick your freebies in the bin and don't try offending us here by even askin such a thing, I'm still getting my head round that one lmfao

Hydro Vs Soil ~ Who cares lol, do what fits you best. imo indoors needs a 'lil "chem" help without the natural energy of the sun

. I agree with "LastW" though, I've never tasted a single difference between soil or hydro grown. As long as it's been grown right, shit will taste nice & knock you straight out

. "Organic" is just the latest fad' word thats kinda getting everywhere these days, your either for it or not really.
And "KaB" I recently, got my hands on some Super Sour Sk from Hortilab too (Props to my boy for that

). I'm lookin for that old skool Sunk, killa funk stink, with a sour twist in the taste. I have high hopes for this strain mate, if you crack 'em before I get to mine be sure to let me know how you get on

And put me in to add another name to pester RB to make some F2's too

. The mob has spoken fella
