Even with all of this "evidence" it still hasn't been PROVEN that it happened any other way than the official version. I've examined most of this "evidence" and IMO most of it doesn't hold up. By some of the conspiracy theorist's logic, it's just as plausible that malevolent aliens did it simply for their amusement! lol!
Let's say that the conspiracy theorists are correct and it didn't happen according to the official version, what are YOU going to do about it? What is ANYONE going to do about it? It's been almost 11 years and still no smoking gun. Nobody has stepped forward and admitted to being part of some "crew" that might have rigged the towers. I've never said I believe everything in the official version either. Certain things were perhaps taken for granted in the investigation and IMO should have been looked at more thoroughly. Some things seem a bit sloppy. I'm no detective though, so I wouldn't want to assume I know better than the professionals.

I DO understand fire behavior and building collapse though. IMO, the towers and building 7 came down due to impacts and fires. The fires didn't have to be hot enough to melt steel, only to weaken it enough to initiate failures in the structural members of the towers. Once enough of these members fail, the remaining members can't support the loads above and the collapse initiates. In the simplest terms, this is how it works. The variables that go into precisely how buildings collapse makes in nearly impossible to pinpoint precise things that contribute to or cause a building to collapse in a different manner. Duplicating collapses in laboratory settings is near impossible due to the scale and variables like bldg. contents, fire load, etc. Not every question can be answered satisfactorily to all parties. A couple of facts we do know: The buildings sustained MASSIVE impacts and fires that burned unchecked. Bldg. 7 also sustained massive impacts as huge pieces of the towers struck it. I was there, I witnessed bldg 7 coming down and I didn't hear any explosions like what you hear in demos. I've seen multiple controlled demos of buildings as well. Thermite? Sorry, not buying it. If more evidence that I am unaware of comes to light, I may change my opinon on this, but I don't believe it was necessary given the impacts and fires in the buildings. Never underestimate the impact of fire on steel structures. Most firefighters I know would rather fight fire in a wood or concrete structure as opposed to a steel structure........and most felt this way even BEFORE 9/11.
Now, who flew the planes that crashed into the buildings???? I have no clue who did it or why. IMO, if there was a cover up or conspiracy in any of this, I would think this would be the most likely part of it where a bit of fiction MAY come into play.