the slippery slope of my addictions.

so ive been a cannabis user for a long time and have no problems with it, it is my passion in life! i love it, i love growing and smoking its the best pant on this planet. Now other substances i have issues with such as opiates ive been abusing opiates since i was about 17 and am now 21 went from vics to oxy to anything else and now i stay on suboxone to keep my life in check, no more stealing and getting in trouble. lately though i have started dabling in cocaine wich i used to hate. I wouldnt say its a problem a half g lasts me for three to four days, but i have noticed that i crave it, recently i started mixing it with my sub to make it last longer and more enjoyable. anyone else out there like to do blow once in awhile and what are you thoughts on ocasional use? :shock:


Well-Known Member
fuck all that other shit bro. ive gone through the same exact thing. i was hooked on vics and oxys since i was 17. im 24 now and i said fuck that shit and have been on suboxone for about 8 months now and its great. i love having money for good weed and other shit and not being pilled out all day. just stick to the herbs and youll be fine. it just aint worth it dude.


Well-Known Member
so ive been a cannabis user for a long time and have no problems with it, it is my passion in life! i love it, i love growing and smoking its the best pant on this planet. Now other substances i have issues with such as opiates ive been abusing opiates since i was about 17 and am now 21 went from vics to oxy to anything else and now i stay on suboxone to keep my life in check, no more stealing and getting in trouble. lately though i have started dabling in cocaine wich i used to hate. I wouldnt say its a problem a half g lasts me for three to four days, but i have noticed that i crave it, recently i started mixing it with my sub to make it last longer and more enjoyable. anyone else out there like to do blow once in awhile and what are you thoughts on ocasional use? :shock:
I have done cocaine before and enjoyed it at the time, but IMO it is definitely a drug I would want to do only on a rare occasion and not get anywhere close to becoming a regular habit.


Well-Known Member
It seems like you have an addictive personality so I would stay away from drugs like coke in my honest opinion. I used to love to do coke on rare occasions, probably... once or twice a year. Even in that long of a time period, my usage increased. I'm lucky to be blessed with a heavy tolerance against addiction, but if I weren't I would have become a coke head eventually. Stick to the pots, and if you want to dabble I'd say find some shrooms, or even harder hallucinogens. I don't believe they have as big of an addiction potential, but I'm by no means an expert so don't just take my word for it without any sort of research.


Active Member
I'd try to stay away from any drug other then weed and the occasional shroom trip, but in all honesty if you can control your urges and feel the need for coke maybe once every other month at most then you can dabble with it, but in my eyes theres no good to come from it


Active Member
sure tootin some charlie always puts in work but,
bottom line if your doing white your going down.
Enjoy the buds
notice and enjoy the simple things in life that you love, slay that demon and walk past it.
worked for me.


Active Member
Stay away from that shit all together

Im 22 and I've had problems with cocaine since I was 17, was only a few month back when I discovered I had a kidney infection from taking that shit too much, I get all kinds of pains in my lower back now and I had to get a camera shoved down my dick so they could find out the problem! Not the nicest experience I've ever had

Now I just stick to MJ and beer, I find it really hard though because a few of my friends like to dabble in it and its difficult if there all round doing it, I would just stay away from it all together