Eh. Birddawg It's nice you have so many points you feel like you have to prove. Ego self re-inforcement? Just chill.. the people here are great when you aren't trying to correct them and calling people ignorant right before you spread ignorant troll talk.
I'm sick of people talking about who the "Real" Breeders are, the "Real"Growers, the "Real Strainhunters. I'm pretty sure we are all real. Yes some people spend alot more time pheno hunting than others with their personal grows, yes some of us have more room and space and resources to run more plants than others, and some of us run better gear and find and share what we discover with the community. This isn't a breeders forum in the least. Any and all information/pictures/descriptions/experiences the kind folks here have had to share are all for your benefit as well as any other normal Joe Schmo/noob or Elitist Ganja Masters. Rollitup aint picky to who it let's in. There is a 99% newbie community... a great stepping stone for people to come across on their way to experience and earning green thumbs. I am a member of several online communities and still enjoy helping peeps with their problems, answering questions, spreading the knowledge of good genetics, and finding info on the newest latest hottest gear going around.. Point is.. Chill... it's just a forum "seed collector" thread. Not the beginning to genetic grandmaster know all enlightenment. If you feel good about telling people how much experience you have or how much you know or how great your pheno hunting skills are.... why not talk to some of the noobs in the other threads. They'll listen. Possibly even ask you if there plants are done yet. Contribute or move on. I this.. I that.. Blah blah blah. Trolltalk..
Tell em to check the trich's.
O your the free loving "share the info type" well why don't u share some info with us then? Where are you buyin all your good gear at for 40$ pack shipped huh?----------anyone who says "do u collect or grow" is the ignorant one. Dumbass. That's like me opening your refridgerator and saying "whoa look at all this food you collect". Ever consider we have more space for seeds than plants?-------------and sorry if I assumed your a newb and your not but I went thru my checklist and you struck out #1. Low post count and an undeserved sense of accomplishment CHECK #2 TROLLING CHECK #3. Claiming to have clone onlys (then why u need seeds)?-------------maybe I wouldn't think ur a nob if u didn't do the same thing every noob does when they come in here "GEEZE Where's all jOOr dank pictars n good deels @?
O your the free loving "share the info type" well why don't u share some info with us then? Where are you buyin all your good gear at for 40$ pack shipped huh?----------anyone who says "do u collect or grow" is the ignorant one. Dumbass. That's like me opening your refridgerator and saying "whoa look at all this food you collect". Ever consider we have more space for seeds than plants?-------------and sorry if I assumed your a newb and your not but I went thru my checklist and you struck out #1. Low post count and an undeserved sense of accomplishment CHECK #2 TROLLING CHECK #3. Claiming to have clone onlys (then why u need seeds)?-------------maybe I wouldn't think ur a nob if u didn't do the same thing every noob does when they come in here "GEEZE Where's all jOOr dank pictars n good deels @?
And I truly appreciate your knowledge. That's why I rep'ed you for it. Thought that meant thanks. Sorry, so I say it now. Thanks.Yeah u would still think ibl means in bred landrace if I didn't tell you otherwise so i rly care what u think
this thread is fulla lil high school kids showing off what they got for xmas.