The Strain That Brought Their Fame

Let’s say I rescued a dog. Don’t matter if I got it from the pound, or relative, or just found it on side of the road.
Soon after, I find out that I like dogs. So I decide to invest in one of those designer dogs. Hell I got me a labradoodle because it seem to be all the rage.
Besides it comes from 2 well known breeds.
A year and $1,500 later, I thought to myself, “hell the pound was filled with “purebred” Labradors and poodles. For $100 adoption fee, I could have gotten one of each and made an entire litter of labradoodles.
Experience has taught me not to chase my tail by investing someones labradoodle, regardless or how they acquired it.
Let’s not forget about that original rescue. He was never fixed so he took advantage of that labradoodle. Wow look at those cute pups. I’m going to keep one and give a few out to the community. 6 months later, they all end back up at the pound. Rescue, labradoodle, pup and all. I get to the pound and there were 4 more pups from the litter already there.
It wasn’t enough just to have experiences. I also had to learn from them.
What I learn most from my experiences, is what not to do.
Wrong thread, wrong forum, wrong everything.