The Shadow People

this thread has seriously freaked me out guys. like SERIOUSLY. i wanna read/youtube it but i'm jst gna end up terrified but i'm so curious!

fuck sake
nah fuck it just looked at some shit and it sounds like tricks of the eyes to me. guess i'll be a skeptic til it happens to me...then i'll probs go insane with fear
nah fuck it just looked at some shit and it sounds like tricks of the eyes to me. guess i'll be a skeptic til it happens to me...then i'll probs go insane with fear

seriously look it up on youtube. type in shadow people or shadow hat man. many people have had the same experience and seen the same shit. coincedence i think not
i seen something i beleave to be a shadow person about 18 months ago... what i saw was like a short blob looking thing!!! freaked the shit out of me.. at first i thought there was like a racoon in my house!!! i onl saw it for like 1-2 sec... it then dissapeard into the wall leading to my kitchen... and it made a noise like a thumping noise once it hit the wall... i was immediately left with a feeling of dread... nasty ass goosebumps... chills..... wondering wtf i had seen!!! only problem/explanation i have is that i was eating shrooms earlier that week so i thought it maty have been a flashback?? i just donno.. never happend again since then..
everytime I walk under a street light or go by it it usuallly shuts off.. its a little off subject but i tried looking it up and it seems familiar
you guys have been reading way, way, way too much stephen king...

i'm with you man.

all humans are basically wired the same so it's no wonder that loads of people have the same perception when there's a certain shadow combination or lighting arrangement.

i'm not saying that this stuff isn't real or that any of your experiences aren't true, but i am saying that a huge proportion of these 'sightings' won't be what people think they are. i watched a couple of the vids on youtube and it hasn't convinced me. sorry lads!
Every time I take Benadryl for allergies or to help me sleep, I always see a really tall shadowy figure with pale skin and a bald head. I looked it up on WebMD and found that seeing things that aren't there and having problems with perceiving light are fairly common side effects of diphenhydramine use.
holy shit man! this is the WRONG thread to read when I am high. your all freaking me out. fucking shit in the kitchen IDK. MY KITTCHEN... .. fuck its all dark and shit at 12:16 in AM. man fuckogn freaky people in commercials on the tv.
I think I encountered one of these motherfuckers to.He had a real weird looking oval shaped head and a trench coat on.He asked me for a cigarette and asked directions to west philly.....We were in west philly.
I told a friend who knows some shit about him lol and he started saying all these different kinds of races and shit based near atlanta georgia like these people.He told me to look into a guy named Malachi Z York.Anyone know some shit about him?Id ask him more about these people but he's locked up and wont be getting out anytime soon.