The strain or a fuck up?


My plant, which I'm expecting to flower within the next week or two, is starting to change. At the top of my plant the stems are starting to break out in a purple colour. The lower fan leaves are also starting to yellow. I've recently switched to bloom nutes thinking it was the right time? was I wrong? should I revert back to veg nutes?


Well-Known Member
whats the npk of your bloom nutes? there is proabaly a lack of N in your bloom nutes because you say your lower leaves are yellowing(a sign of N deficiency). the purple stems are from you giving them high P, Phosphorus get clotted kinda in skinny stems when its cold. also bloom nutes have high P. maybe you should make a mix of half veg nutes and half bloom to stop the N defficiency. then at the last 4 weeks only use bloom nutes, then do a flush for the last 1.5 weeks to induce N deficeincy(Nitrogen=nasty taste).


This is my first grow and I had heard that the critical mass strain is a good outdoor grower for my climate so I picked that one. I'll know if I made the right choice when it comes down to the flowering stage. the npk is 2-2-4 for the bloom nutes and for my veg it was 3-1-3.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
also your bloom nutes are very good bro, the high K will make your buds ROCK SOLID.

also my list only consist of hardy and vigorous plants, I've grown so tired of these so called "awesome strains" that require more attention then someone in the emergency room! haha all those problems in the past got me to learn so much about plant issues in the first place lol. best choice is to start with a good foundation right.