The Shot Glass Grow Off '09!


Well-Known Member
Agree totally with the 1 rule being size of container only.

For those out there using metric, 1.5oz is 45ml.

Dammit I only have 1oz glasses :'(
this wont work
cuz u said no holes in the bottom
mold will set in along with root rot

if your lucky you roots will eventually break the shot glass
roots are very strong
root rot can pose a problem. i'm just going to water the plant as usual then lightly hold the soil with my fingers and tip the glass to get rid of the excess water. shouldn't loose much soil if any since its in a small container.


Hmm.. i think with my medium i will need drain holes and a driper.. but maybe not we will see in a few days...


Active Member
i will grow soil but for the dro guys i think holes should be find the challenge is to see who can grow so this should all give some ideas of which is better dro/soil , cfl/hid, so size of glass and start time and 12/12 sounds like a fair set of rules from reading entire thread. just a sugestion


Well-Known Member
Aw man I really can't find any 1.5oz plastic glasses and I don't want to try it in a 1oz as I really don't have a chance lol

We'll see :/


Well-Known Member
So is this a 1" pot grow off or a shot glass grow off? Because if it's shot glass grow off then those pots shouldn't be allowed IMO.


Aw man I really can't find any 1.5oz plastic glasses and I don't want to try it in a 1oz as I really don't have a chance lol

We'll see :/

messure 45 ml of water and poor it into a pill bottle. mark it with a marker and cut it.

will be 1.5 fl oz

at least thats what the dude a cupple posts ago said.


Active Member
the average Dixi shot glass is 3 oz. If you go with that everyone should be able to get the same glass. If the only control is the cup we should all have the same one, right?


Well-Known Member
thats a 1/3 increase....aka 33.333333333333333333333333%
or 1/2?
1/3? That odd because I don't think .5 is 1/3 of 1. A glass 1oz would be 100% size, while adding .5 would be half of that and add another 50% thus 150%. It's really not that hard to comprehend percentages.


Well-Known Member
wow...why is everyone getting so butt hurt? Ok, heres what you do, Go down to the local minute mart, and buy a shot glass.


New Member
1/3? That odd because I don't think .5 is 1/3 of 1. A glass 1oz would be 100% size, while adding .5 would be half of that and add another 50% thus 150%. It's really not that hard to comprehend percentages.
.5 is half of something
when u add 150% of something to something ,ur increasing it 1 1/2 times what it was......
when u add .5 to something the new percentage is still 100% i guess it is hard,for some people
and .5 of 1.5 is 1/3 in case u didnt know


Well-Known Member
Wow stoners doing maths :P

A 1.5oz glass is 50% bigger than a 1oz glass, meaning a 1oz glass is only 2/3 the size of a 1.5oz plants. I would estimate then that a plants grown in a 1.5oz glass would grow 50% bigger