the smell of Weed...


Active Member
Ok so when i go buy bud it usually tends to smell Dank as fuck.. but now after testing one little bud off my plant and letting it sit and dry for 1-2 days its not smelling Dank or even how it came off the plant.. lol in all reality the smell is pretty terrible lol not in a good way i mean shit its my 1st time doing this but i was wondering is it my fault? any way to fix this problem? The nugget is pretty damn small like $10 worth but im still letting it dry and gotten considerably small its just sitting there honestly and im not gonna put it into a jar and let it cure bc its a measly nug just for testing out. Any thoughts? Thanks :bigjoint:


Active Member
might be getting moldy or something, maybe try using more ventilation to dry it out first then smoke with a vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
Look in the harvesting section, your bud will not smell dank until its dried and cured properly , this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings, dry hanging until the steams snap, kinda like you snapped a living tree branch. It's snapped but it's still together kinda wet. Once this happens you need to cure it. I get 1/2 gallon mason jars. Fill the jars but not packed tight, open you jars once every few hours if u can. Keep a eye out for mold because this is when u run the risk, once there dried and no risk of mold is present seal them up and store in a cool dark area. I still have some bud that's a year old curing still, and the smell is amazing, the high kinda down graded but the jar smell is to die for,!


The two above me are correct. It will/can smell like hay or some random dry plant matter if it's not cured.

My first grow was terrible, a lot of bud but it was pulled too early. That stuff has been in mason jars for 3-4 months and it still has a hay smell to it.
I think not being mature could be a factor as well.


Well-Known Member
Kinda know what you mean, but I'm Harvesting at mo...n all I can smell is Lovely potent weed....Yummy!! :bigjoint: Fingers Stickin to keys ..LOl


Active Member
so its normal for it to smell like crap lol b4 u cure it? makes me feel a bit better.

For most of you how long do u dry? 3-5 days? or longer?


Active Member
Look in the harvesting section, your bud will not smell dank until its dried and cured properly , this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings, dry hanging until the steams snap, kinda like you snapped a living tree branch. It's snapped but it's still together kinda wet. Once this happens you need to cure it. I get 1/2 gallon mason jars. Fill the jars but not packed tight, open you jars once every few hours if u can. Keep a eye out for mold because this is when u run the risk, once there dried and no risk of mold is present seal them up and store in a cool dark area. I still have some bud that's a year old curing still, and the smell is amazing, the high kinda down graded but the jar smell is to die for,!
iN THE 1st part you said "this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings"

What do u mean by dry to fast? meaning they are way to wet when going into the jars?


Well-Known Member
so its normal for it to smell like crap lol b4 u cure it? makes me feel a bit better.

For most of you how long do u dry? 3-5 days? or longer?
The old saying, to each there own, that applies to each plant reason being when and how much you watered b4 harvesting and such. Average time it takes for myself is around 8 to 10 days hanging, when there hanging I have a small fan blowing in the room on the floor on the lowest setting.. Not on them this helps drying and preventing mold...mold loves staggnet air. What I ment by drying to fast is the room temps to high or having a fan blowing right on them. I dry in the basement, it's cool in temps around 60ish, colder temps take longer to dry but it's harder for mold to form.

Drying and cureing is not to hard so please don't feel over whelmed! Short and sweet, your hanging them until the majority of water has left the bud b4 jarring. The reason for jarring is to rehydrate your buds slowly with the remaining moisture in the buds, by opening and closing the jars is just to get fresh air in and to release the built up moisture. This helps break down the chlorophyll and natural plant chemicals found in plants, tobacco is done the same but in a different way. I grow tobacco in the summer and I can tell ya if tobacco isn't cured you'd never want it again. Lol When you start to jar them you'll see moisture build up on the glass once you no longer see this happening you should be done but continue to check until your sure.


Well-Known Member
i used to harvest too early.
i found out density really helped with a slower dry time, and also i got a much better flavor cause the herb was allowed to fully ripen.

good rule of thumb is wait 1-3 weeks longer than when you get the urge to chop it


Well-Known Member
if it dry in 2 days. Its less then a gram or your humidity is less then 30 % . you need a dark or shaded area humidity. 50 % temp around 75 f. expect 6 day dry times. this will have good smell. smooth smoke. no need to put into a jar. I do it this way. people ask me how I cured it because its so smooth . no cure lol .


Well-Known Member
iN THE 1st part you said "this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings"

What do u mean by dry to fast? meaning they are way to wet when going into the jars?
Meaning don't put your buds directly in front of a fan on high, or in front of a heater, or your whole stash on your lights or in the oven or some shit.

Personally I have been getting my best results with having my fan on low, but never actually blowing on the buds directly or indirectly (bouncin off the wall or sumthn,) about 5-5.5 full days and then I put them in jars with a couple Boveda packs. If you haven't heard of Boveda packs I would suggest you google them. They have increased the efficiency of my cure exponentially and I couldn't imagine going back to burping jars all day.

It is normal for buds to smell like hay, but smelling bad may be a sign of something different altogether.

big bud 56

Active Member
Here is how to cure your bud correctly.
I learned how to dry my bud by reading it here on riu. ,first of all even before you cut it you have to prepare the plant for hrvest.
FLUSH,FLUSH,FLUSH,for a minimum of one week with water.
Pour the water in until it flows out the sides or bottom.
Do that every day.
Next,cut off the branches and hang to dry.
You should dry them until the branches snap,usually a week or more.
Then trim the bud,I wait to trim the bud until it's dry.
It's much easier to trim.
Then cut the bud off the branches.
Get mason jars,place buds in mason jars and close the lid.
Once a day pop the lids on the mason jars and let air in for about two hours.
If you do not open the jars you will get moldy bud.
After at least two weeks of curing you can then enjoy some potent bud.
You can either leave the bud in the mason jars for some time or if you have a large amount you can put it in freezer bags and place it in the freezer to preserve it.
PeaceQUOTE=Jloi;9929842]Look in the harvesting section, your bud will not smell dank until its dried and cured properly , this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings, dry hanging until the steams snap, kinda like you snapped a living tree branch. It's snapped but it's still together kinda wet. Once this happens you need to cure it. I get 1/2 gallon mason jars. Fill the jars but not packed tight, open you jars once every few hours if u can. Keep a eye out for mold because this is when u run the risk, once there dried and no risk of mold is present seal them up and store in a cool dark area. I still have some bud that's a year old curing still, and the smell is amazing, the high kinda down graded but the jar smell is to die for,![/QUOTE]

big bud 56

Active Member
the way you're curing your bud is not the right way.
You are not getting the full benefit of the bud by curing that way.
Your bud will be much more potent if you use mason jars and cure it in the jars,guaranteed.
if it dry in 2 days. Its less then a gram or your humidity is less then 30 % . you need a dark or shaded area humidity. 50 % temp around 75 f. expect 6 day dry times. this will have good smell. smooth smoke. no need to put into a jar. I do it this way. people ask me how I cured it because its so smooth . no cure lol .


Well-Known Member
Here is how to cure your bud correctly.
I learned how to dry my bud by reading it here on riu. ,first of all even before you cut it you have to prepare the plant for hrvest.
FLUSH,FLUSH,FLUSH,for a minimum of one week with water.
Pour the water in until it flows out the sides or bottom.
Do that every day.
Next,cut off the branches and hang to dry.
You should dry them until the branches snap,usually a week or more.
Then trim the bud,I wait to trim the bud until it's dry.
It's much easier to trim.
Then cut the bud off the branches.
Get mason jars,place buds in mason jars and close the lid.
Once a day pop the lids on the mason jars and let air in for about two hours.
If you do not open the jars you will get moldy bud.
After at least two weeks of curing you can then enjoy some potent bud.
You can either leave the bud in the mason jars for some time or if you have a large amount you can put it in freezer bags and place it in the freezer to preserve it.
PeaceQUOTE=Jloi;9929842]Look in the harvesting section, your bud will not smell dank until its dried and cured properly , this is the time you can not rush or it will bit u in the ass. If you dry to fast it will smell and taste like leafs , hay or yard clippings, dry hanging until the steams snap, kinda like you snapped a living tree branch. It's snapped but it's still together kinda wet. Once this happens you need to cure it. I get 1/2 gallon mason jars. Fill the jars but not packed tight, open you jars once every few hours if u can. Keep a eye out for mold because this is when u run the risk, once there dried and no risk of mold is present seal them up and store in a cool dark area. I still have some bud that's a year old curing still, and the smell is amazing, the high kinda down graded but the jar smell is to die for,!

If you growing in true organics, flushing is useless and takes away from anymore growth b4 harvest, but now if your using a synthetic or chemical nutes then yes I'd say flush flush flush. For organic I say this is because look at you fruits and vegetables there's no flushing going on there and taste fine.

big bud 56

Active Member
bump that dude

If you growing in true organics, flushing is useless and takes away from anymore growth b4 harvest, but now if your using a synthetic or chemical nutes then yes I'd say flush flush flush. For organic I say this is because look at you fruits and vegetables there's no flushing going on there and taste fine.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
bump that dude

If you growing in true organics, flushing is useless and takes away from anymore growth b4 harvest, but now if your using a synthetic or chemical nutes then yes I'd say flush flush flush. For organic I say this is because look at you fruits and vegetables there's no flushing going on there and taste fine.

To each there own my friend, not hating on what you do or what others do so please don't take it that way. But if you look at outdoor grows there's no way to truly flushing them, you can starve them so they eat up the remaining nutes but remember mother nature will always provide when needed.


Well-Known Member
I had most of a harvest go to mold, rush short dry then didn't leave the jars open long enough. It creeps up with the musty smell and by time its visible at all its too late. so sad.