The Sunlight Project.Sun as the Ultimate Guide for Led Growing.


Well-Known Member
I decided to open a new thread ,regarding the analysis of sunlight properties and how they affect overall growth of plants.
Our favourite plant,to be more precise....
In order to decode ,as thoroughly as possible ,the best way we can utilise leds ,
in order to achieve successful grows and more than satisfying results (yields ),harvested from them.

Not much free-time ,during this period ,so you 'll have to excuse me,
if this thread advances kinda of slowly..
I'll try my best to keep posting as often , as possible...

Let the fun start....


Well-Known Member
Light is wavelike (having mutually perpendicular magnetic and electric fields, both of which oscillate
perpendicular to the direction of propagation) and is also particle-like.

Wavelike Physics

The relationship of light wavelength to frequency is given by :
c = λ ν
where :
c = speed of light, 3 x 10[SUP]8[/SUP] m s[SUP]-1[/SUP]
λ = wavelength (m)
ν = frequency (Hz or s[SUP]-1[/SUP])
From the above equation is easily understood that : the higher the frequency of light the lower it's wavelength.

Photonlike Physics

Photons are the particles or wave packets that make up bulk light. The energy of one photon depends on
the frequency:
E = h ν
E = energy (Joules)
ν = frequency (s[SUP]-1[/SUP])
h = Planck constant (or Planck’s constant) = 6.626 x 10[SUP]-34[/SUP] J s

Combined Physics

From light acting as waveform we get the equation :

v= C / λ

So we get the final Equation of

E= h C / λ .

Energy is also Power multiplied by Time .

E= P t

Thus ..

P t =h C / λ .

Say ,1 watt of red light at 630 nm ( 630 * 10 [SUP]-9[/SUP] m ,as 1 nm = 10[SUP]-9[/SUP] m ).
This amount of power at red 630 nm wavelength [ wl ] ,will contain a certain number of photons N[SUB]p[/SUB] .
So a flux of Np photons (energy ) per time unit ,will be 1 Watt of Power.

1 watt = Np t[SUP]-1[/SUP]

Thus :
P / Np t[SUP]-1[/SUP] = c h / λ

So, 1 watt of red light will have :

Np = ( 630 * 10 [SUP]-9[/SUP] m * 1 Watt ) / 3 x 10[SUP]8[/SUP] m s[SUP]-1 [/SUP]* 6.626 x 10[SUP]-34[/SUP] J s * 1 sec[SUP]-1[/SUP] = approx 31.67 * 10[SUP]17[/SUP] photons....

To avoid having to deal with such large numbers, we can measure the number of photons in "moles",
where 1 mole = Avogadro's number = 6.02 × 10[SIZE=-1][SUP]23[/SUP][/SIZE].
So 31.67 × 10[SIZE=-1][SUP]17[/SUP][/SIZE] photons would correspond to .00000526 moles.
Now, this number is too small, so instead we will measure in "micromoles," [ μmol or umol ] where 1 micromole is 10[SIZE=-1][SUP]-6[/SUP][/SIZE] mole, giving us 5.26 micromoles of photons.

x Watt= y umol / sec .
According to that equation :
119.708 / Wavelength (nm) = y (umol/s) / x (Watts )
Graphical representation :
Watt to umol per nm.jpg

Visible light for humans falls between c. 400 - 700 nm.
The spectrum of sunlight at the sun surface and just above our atmosphere has a peak irradiance (measured in W m[SUP]-2 [/SUP]nm[SUP]-1[/SUP]) in blue
wavelengths of c. 450 - 480 nm.
The solar spectrum above our atmosphere is that expected from a 5525 K (5250 °C) blackbody,
which has a theoretical peak by Wien’s law at c. 525 nm.

Passage through the Earth’s atmosphere attenuates the light a little and alters the spectrum somewhat, mostly by introducing
several absorption bands, including one at c. 700 nm (far red) arising from water vapor, and more
absorption bands at longer infrared wavelengths, but the peak does not shift significantly, still being at c.
530 nm at the surface of the Earth.Also atmosphere's particles cause light to diffract / reflect ,thus disperse / scatter.
More about it :

Photosynthetically active light falling on leaves may be quantitated by irradiance W m[SUP]-2[/SUP] of
Photosynthetically Active Radiation PAR (400 nm - 700 nm) or photosynthetic photon (quantum)
irradiance in umol m[SUP]-2[/SUP] s[SUP]-1[/SUP] of PAR [also called somewhat ambiguously photosynthetic photon flux
Measures such as lux, candela, and foot-candles are human-oriented and not suitable for plant
Spectral irradiance expresses W m-2 nm-1, thus the irradiance measured at
defined points in the spectrum.

On a sunny day in direct (unidirectional) sunlight at sea level ( Equator- Vernal Equinox Day ),
PAR irradiance and PAR fluence/density are both 400 W m[SUP]-2 [/SUP]or 2,000 μmol m[SUP]-2[/SUP] s[SUP]-1[/SUP] .

Completely diffuse sunlight
has irradiance equal to 25% of fluence.
( 100 Watt m[SUP]-2[/SUP] = 25 umol m[SUP]-2[/SUP] s[SUP]-1[/SUP] )

PAR is “38% (21-46%) of the extraterrestrial solar irradiance”, “46% to 50% global solar radiation at ground level.”
The solar constant,which measures total solar radiation arriving at the upper atmosphere of all wavelengths, is c. 1366 W m[SUP]-2[/SUP],
but of course is not actually constant and varies with the time of the year due to Earth’s orbital position,


Well-Known Member
Guod ,that link is pure goldmine.
Thank you very much.
Every comment ,helpful link ,scientific research which supports or opposes /defies what is going to be analysed here ,are more than welcome and helpful.
Let's try all together ( meaning ,those of you who are interested ) to go "as deep" as possible ....


Well-Known Member
There are four main characteristics / properties of light ,which are affecting plants in several ways.
These are :

- The light Quantity.
The power of light .Measured in Watts or umol/sec units ...
[ Photosynthetic Photon Flux ,PPF ,number of photon per time unit. ]
The irradiation,measured in Watts m[SUP]-2[/SUP] or umol m[SUP]-2[/SUP] sec[SUP]-1[/SUP] units
[ Photosynthetic Photon Density ,PPD,number of photon per time unit,per given area ]

-The light Quality .
The relative spectrum of light.
How total power is distributed per wl .

-The light Direction .
Incident lights angle . Refers also ,to the unidirectionality ( or not ) , of light

-The light Duration.
Total time duration of irradiance.

Those light's characteristics /properties ,regarding sunlight ,are affected,
( mainly ) by three angles between sunlight's direction and Earth grow site .

-Geographical Latitude Angle .
Longitudinal angle.(Hour Angle )
-Earth's Seasonal Declination Angle.


Well-Known Member
In simple terms Geo.Lat.Angle describes how far from Equatorial Radius is a given site/place.
With 90° being the two Poles ( 90° N is North Pole ,90° S is South Pole..As spherical points,not the magnetic ones...)


At Pic.1 the site /place denoted with Heart is at 45° Geo.Lat North.
The Spade is at 15° Geo.Lat North.Closer to the Equator .

Geographical Latitude affects Sunlight Power ( Quantity ):

-According to Reverse Square Law ,Light diminishes geometrically to the distance of light source.
[ Φ=Φ[SUB]0[/SUB] / r[SUP]2[/SUP] ]
.So the further from Equator-the bigger the Geo.Lat Angle- ,the less light Power.
And that's because At 15° N G.Lat. Earth has bigger radius (closer to the sun ) ,than the radius Earth has at 45 N G.Lat.
(R[SUP]2[/SUP] < d[SUP]2[/SUP] thus P<P[SUB]0[/SUB] ..-Pic.2 )
-Light penetrates more atmosphere thickness ( d > R ...-Pic.2 ) ,because of steeper, incident sunlight, angles.
Thus more absorbtion,diffraction and reflection of Sunlight.More " filtering"...
The bigger the Geo.Lat Angle (further from Equator ) the more "filtering " light losses..
More about it :

Pic.2..power decrease with lat.jpg

Geographical Latitude affects Sunlight Quality :

By atmosphere thickness "filtering " .
-Absorption (light power losses )
-Diffraction (light power losses & dispersion /scattering )
-Reflection ( dispersion /scattering,mainly )

The greater Geo.Lat .Angles,the more reds ,far reds and heat are absorbed.
The greater Geo.Lat .Angles,the more blue /violet /uv are dispersed / scattered. (become more unidirectional )

Geographical Latitude affects Sunlight Incident Angle :

Pic.3..diection vs glat.jpg..

At Vernal / Autumnal Equinox at exactly noon 12:00 am , sunlight falls perpendicular (relative to Horizon line ) to Equatorial Radius.
At 15° Geo.Lat (spade sign ) falls a bit steeper at 90°-15°= 75°
Sunlight "falls from above" to a plant's leaf canopy .(Pic.3 )
At 45° Geo.Lat (heart sign) falls more steep at 90°-45°= 45°
Sunlight "comes from sideways / falls diagonally " to a plant's leaf canopy .(Pic.3 )


Well-Known Member
Daytime longitudal Angle,affects light properties,
during the "per dia " (per day ) period of plant growth.
So Daytime longitudal Angle,acts on daily basis.

Earth spins around it's shelf one full turn ,every 24 hours..
So 360° / 24 hours = 15° per hour .
Earth turns counter clockwise from West To East .
That's why sun rises from "East" and Sets at "West".

At Vernal / Autumnal Equinox date ( 21-22 March / 22-23 September ) ,
all Latitude angles have approx 12 hour of daylight and 12 hours of nightime.

So at a point A ,at Equator at 06:00 am sun rises.
At 07 :00 am Earth has turned towards the Sun 15° .
Sun now is 15.12° angled to the Horizon.
So :
08:00 am ; Sun angle is 15.12°
09:00 am ; Sun angle is 30.12 °
10:00 am ; Sun angle is 60.12 °
11: 00 am ; Sun angle is 75.12°
12:00 noon ; Sun angle is 89.88°.Sun is at sky's Zenith.
Then starts fallin' with same angle rate....

For a point B and C at 15° and 45° the angles during daytime
(-22nd of March- ):

Point B ( 15° G.Lat )

07:00 am ; Sun angle is 14.59 °
08:00 am ; Sun angle is 28.99°
09:00 am ; Sun angle is 43.19°
10:00 am ; Sun angle is 56.88 °
11:00 am ; Sun angle is 68.99°
12:00 noon ; Sun angle is 75°.
Then starts fallin' with same angle rate....

Point c ( 45° G.Lat )
07:00 am ; Sun angle is 10.63 °
08:00 am ; Sun angle is 20.78°
09:00 am ; Sun angle is 30.07°
10:00 am ; Sun angle is 37.81 °
11:00 am ; Sun angle is 43.11°
12:00 noon ; Sun angle is 45°.
Then starts fallin' with same angle rate....

For more read : .....and....

Thus ,at daily basis Quantity ,Quality and Direction of light are under constant change.
Due to constant angle change.( => Inverse Square Law & atmosphere filtering )
We can divide the daytime irradiation ,into three stages:
-Sunrising Stage.Morning Effects on plants. ({ Low Temps,High Humidity} & Blue light wls ,more than any other wl )
-Main Photosynthetic Daytime Period .
-Sunsetting Stage.Noon effects on Plants ( {High Temps,Low humidity } & FR > R ).

Morning And Noon Transition Duration vs Geo.Latitude .
Pic.4 ..noon transition vs lat.jpg

As Earth rotates from West to East ,at a certain point, at afternoon before sunsetting ( Pnoon -Pic.4 ) ,due to distance from Sun ,light power drops to a level that Photosynthesis does not occur /neither respiration.
This is called Photosynthetic Light Compensation Point [ LCP ].
As light gets lower in power ,respiration starts.From LCP until full sunset (darkness,thus full respiration rates ),
there is a period that a plant,gets irradiated with more of Far red irradiation[FRL ] than red light [RL].
Usually, combined with moderate to high Temps(season depending ) and Moderate to Low soil/air R.humidity.
Under these conditions and depending the duration of, "Twilight " can affect ,severely,plant growth.
(More details ,later on .)

For two sites on same longitude ,but at different latitudes ,"Twilight stages "
( at morning ,during sunrising -at afternoon,during sunsetting),have different durations.

At Pic.4 ,watching Earth rotation from Above ( date : Vernal or Autumnal Equinox date, 21-22 March or 22-23 September,respectively ),we
can notice our familiar,by now ,grow sites. (Heart at 45° N G.Lat.,spade at 15° N G.Lat..)

At 16:00 afternoon (yellow signs/line ),the site of 45° N G.Lat.(heart ) , has reached to the Pnoon Point,where PSs (photosynthesis) stops.Distance from Sun is such,that light power can not support PSs,anymore.More FRL wls are reaching to the plant's canopy ,than RL wls.This "twilight" will last for two hours(aka for 30° rotation time ) more ,until sunset ,at 18:00. (red signs/line). (values are random )

For the site of 15° N G.Lat.(spade),at 16:00 ,plants continue to photosynthesise.
Compensation Point has not been reached yet.
At 17:00 ,site reaches Pnoon Power level (or distance from Sun ) where where PSs stops.(cyan sign/line)
This "twilight" will last for one hour (aka for 15° rotation time) more ,until sunset ,at 18:00. (red signs/line).

This happens due to 15° N G.Lat.(spade) has bigger radius than 45° N G.Lat.(heart ),thus it moves faster.
Add up the
Geographical Latitude Angle induced Quantity/Quality differences(i.e. atmosphere's filtration )
and the phenomenon of "twilight" ,gets more attenuated .
Earth's Seasonal Declination Angle,varies also "Twilight " duration,according to Season(date )and Geo.Latitude of site.


Well-Known Member
First read :

Starting from Vernal Equinox date (21-22 March ) Earth's Equator radius (or axle if you like..),
declines for the next 3 months ,reaching at an angle of approx .23.45° to the South("downwards) .
At summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.That date being June 21-22 .Now ,there is a "virtual"/"plasmatic"
"Equatorial " radius (where sunlight falls perpendicularly to Horizon ) called the Tropic of Cancer .
(Yes,being at 23.45° N.Geo Lat.)
So 23.45° / 3 months = 7.81° declination per month.(Rough approximation )
For the next three months ,approx,Earth inclines back to it's "original position " .
At Autumnal Equinox ( 22-23 Sep. ).
Then it continues to decline to the North now ,up to a minimum of -23.45° on December 21-22
(winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.Tropic of Capricorn ).
And then,it takes 3 more months approx ,to return back to it's "original position " ,at Vernal Equinox date (21-22 March ).

Pic.5 ..
Seasonal declination..jpg

So lets study what happens with Earth's inclination Angle and Sunlight Incident Angle,during season change...
(at 12:00 noon ,'standardised' ).


21-22 March (Vernal Equinox ) towards the end of April.(approx one month ) : 90°=> 82.19°
Light at Vernal Equinox date ,falls with a 90° (from sky's zenith) to the Earth's surface (horizon ) .
Minus 7.81° declination per month.= 90°-7.81°= 82.19°

End of April towards the end of May .(approx one month ) : 82.19°=>74.38°
End of May towards the Summer Solstice .(approx one month ) : 74.38°=>66.57°
Now Earth inclines back....+7.81°
Summer Solstice towards the end of July : 66.57°=>74.38°
End of
July towards the end of August :74.38° =>82.19°
End of August towards the Autumnal Equinox :82.19°=>90°
Now keeps declining to the North..-7.81
Autumnal Equinox towards end of October : 90°=> 82.19°

So... 90°=>66.57°=>90°=> 82.19°
For a full grow season (7 months -21 March to end of October ) , Incident sunlight angle starting from it's max (90°) at sky's zenith ,
dropped to 66.57° ,rised again to max ,to drop again a bit...
Power / Irradiation ( quantity ) of sunlight follows that Max-decrease a bit -Min-increase a bit -Max-decrease a bit scheme.
Not that big differences though...Almost stable high irradiations ...
Light quality ,can be also considered stable and without great alterations.
Also direction of light ,stays mostly "from above"..

15° North Geo.Latitude
(rough approx. actual figures,may vary a bit..)
At that latitude (at Equinox date) sunlight falls with an angle to Horizon of 90°-15°=75°
21-22 March (Vernal Equinox ) towards the end of April.(approx one month ) : 75 +7.81=> 82.19°
End of April towards the start of May ,approaches 90°.then it goes steeper again...
Start of May towards the end of May/start of June .(approx one month ) : 90°-7.81=> 82.19
Start of June towards Summer Solstice : 82.19=>81.55° [90°-(23.45°-15°) ]
Now Earth inclines back...
Summer solstice to approx. 11-12 August :81.55°=> approx 90°.
11-12 of August towards the Autumnal Equinox :90°=>75°

Now keeps declining to the North..-7.81
Autumnal Equinox towards end of October : 75°-7.81=> 67.19°
At 15° N GLat :
75°=> 90°=>81.5°=>90°=>75°=>67.19°.Spring starts with kinda above to side incident- moderate high to strong-sunlight ,
which gets stronger & perpendicular towards middle of spring ,
to start dropping in power/incident (just a bit though..),rise again until the first 10-13 days of August
and then start decreasing all the way until late October (harvest )
So sunlight ,is mainly coming from above,being rich of all wls.
Specially at the "rare " 650-750 nm range.

45°North Geo.Latitude.
(rough approx. actual figures,may vary a bit..)
At that latitude (at Equinox date) sunlight falls with an angle to Horizon of 90°-45°=45°
21-22 March (Vernal Equinox ) towards the end of April.(approx one month ) : 45°+7.81°=> 52.81°
End of April towards the end of May .(approx one month ) : 52.81+7.81°=>60.62°
End of May towards the Summer Solstice .(approx one month ) : 60.62°+7.81°=>68.43°
Now Earth inclines back....-7.81°
Summer Solstice towards the end of July : 68.43°=>60.62°
End of July towards the end of August :60.62 =>52.81°
End of August towards the Autumnal Equinox :52.81°=>45°
Now keeps declining to the North..-7.81
Autumnal Equinox towards end of October : 45°-7.81=> 37.19°

At 45° N G.Lat :
45°=> 68.45°=>45°=>37.19°.Spring starts with diagonal incident- low -sunlight ,which gets stronger & 'higher in the sky'
towards summer solstice
,to start dropping in power/incident angle all the way until late October (harvest ).
Light power stays low to moderate high ,while quality alters during seasons change

Early at spring is rich in dispersed blues/violets/Uvs and not that rich in RL / FRL .

As summer approaches blues/
violets/Uvs get more directional (from above ) but still being relatively
(to i.e 15° NGL site..) ,dispersed / scattered .Rl / FRL are increasing in power,although still being more absorbed ,than
15° N GLat's RL & FRL.
At this site of 45° N.GLat. ,mainly ower wls of red are dominant (600-640 nm ).

After Summer Solstice, quality changes again,with
again more dispersed ,while sunlight decreases in relative total power.
But due
to /in case of drier /more arid atmosphere (from summertime there's not much water vapor in it..)
FR light is less absorbed (along with RL ) .
So while overall power decreases ,light quality after summer solstice stays relatively same, with not great alterations in RL/FRL.
(Still not that rich in 650-750 nm range,as sunlight i.e at 15° site...)

But also, Earth's Seasonal Declination Angle,affects something of great importance ,
regarding plant growth and development...

Light Duration.....
Daytime/Nighttime ratios....


Well-Known Member
There's a daytime calculator :

At 15° N.Geo. Latitude light duration follows this pattern
3/21 to 6/22:

3/2107:04:45 AM07:10:54 PM12:06:08
3/2207:03:58 AM07:10:57 PM12:06:58
3/2307:03:10 AM07:10:59 PM12:07:49
3/2407:02:23 AM07:11:02 PM12:08:39
3/2507:01:35 AM07:11:05 PM12:09:29
3/2607:00:47 AM07:11:07 PM12:10:20
3/2706:59:59 AM07:11:10 PM12:11:10
3/2806:59:11 AM07:11:12 PM12:12:00
3/2906:58:24 AM07:11:15 PM12:12:50
3/3006:57:36 AM07:11:17 PM12:13:40
3/3106:56:48 AM07:11:19 PM12:14:30
4/106:56:01 AM07:11:22 PM12:15:20
4/206:55:14 AM07:11:24 PM12:16:10
4/306:54:26 AM07:11:27 PM12:17:00
4/406:53:39 AM07:11:29 PM12:17:50
4/506:52:52 AM07:11:32 PM12:18:39
4/606:52:06 AM07:11:35 PM12:19:29
4/706:51:19 AM07:11:38 PM12:20:18
4/806:50:33 AM07:11:41 PM12:21:07
4/906:49:47 AM07:11:44 PM12:21:56
4/1006:49:02 AM07:11:48 PM12:22:45
4/1106:48:17 AM07:11:51 PM12:23:34
4/1206:47:32 AM07:11:55 PM12:24:23
4/1306:46:47 AM07:11:59 PM12:25:11
4/1406:46:03 AM07:12:03 PM12:26:00
4/1506:45:20 AM07:12:08 PM12:26:48
4/1606:44:36 AM07:12:12 PM12:27:35
4/1706:43:54 AM07:12:17 PM12:28:23
4/1806:43:11 AM07:12:22 PM12:29:11
4/1906:42:30 AM07:12:28 PM12:29:58
4/2006:41:49 AM07:12:34 PM12:30:45
4/2106:41:08 AM07:12:40 PM12:31:31
4/2206:40:28 AM07:12:46 PM12:32:18
4/2306:39:48 AM07:12:53 PM12:33:04
4/2406:39:09 AM07:13:00 PM12:33:50
4/2506:38:31 AM07:13:07 PM12:34:36
4/2606:37:54 AM07:13:15 PM12:35:21
4/2706:37:17 AM07:13:23 PM12:36:06
4/2806:36:40 AM07:13:31 PM12:36:50
4/2906:36:05 AM07:13:40 PM12:37:35
4/3006:35:30 AM07:13:49 PM12:38:18
5/106:34:56 AM07:13:58 PM12:39:02
5/206:34:56 AM07:13:58 PM12:39:02
5/306:34:23 AM07:14:08 PM12:39:45
5/406:33:50 AM07:14:18 PM12:40:28
5/506:33:18 AM07:14:29 PM12:41:10
5/606:32:47 AM07:14:40 PM12:41:52
5/706:32:17 AM07:14:51 PM12:42:33
5/806:31:48 AM07:15:03 PM12:43:14
5/906:31:20 AM07:15:15 PM12:43:55
5/1006:30:52 AM07:15:27 PM12:44:35
5/1106:30:25 AM07:15:40 PM12:45:14
5/1206:29:59 AM07:15:53 PM12:45:53
5/1306:29:34 AM07:16:06 PM12:46:31
5/1406:29:10 AM07:16:20 PM12:47:09
5/1506:28:47 AM07:16:34 PM12:47:46
5/1606:28:25 AM07:16:49 PM12:48:23
5/1706:28:04 AM07:17:04 PM12:48:59
5/1806:27:44 AM07:17:19 PM12:49:35
5/1906:27:24 AM07:17:34 PM12:50:09
5/2006:27:06 AM07:17:50 PM12:50:43
5/2106:26:48 AM07:18:06 PM12:51:17
5/2206:26:32 AM07:18:22 PM12:51:49
5/2306:26:17 AM07:18:38 PM12:52:21
5/2406:26:02 AM07:18:55 PM12:52:53
5/2506:25:49 AM07:19:12 PM12:53:23
5/2606:25:36 AM07:19:29 PM12:53:53
5/2706:25:24 AM07:19:47 PM12:54:22
5/2806:25:14 AM07:20:04 PM12:54:50
5/2906:25:04 AM07:20:22 PM12:55:17
5/3006:24:56 AM07:20:40 PM12:55:44
5/3106:24:48 AM07:20:58 PM12:56:10
6/106:24:41 AM07:21:16 PM12:56:34
6/206:24:36 AM07:21:34 PM12:56:58
6/306:24:31 AM07:21:53 PM12:57:21
6/406:24:27 AM07:22:11 PM12:57:43
6/506:24:24 AM07:22:29 PM12:58:05
6/606:24:22 AM07:22:48 PM12:58:25
6/706:24:21 AM07:23:06 PM12:58:44
6/806:24:21 AM07:23:24 PM12:59:02
6/906:24:22 AM07:23:43 PM12:59:20
6/1006:24:24 AM07:24:01 PM12:59:36
6/1106:24:27 AM07:24:19 PM12:59:51
6/1206:24:30 AM07:24:37 PM13:00:06
6/1306:24:35 AM07:24:54 PM13:00:19
6/1406:24:40 AM07:25:12 PM13:00:31
6/1506:24:46 AM07:25:29 PM13:00:42
6/1606:24:53 AM07:25:46 PM13:00:53
6/1706:25:01 AM07:26:03 PM13:01:02
6/1806:25:09 AM07:26:19 PM13:01:10
6/1906:25:18 AM07:26:35 PM13:01:17
6/2006:25:28 AM07:26:51 PM13:01:22
6/2106:25:39 AM07:27:06 PM13:01:27
6/2206:25:50 AM07:27:21 PM13:01:31
6/2306:26:02 AM07:27:36 PM13:01:33

From 12:06:08 to 13:01:33..
Total 55' 25" increasement during 95 days....
At average 35 sec increasement per day..

6/24 to 10/22 :
6/2406:26:15 AM07:27:50 PM13:01:35
6/25.From now and on
duration decreases
06:26:28 AM07:28:04 PM13:01:35
6/2606:26:42 AM07:28:17 PM13:01:34
6/2706:26:56 AM07:28:29 PM13:01:33
6/2806:27:11 AM07:28:41 PM13:01:30
6/2906:27:27 AM07:28:53 PM13:01:26
6/3006:27:42 AM07:29:03 PM13:01:20
7/106:27:59 AM07:29:14 PM13:01:14
7/206:28:16 AM07:29:23 PM13:01:07
7/306:28:16 AM07:29:23 PM13:01:07
7/406:28:33 AM07:29:32 PM13:00:58
7/506:28:51 AM07:29:40 PM13:00:49
7/606:29:09 AM07:29:48 PM13:00:38
7/706:29:27 AM07:29:54 PM13:00:27
7/806:29:46 AM07:30:00 PM13:00:14
7/906:30:05 AM07:30:06 PM13:00:00
7/1006:30:24 AM07:30:10 PM12:59:45
7/1106:30:44 AM07:30:14 PM12:59:30
7/1206:31:03 AM07:30:17 PM12:59:13
7/1306:31:23 AM07:30:19 PM12:58:55
7/1406:31:43 AM07:30:20 PM12:58:36
7/1506:32:04 AM07:30:20 PM12:58:16
7/1606:32:24 AM07:30:20 PM12:57:55
7/1706:32:44 AM07:30:18 PM12:57:34
7/1806:33:05 AM07:30:16 PM12:57:11
7/1906:33:25 AM07:30:13 PM12:56:47
7/2006:33:46 AM07:30:09 PM12:56:23
7/2106:34:06 AM07:30:04 PM12:55:57
7/2206:34:27 AM07:29:58 PM12:55:31
7/2306:34:47 AM07:29:51 PM12:55:04
7/2406:35:07 AM07:29:44 PM12:54:36
7/2506:35:28 AM07:29:35 PM12:54:07
7/2606:35:48 AM07:29:26 PM12:53:37
7/2706:36:08 AM07:29:15 PM12:53:07
7/2806:36:28 AM07:29:04 PM12:52:35
7/2906:36:48 AM07:28:51 PM12:52:03
7/3006:37:07 AM07:28:38 PM12:51:30
7/3106:37:26 AM07:28:24 PM12:50:57
8/106:37:46 AM07:28:09 PM12:50:23
8/206:38:05 AM07:27:53 PM12:49:48
8/306:38:23 AM07:27:36 PM12:49:12
8/406:38:42 AM07:27:18 PM12:48:36
8/506:39:00 AM07:26:59 PM12:47:59
8/606:39:18 AM07:26:40 PM12:47:21
8/706:39:36 AM07:26:19 PM12:46:43
8/806:39:53 AM07:25:58 PM12:46:04
8/906:40:10 AM07:25:35 PM12:45:25
8/1006:40:27 AM07:25:12 PM12:44:45
8/1106:40:44 AM07:24:48 PM12:44:04
8/1206:41:00 AM07:24:24 PM12:43:23
8/1306:41:16 AM07:23:58 PM12:42:42
8/1406:41:31 AM07:23:32 PM12:42:00
8/1506:41:47 AM07:23:04 PM12:41:17
8/1606:42:02 AM07:22:36 PM12:40:34
8/1706:42:16 AM07:22:08 PM12:39:51
8/1806:42:31 AM07:21:38 PM12:39:07
8/1906:42:45 AM07:21:08 PM12:38:23
8/2006:42:58 AM07:20:37 PM12:37:38
8/2106:43:12 AM07:20:05 PM12:36:53
8/2206:43:25 AM07:19:33 PM12:36:08
8/2306:43:38 AM07:19:00 PM12:35:22
8/2406:43:50 AM07:18:26 PM12:34:36
8/2506:44:02 AM07:17:52 PM12:33:49
8/2606:44:14 AM07:17:17 PM12:33:02
8/2706:44:26 AM07:16:42 PM12:32:15
8/2806:44:37 AM07:16:05 PM12:31:28
8/2906:44:48 AM07:15:29 PM12:30:40
8/3006:44:59 AM07:14:52 PM12:29:52
8/3106:45:09 AM07:14:14 PM12:29:04
9/106:45:20 AM07:13:36 PM12:28:15
8/206:45:30 AM07:12:57 PM12:27:27
9/306:45:40 AM07:12:18 PM12:26:38
9/406:45:49 AM07:11:38 PM12:25:49
9/506:45:59 AM07:10:58 PM12:24:59
9/606:46:08 AM07:10:18 PM12:24:10
9/706:46:17 AM07:09:37 PM12:23:20
9/806:46:26 AM07:08:56 PM12:22:30
9/906:46:35 AM07:08:15 PM12:21:40
9/1006:46:43 AM07:07:33 PM12:20:50
9/1106:46:52 AM07:06:51 PM12:19:59
9/1206:47:00 AM07:06:09 PM12:19:09
9/1306:47:08 AM07:05:27 PM12:18:18
9/1406:47:16 AM07:04:44 PM12:17:27
9/1506:47:24 AM07:04:01 PM12:16:37
9/1606:47:33 AM07:03:19 PM12:15:46
9/1706:47:41 AM07:02:35 PM12:14:54
9/1806:47:48 AM07:01:52 PM12:14:03
9/1906:47:56 AM07:01:09 PM12:13:12
9/2006:48:04 AM07:00:26 PM12:12:21
9/2106:48:12 AM06:59:42 PM12:11:29
9/2206:48:20 AM06:58:59 PM12:10:38
9/2306:48:29 AM06:58:16 PM12:09:47
9/2406:48:37 AM06:57:32 PM12:08:55
9/2506:48:45 AM06:56:49 PM12:08:04
9/2606:48:53 AM06:56:06 PM12:07:12
9/2706:49:02 AM06:55:23 PM12:06:20
9/2806:49:10 AM06:54:40 PM12:05:29
9/2906:49:19 AM06:53:57 PM12:04:37
9/3006:49:28 AM06:53:14 PM12:03:46
10/106:49:37 AM06:52:32 PM12:02:54
10/206:49:47 AM06:51:50 PM12:02:03
10/306:49:56 AM06:51:08 PM12:01:11
10/406:49:56 AM06:51:08 PM12:01:11
10/506:50:06 AM06:50:27 PM12:00:20
10/606:50:16 AM06:49:45 PM11:59:29
10/706:50:26 AM06:49:04 PM11:58:37
10/806:50:37 AM06:48:24 PM11:57:46
10/906:50:48 AM06:47:44 PM11:56:55
10/1006:50:59 AM06:47:04 PM11:56:04
10/1106:51:11 AM06:46:24 PM11:55:13
10/1206:51:23 AM06:45:46 PM11:54:22
10/1306:51:35 AM06:45:07 PM11:53:32
10/1406:51:48 AM06:44:29 PM11:52:41
10/1506:52:01 AM06:43:52 PM11:51:51
10/1606:52:14 AM06:43:15 PM11:51:00
10/1706:52:28 AM06:42:39 PM11:50:10
10/1806:52:43 AM06:42:03 PM11:49:20
10/1906:52:57 AM06:41:28 PM11:48:31
10/2006:53:13 AM06:40:54 PM11:47:41
10/2106:53:28 AM06:40:20 PM11:46:52
10/2206:53:44 AM06:39:47 PM11:46:03

From 13:01':34" daylight to 11:46':03".
That is a decreasement of 1 hour ,15 minutes and 31 sec in 119 days...
Average decreasement of 38 sec per day....


Well-Known Member
In order to follow a Short Day Flowering plant's growth at a 15° North Geo.Latitude site ,
let's summarise the four properties of sunlight falling at that site.
And some more...

Quantity :
Spring begins with moderate to high sunlight irradiance.
As time passes,towards end of April/start of May ,irradiance reaches maximum levels...
Then it drops a bit ,until 21-22 June ,to start rising to max around the first 10-12 days of August.
From there until harvest ,decreases a bit more ...
Nevertheless ,irradiances remain at high levels ,throughout the full growth cycle.

Quality :
Quality does not undergo through dramatic changes,either.
BL /violet/UV rays stay ,relatively unscattered ,coming mainly from above,at high level powers.
Light is also "rich " in RL / FRL .Long wl reds ( deep reds 650-680 nm ) ,exist in relatively high levels of power.

Direction :
Light is coming ,mainly,from "right above".
75°=> 90°=>81.5°=>90°=>75°=>67.19°

Starting at 12:06:08 increasing up to 13:01:35 towards end of June ,to begin decreasing
to 11:46:03,towards the end of October.
Increasement rate is approx. 35" per day.
Decreasement rate is approx 38" per day.

Other light properties :
Short "twilight " transitions during sunrising and sunsetting .

Other climate Parameters :
-Temperature difference range between day-night cycle ,is quite low .

-Temperature levels remain almost stable-relatively high ,without great differences between seasons.
(no harsh winters )
Thus soil / ground layers almost never freeze-up ( "harden" ) or remain heavily moist
(from prolonged ice/snow melting during early spring ) ,
thus being relatively well drained / dry .

- So ,ground (medium) humidity levels remain relatively low ,
(also due to prolonged evaporation -from high temps ) at topsoil layer.
(where nutrients / microflora/microfauna are)
While water horizon is held deep in the ground close to deeper mineral layers ( Ca / Si ) .
(Arid soil environment )

-Air humidity is also relatively low.
(Dry atmospheric environment of open-field site.Not under tropical rainforest's canopy.
If at elevated altitude, also means dry air
But undergoes some change during the light-darkness,daily cycle.

-Site must be considered dense populated (due to "favourable enviromental conditions ),with great antagonism amongst plants to assimilate / obtain natural resources .Due to this dense vegetative population ,CO2 levels are relatively low.
Concentrations peak in May as the Northern Hemisphere spring greenup begins and reach a minimum in October when the quantity of biomass(plant size & population )undergoing photosynthesis is greatest.



Well-Known Member
Grow cycle begins at 21 of March .
We are (hypothetically) "experimenting " with two genetically identical clones ,
from same donor mother-plant.
21st of March is the day of re-planting the clone at natural enviroment , grow-site.
(At 15° N G.Lat.)

If in other case ,we had a seed sprouting ( cotyledons opened ),at 21st of March,we should take into account ,one "parameter" ,
induced by a -naturally occuring -phenomenon,called "Vernalisation Response " ,which at this case of tropical grow site ,
would not have had been an issue...
More about "Vernalisation Response ",when we 'll examine the 45° N plant
(as a seedling...).

So here we are.....

Carpe diem....
&#922;&#945;&#961;&#960;&#974;&#963;&#959;&#965; &#964;&#951;&#957; &#951;&#956;&#941;&#961;&#945;...
'Befruit' the day...
( exact metaphrasis from Latin / Hellenic.. )
Literally,speaking ...

Plant's basic life directive....
What will be, will be....


Well-Known Member

Befruit the Day
Literally,speaking ...
Plant's basic life directive....
What will be, will be...



Well-Known Member
Higher Plants belong amongst the most ancient forms of Life.( =Cognition ? )
Life exhibits two main properties ,regarding the two forms of ....'one' ;
Energy & matter.

-As for the matter part ,Life has the ability to construct it's own material existence form .
Not only to construct in fact ,but also to preserve ,repair (heal ),multiply
and generalising,re-construct it's own material "housing" or "vessel".

A weird, really complex ,organic acid , exhibits all those above characteristics
(and more..Like adaptation and thus evolution),being the most basic substance,
of material existance of Life ,while at same time ,
it encodes all the "blue prints" for "material " utilisation and operation of Life.
It usually goes by the name : Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

-As energy ,Life has the will of " preservation ".
Both as unit and as population.( species ,kind ).Ambiguously maybe referred as "enstict"...
Nevetheless, Life exhibits a will for existance .An energy ,an inclination to ' be ' .

Plants are autotrophic living organisms.
They make / prepare their own food.
No need for searching or hunting....
Thus, no need to move.
To "act".

Meaning also,that there's no particular need for big amounts of energy to form and preserve their existance.
They are adapted to use as less energy as possible,in fact....

They source their basic form of energy from natural sunlight.
Coming from a bright dot placed somewhere ,at a vast lifeless space,shading light to it's darkness..
Supporting Life.
Light and Life...
Maybe the one,exact same thing..
Who really knows ?
Plants have proven, through their -really-long term existance ,
that they are extremely well adapted to their Life form and way of " being "...

Thus, they possess advanced biological mechanisms ,conserning their dependance and use of light .
(E/M waves/particles in general..).
Light is not only , their unique and primal energy source ,but provides also to plants ,
an "interaction language" with the rest of environment.

Light provides ,a large information-pool to plants,along with essential energy for life preservation/conservation .

So that,as life forms ,they compensate "not acting " by .."reacting "....???

Really basic & of high importance information,about their growth ,development & reproduction.
If light provides ,solely, the essential energy to support a plant's life ,lacking other "information"...
Well ,it's not in the nature of plants ,to live like that...
They can adapt,but....with a "price to pay", as always...


So ,regarding those advanced biological mechanisms,plants have developed,
various different chemical substances (matter ) ,to interact with light (energy ).
Those chemical substances ,are called "photoreceptors ", or sometimes referred as "pigments" .
(Although they do not exhibit visible coloration ,some of them...)

There are quite a few "categories " of them ,regarding their " serving purpose "....

-Photosynthetic pigments :
Those are the ones which harvest energy from light .(E/m waves or particles ).
Like the two essential for photosynthesis ,chlorophylls A & B.
Others are Carotenoids (As Accessory pigments i.e &#946;-carotene),lycopene &
Light-harvesting complex proteins (LHCI and LHCII).

While chlorophyll a plays a very important role in photosynthesis, plants have additional pigments that participate in photosynthesis. These are indeed called antenna pigments. For true plants, which taxonomists are generally defining as green algae, bryophytes, ferns, and seed plants, the pigments for photosynthesis are chlorophylls a and b, carotenoids, and xanthophylls. The structures of &#946;-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein are also hydrophobic and thus integrate into chloroplast photosystems. These pigments are apomomrphies.

-Photoprotective pigments
Which protect from excess light,phototranspiration and photoinhibition, including
anthocyanin and xanthophylls.

-intracellular photoreceptors
(the " info providing " ones....)
Which are sub-categorized as follows :

-Reversible signal photoreceptors
Kinda like "switches " on-off " / "0-1 " ...Like Phytochromes [ PHY ]

-Non-reversible(????) signal photoreceptors .....
Like those "activated " by blue light[ BL ]( 400- 499 nm ),
which are at least 3 :
cryptochromes [CRY 1 & 2 ],
phototropins [PHOT 1& 2 ],
and zeaxanthin.
Zeaxanthin is a xanthophyll which protects PS pigments from excess excitation.

Guard cell [ GC ]zeaxanthin plays a central role in regulating stomatal opening. Its concentration in GCs
closely follows incident solar radiation at the leaf surface. The absorption spectrum
of zeaxanthin closely follows the action spectrum for BL-stimulated aperture opening. The content of
zeaxanthin in GCs closely follows incident BL radiation and the stomatal aperture
(except that it is
disproportionately high in guard cells in the early morning and early evening
-'Twilight effects' ) .
BL sensitivity of guard cells increases as a function of GC zeaxanthin concentration...
BL-stimulated stomatal opening is inhibited by DTT, which also inhibits formation of zeaxanthin.
(This confirms that zeaxanthin is required for stomatal response to BL.)
In certain facultative CAM plants, the plant while in the C3 phase shows
accumulation in the stomata of zeaxanthin and a BL response, whereas with CAM induction the GC no
longer accumulate zeaxanthin and show no response to BL.
Weird ...
Most of photosynthetic,accesory,photoprotective and "info photorecepting " pigments
have maximal absorbtion peaks at BL range ( 400-499 nm )...

What does that mean exactly ?
Sunlight has most of it's power delivered at BL ,
regarding the whole known "plant associated "
wl range.( Being 280 nm up to 780 nm... ) ...

But blue photons :
-Are carriers of more energy...Thus "few" of them ,provide great powers...
-They disperse / scatter pretty easy ,becoming (almost)unidirectional...

So in fact ...Not that abundant ......
That's why sunlight appears .kinda .yellowish...
Reds dominate at spring/summer ...
But then...
Only under " special circumstances"...

.....Or circumferences ,maybe ;-)......
.Like winter ,early morning or........

More powerfull irradiance ?
(Bright powerfull light ..)

More BL along with RL /FR ...
And [ GL ] green light ..(to "slow things" down a bit,else....)

Falling, mainly from top ?

" Dude,that's a whole lotta of light ...
Wonder ,if it's gonna last for long ?"
If plants could only " think ".....


Well-Known Member
Photosynthesis Pigments And Complexes

Free Chlorophyll a (Chla), as extracted with nonpolar diethyl ether, has greatest absorption at blue (c. 430
nm) and red (c. 662 nm)
wavelengths, there by having absorption maxima straddling the peak of 525 nm
for solar irradiance, and reflecting green light c. 550 nm.

Chlorophyll b (Chlb) similarly extracted has greatest absorption at blue (c. 453 nm) and red (c. 642 nm) wavelengths.

Light excites chlorophyll from the ground state to a short-lived metastable excited state designated by Chl*,
a state having a potential life span of only a few nanoseconds. (Thus the photosynthetic frequency of 4 Hz approx )

After absorbing blue light, Chl can give up its energy and drop to lower
energy states by
&#8226; Heat loss from the higher excited state to the lowest excited state (with no photon emission)
&#8226; Fluorescence from the lowest excited state to ground level
(radiates a 673 nm photon, in the red region)
What ? Through BL harvesting, Deep RL is irradiated from Ch ?
Interesting...Irradiated where exactly ?
To nearby chlorophyll molecules ?
Plants are glowing deep red light when exposed to BL ?
Aha! That's why they appear brown ,
at color-pass unfiltered Infra-red photographs...
Taking about autotrophic organisms...
They glow the reds they are missing...
&#8226; Energy transfer to another molecule.(vibration )
&#8226; Photochemistry reactions
(the redox reactions that are useful in PS&#8212;these are extremely fast reactions)

Certain bacteria including cyanobacteria, plus diatoms, dinoflagellates, brown algae, red algae can also
photosynthesize and have various chlorophyll combinations including Chl c and d. Sulfur purple
bacteria, nonsulfur purple bacteria, green bacteria, and heliobacteria can have various combinations of
bacteriochlorophylls a - g

Chlorophylls have two major components:

&#8226; Porphyrin-like ring with a centrally coordinated Mg in the N4 cavity. (The porphyrin is where
excitation initially occurs.)
&#8226; Phytol tail (which anchors the molecule to a hydrophobic part of the environment)

Carotenoids (e.g., &#946;-carotene) have long linear molecules with multiple conjugated double bonds. These
are alternating single and double bonds with delocalized electrons (similar to the benzene ring), yielding
chromophores (the part or moiety of a molecule responsible for its color).
Carotenoids absorb light in the blue 400-500 nm range and reflect a characteristic orange color.

The action spectrum of PS (e.g., the O2 evolution rate graphed as a function of wavelength) closely relates
to the absorption spectrum of chloroplasts (with the exception that light absorbed by carotenoids in 450 -
550 nm, which somewhat widens the blue absorption spectrum compared to Chl, is not as efficiently
converted via PS).
Engelmann showed that O2-seeking (aerotactic) bacteria were attracted to the segments of Spirogyra spiral
chloroplast that were irradiated with blue or red light more than the parts irradiated with green,
confirming that PS makes O2 where light is most strongly absorbed (the blue peak is broadened by

Photosynthetic complexes
consist of:

&#8226; Light-harvesting antennas, which assist in the absorption of light
&#8226; Photochemical reaction centers

In intact plants, absorption of light is assisted in light-harvesting antennas containing
&#8226; Photosynthetic pigments include chlorophyll a and b (along with c and d in diatoms and algae).
&#8226; Accessory pigments include and carotenoids (such as &#946;-carotene). In addition, bilin pigments or
phycobiliproteins such as phycoerythrobilin are found in cyanobacteria and red algae but not in
vascular plants.
&#8226; Photoprotective pigments, which protect from excess light and photoinhibition, including
anthocyanin and xanthophylls.
&#8226; Light-harvesting complex proteins (LHCI and LHCII), which aid in the efficient transfer of excitation

The use of antenna structures (comprising hundreds or thousands of Chl and accessory pigment
molecules) makes for a more favorable allocation of energy, since many pigment molecules are needed to
drive a single reaction center. Experiments by Emerson and Arnold with brief light flashes showed that at
maximum PS yield, there are one O2 molecule generated for every c. 2,500 chlorophyll molecules per high
intensity flash. This is because
(1) several hundred pigment molecules are associated with a single chloroplast reaction center (in plants,
200-300 chlorophylls per PSII reaction center, and c. 100 core antenna chlorophylls or 200 overall for PSI
(2) Each reaction center must operate multiple times to produce just 1 molecule of O2.

The excitation energy in antenna pigments is transferred to the reaction center by fluorescence resonance
energy transfer, a non-radiative process with up to 95 to 99% energy transfer efficiency.

At much lower flash intensities, Emerson and Arnold found that the quantum yield of chloroplasts was
(versus 0.05 for absorbed photons whose energy is wasted by fluorescence). 1 molecule of O2
molecule was generated for every 9-10 photon absorbed (i.e., not reflected or transmitted). These two
values are not discordant, since each photon absorbed and yielding a photochemical effect exerts only a
fractional effect with respect to generating O2, but is fully counted as part of the quantum yield.
The following simplified reaction expresses overall PS:
CO2 + H2O + c. 10 h&#957; &#8594; (CH2O) + O2
where (CH2O) is 1/6 of a glucose molecule
This reaction requires a theoretical minimum free energy change of 467 kJ/mol O2 evolved in synthesis of
glucose, but in practice requires 1760 kJ of absorbed red light in the plant per mol O2 evolved, giving an
efficiency for conversion of absorbed light energy to chemical energy as glucose in overall PS = 27%
overall. (However, only a small part of this chemical energy goes to formation of biomass.
The remaining 73% of the energy entering photochemistry is consumed in cellular maintenance and ultimately ends as heat.

The light reactions as studied first by Robert Hill in 1939 are given by redox reactions with compounds
such as Fe or Mn:
4 Fe3+ + 2 H20 &#8594; 4 Fe2+ + O2 + 4 H+
Fe3+ is the oxidant or oxidizing agent and is reduced to Fe2+
H20 is the ultimate electron donor (reductant or reducing agent) and is oxidized to O2 + 4 H+
(in the sense that water loses hydrogen and O changes oxidation number from -2 to 0).

It has been proven that the O2 evolved in PS originates from H2O, not from CO2.
The thylakoid reactions, in addition to oxidation of H20, include the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH and
the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP.

Despite the substantially lower overall absorption of photons in the green c. 550 nm for chloroplasts, those
photons that are absorbed show a much flatter curve for quantum yield
from 400 to 700 nm
&#8212;(there is an
abrupt &#8220;red drop&#8221; at &#8805; c. 700 nm. )
This is because the accessory pigments help to make more efficient use
of photons with wavelengths other than at the optimal values for chlorophyll.

*The numbers quoted here were extracted from the literature. They should only serve as an
initial value. Consult the full references to learn about the specific system under study,
growth conditions, measurement method etc.
Solar flux:
Photon flux on earth&#8217;s surface when sun directly overhead (full spectrum): ~ 4*10[SUP]21[/SUP] Photons/m2/sec
Photosynthetic photon flux (400-700nm) when sun directly overhead: ~ 2000 micromol/m2/sec
Mean photosynthetic flux (average during daytime over earth surface, clear sky): ~ 800 micromol/m2/sec

Effective cross section of chlorophyll for useful photons: ~ 0.09 Angstrom2
Maximal absorption rate under full sun illumination of chlorophyll pigment: ~ 4 sec-1
Size of photosystem I (plants): 12-19 nm
Number of chlorophyll pigments per PSI (plants): ~ 168
Number of chlorophyll pigments per PSI (chlamy): ~ 240

P700 per cell (chlamy): 2-5 *106 /cell
Quinone A (QA) per cell (chlamy): ~ 4 *106 /cell
Chlorophyll pigments (Chla & b) per cell (chlamy): ~ 2*109 /cell
Ratio of chlorophyll a/b (chlamy): ~ 2.7-3.2
Carboxysome (in Synechococcus 8102):
Diameter: 114-137 nm
Number of Rubisco per carboxysome: ~ 250 (207-269)
Volume of carboxysome occupied by Rubisco: ~ 27%
Carbon fixation, chloroplasts and leaves:
Processing time of an absorbed photon by the chemical reactions leading to CO2 fixation: 2-20 msec
Incident radiation (photosynthetic) absorbed by a chloroplast: ~ 30%
Delta pH sufficient to drive net ATP synthesis in chloroplasts: ~ 2.5 pH units
Intensity at which a &#916;pH sufficient to drive net ATP synthesis is formed: ~ 0.1% of full sunlight
Rubisco catalytic rate: 2.5-3.4 sec-1 (C3 plants) 3.8-5.4 sec-1 (C4) 11.6-13.4 sec-1 (cyanobacteria)
Concentration of chlorophyll in a chloroplast: ~ 30 mM
Concentration of chlorophyll in a leaf: ~1 mM
Characteristic leaf area index of a plant: ~ 4
Net primary productivity by land plants: ~ 45-60 Gt Carbon/year
Net primary productivity by ocean phytoplankton: ~ 45-60 Gt Carbon/year
Humanity carbon emission rate (2001): ~ 6.6 Gt Carbon/year
CO2 equilibration time between atmosphere and near surface layer of the oceans: ~ 10-30 years
Time for CO2 turnover in the atmosphere by photosynthesis: ~ 6-8 years
Time for O2 replenishment in the atmosphere by photosynthesis: ~ 2000 years
Global photosynthetic efficiency (NPP, averaged over a year): ~ 0.3%
Percent of global photosynthetic carbon fixation performed by diatoms: ~ 20%
Worldwide primary energy consumption by humanity (average 2001): ~ 13.5 TW


Well-Known Member
Hiya Stardust! Pretty ambitious undertaking you've taken on here. It will be interesting to see what conclusions you draw as this proceeds.

Question: In the following statement you refer to wl. What is that?

-The light Quality .
The relative spectrum of light.
How total power is distributed per wl .


Well-Known Member
Hiya Stardust! Pretty ambitious undertaking you've taken on here. It will be interesting to see what conclusions you draw as this proceeds.
Oh ..The conclusions are already drawn ..Not just by me....You'll understand ,as this proceeds....

Question: In the following statement you refer to wl. What is that?

-The light Quality .
The relative spectrum of light.
How total power is distributed per wl .
.......Say ,1 watt of red light at 630 nm ( 630 * 10 [SUP]-9[/SUP] m ,as 1 nm = 10[SUP]-9[/SUP] m ).
This amount of power at red 630 nm wavelength [ wl ] ,will contain a certain number of photons N[SUB]p[/SUB] ......."


Well-Known Member
06 : 00 . 21st of March. 15° N. Geo.Lat.

Sun rises...

Irradiance levels rise pretty fast..
Not that much time to " warm up " our clone-plant...

( Notice :So not that much need for low-compesation points here,either ..... )

Photosynthetic procedures start pretty quick....
Under increasing levels of irradiance....

Plants senses through [cry] & [phy] (mainly - blue & red peaks of white light ) ,those increasements
of irradiance ,which are quite large.

Light is rich conserning all essential wls . And not only...
It's full bright,almost continuous ,(Full spectrum ) white light..Of different frequency/wl E/M waves ...

Coming mainly from above...

Plant is photosynthesising,now...
At high rates...
It has still a small size ...
Only 2-3 nodes there ,with few young leaves....

So,even though CO[SUB]2[/SUB] levels might be rel. low (i.e. comparing to 45° NGL site ) ,are enough,for now..
Same with assimilated water...
Water is sparse here,at topsoil...
But still,those small amounts are enough for now...

Temperature rises...
Light irradiance also rises....
Daytime (sun ) is closing to noon ( 90° at zenith )...
Photorespiration and photoinhibition set in ,in that small plant...
Photosynthesis rate ,climbs close to Light Saturation Point.....
(Small plant -much energy provided...)
Plant reacts..
It loses water ....
Stomata close..
Photorespiration sets in...
Excess photoinhibition is occuring also...

12:00 ...Noon..Peak irradiances...Sun directly above...

Plant tries to protect its photosystems integrity from way too much light...
-Photoprotective pigments are biosynthesised at large quantities ..(Notice: extra valuable energy spend there....)
-Leaf stem's (petioles ) cells "shrink " or "expand " through osmotic pressure of their vacuoles ( K ions there..) and rise
vertically their leaf blades (lamina ) to sunlight ,to protect leaves from excessive irradiation...
-Waxy products may be secreted by surface leaf cells or glandular mechanisms ,to reflect light..
And/or cystolith trichomes density increases...
(Notice:more spend energy there... )
Leaf adaptations against high temperatures
Plants in high light and heat environments must reduce their exposure to solar radiation or improve heat
dissipation. As discussed above, they do this with increased leaf hairs (pubescence), more reflective
surface waxes, paraheliotropic tracking, wilting, leaf rolling, as well as with smaller and/or highly
dissected leaves to reduce boundary layer thickness. Some desert plants such as Encelia farinosa (white
brittlebush) adapt with seasonally dimorphic leaves: green and hairless in winter, white and pubescent in
Protection And Regulation of Photosynthetic Machinery
[Brief summary] Toxic photoproducts can form in excess light conditions, including triplet state of Chl
(3Chl*) and reactive oxygen species such as the superoxide anion (O2&#8226;-), singlet oxygen (1O2*), hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (&#8226;OH). (&#8220;Singlet oxygen is the common name used for the two
metastable states of molecular oxygen O2 with higher energy than the ground state triplet oxygen.&#8221;)
Singlet oxygen can damage many cellular components including lipids. The PSII reaction center is easily
damaged by excess light,
especially the D1 core protein.
Carotenoids, superoxide dismutase, and ascorbate (anti-oxidants )serve as photoprotective agents,
helping to prevent photoinhibition (a reduction in a plant's capacity for PS caused by exposure to strong light, which may be reversible or irreversible)
and damaging effects of excess light.
-Carotenoids can quench the excess energy of singlet oxygen by converting it back to triplet
oxygen releasing heat. Non-photochemical quenching of excess energy (conversion to heat without
inducing photochemistry) can be done by xanthophylls. These are yellow pigments that are oxidized
carotenoid derivatives (listed in order of least to greatest protectiveness: violaxanthin < antheraxanthin <
zeaxanthin). The least protective in the xanthophyll cycle, violaxanthin, converts to the most protective,
zeaxanthin, when light is intense and protection is needed.

-Thylakoid stacking permits energy partitioning between the photosystems, allowing the most efficient use
of the available energy...

-Chloroplasts can reposition themselves along the side walls of cells, so that the more superficial ones
provide shade to deeper chloroplasts along the same wall, in response to excessively intense light.

-Chloroplasts sometimes extend stromules, fine tubular interconnections with nearby chloroplasts and
plastids that allow transfer of proteins etc., but the ultimate purpose is unknown.
Bright Light Adaptations
Sun-exposed plant leaves tend to grow thicker than shaded leaves of the same plant. Desert plants, to
prevent harm by excess light (and dessication), develop various defense including hairs, salt glands,
epicuticular wax, all of which increase reflection of light from the leaf surface and reduce absorption of
light by up to 40%. Some plants utilize paraheliotropic tracking to turn away from direct sun and thereby
reduce leaf exposure to light.
Mechanisms of Protection Against Excess Light
Most leaves can utilize only as many as 500 - 1000 &#956;mol m-2 s-1 of photons out of full sunlight&#8217;s maximal
Most plant leaves are partially shaded so a plant as a whole is rarely saturated with light.
Although individual needles or leaves may be saturated, whole trees and the forest canopy as a whole is
rarely saturated
Leaves must dissipate excess light energy (to prevent photoinhibition), often as heat. An important
mechanism is the use of the xanthophyll cycle, which employs violaxanthin,antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin.
Zeaxanthin is the most effective at dissipating heat, and, along with
antheraxanthin, rises in concentration as sunlight becomes more intense, while violaxanthin declines
correspondingly. This cycle of waxing and waning concentrations is diurnal in summer, but in conifers in
winter, zeaxanthin stays high all day apparently to prevent photo-oxidation. Xanthophyll may also protect
chloroplasts against the effects of excess heat.
Chloroplasts also protect themselves against excess light by shifting in distribution within cells, moving to
the cytoplasmic margins and thereby increasing their overlap. This phenomenon is seen in algae, mosses,
and higher plants, and is a blue-light response related to phytochrome and using actin microfilaments.
Leaf orientation, overlap, and wilting also help plants to regulate excess light and heat by reducing
incident heat and light load.
Too much light can lead to photoinhibition.This may take the form of
&#8226; Dynamic photoinhibition&#8212;a reversible effect from moderately excess light in which PS efficiency
decreases (slope of light-response curve) but the maximum PS rate is not significantly changed. Some
of these changes are photoprotective, and can occur normally at midday and at colder temperatures.
&#8226; Chronic photoinhibition&#8212;irreversible reduction of maximum PS rate (O2 evolved per quantum mol)
from excess light.Cumulative effects of recurring photoinhibition over a growing season can reduce crop yield.
Effects of Temperature And Heat On PS
Leaves must dissipate large amounts of heat, but are aided in this by absorbing only about 50% of the
incident solar energy in the 300 - 3000 nm range (most of this absorption is in the visible spectrum).
Absorbed energy is dissipated by
&#8226; Re-radiation as long wavelength infrared (typically c. 10,000 nm)
&#8226; Sensible heat loss by air circulation, convection, and conduction
&#8226; Latent heat loss as evaporation (evapo-transpiration)
The Bowen ratio is the ratio of sensible heat loss to evaporative heat loss. It is higher in
desert plants with little water loss, and lower in tropical rain forests and well-watered crops with high
PS is sensitive to temperature. At normal &#8220;ambient&#8221; CO2 concentrations, C3 plants have a lower PS versus
temp curve than C4 plants , and show peak PS rate &#956;mol [?CO2] m-2 s-1 (optimal temperature
response) at lower temperatures. (In other words, C4 plants in ambient CO2 conditions and at higher
temperatures are more efficient at PS than C3 plants.) But at high CO2, the curves of PS rate versus
temperature are almost identical. The declines of PS at higher temperatures are due mainly to instability
of membrane bound electron transport, not to photo-oxidation.
Different plants have different adaptations and optimal temperature response&#8212;some are able to
photosynthesize at 0 ºC and others as high as 50 ºC.
When considered as a function of latitude, C3 grasses in savanna and steppe ecosystems are predicted to
be more productive (and in fact are found to be more common) in higher latitudes above 45 degrees (where
lower temperatures prevail and adequate water supplies are perhaps more likely). C4 grasses are predicted
to be more productive (and are found to be more common) in semi-arid latitudes from 20 to 40 degrees and
which have warm wet summers. [Latitudes closer to the equator are not included in this analysis because
tropical forests are more common, and would shade C4 grasses.] .
In modern agriculture, C4 plants such as corn, sugarcane, and sorghum are being grown
outside their customary geographic ranges.
Some " info " is logged down ,now....

-Transition from darkness is rapid.
-Irradiances are way too high...
-Not lacking of any wl ."Rich-full"
-Light is coming from above....
-It takes 6 hours to reach max irradiation...
-temperature arises along (much infra -red { heat} pass through atmosphere...)
-Not much water around soil surface..Heat evaporates all of it ,pretty much..

-Photorespiration occurs easily.Same with photoinhibition.
-Photosynthesis rate drops by noon( 12:00 )..

Noon passes..
Sun starts falling ...
Photosynthesis rates rise somewhat, again....
Temperatures are dropping..
Maybe a nice rain falls....For a while..
As a refreshing afternoon ,life-juice ...
Day goes towards sunsetting....
Which comes pretty fast at 18:00 ....

Simple ,eh ?

More info here...
-From noon it takes 6 hours ( HIR Phy concentrations ),for darkness to come...
-Not that much of a twilight there...Ok,there's a small amount of FRL ,irradiated for some short period...
Turns some PFr back to Pr...But not the HIR one...That one needs darkness only....
-So duration / power effects of 650-680 nm light are not photoreversible if light was provided in high irradiances or for prolonged periods...
12 hours under plenty of 650-680 photons , is enough for plant to "sense " that a lot of light is out there...
Photomorphogenesis begins. Plant needs to "Sun Adapt " ....It's the only way to survive...(and/or thrive...)

Day's "yield":
Well not that much of photosynthetic efficiency ,but plant has " learned *" a lot today...
And still does...

*Plant Neurobiology
Professor Van Volkenburgh has a special interest in plant behavior (which in brief she defines as
&#8220;development based on physiological sensing and responding&#8221;) and in plant neurobiology (&#8220;how plants
process the information they obtain from their environment to develop, prosper and reproduce
optimally&#8221;), some aspects of which are not covered in the textbook. The following derives from her
lectures except as noted.
Plants synthesize various animal neurotransmitters and neuroactive compounds (such as caffeine,
glutamate, GABA, ACH, serotonin, L-DOPA, dopamine, and melatonin). Are the glutamate receptors in
plants used in auxin signaling? Many of the neuroactive compounds made by plants may be defensive and
part of their &#8220;chemical ecology&#8221;.
Plants exhibit two types of electrical signaling. The membrane potential is held at about -180 mV. It was
previously thought that plants had no significant electrical activity or electrical excitability.
&#8226; Action Potential: This requires a threshold depolarization before it fires following a stimulus (such
as light, touch, wound, insect bite or saliva, etc.), and leads to an all-or-nothing response (as with
animal neural action potentials). This phenomenon and the accompanying fluxes have been mostly
but still incompletely studied in the giant Charophyta green alga Chara. It propagates at a constant
velocity, and is completed over a duration of minutes. (In contrast, animal action potentials
propagate typically over a fraction of a second.) The propagation may occur in the phloem, perhaps in
the parenchymal cells, crossing plasmodesmata, etc., to reach the leaves (details have not been fully
worked out). After the initial stimulus, the action potential consists of an initial positive rise in Em
resulting from Cl- outflux and Ca++ influx. (Unlike in animals, sodium ion flux plays no role.) After the
positive peak is reached, the Em rapidly falls to more negative than the baseline negative value, as H+
and K+ outflux. The Em then returns to baseline with influx of K+. (some details missing)
&#8226; Slow Wave Potentials (also called by some Variation Potentials). These are generated by an increase
in pressure at the site of origin, but are different from action potentials. Mechanoreceptors detect a
touch, wound, or insect bite perturbation with resulting pressure changes (including changes in the
usual negative xylem pressure). Ion channels open and a change in membrane potential Em propagates
slowly from the point of injury or stimulation to the remainder of the shoot over a period of 10 minutes
to one hour. The slow wave potential change propagates in the xylem to the cortex and epidermis,
and it is the electrical changes in the outer cells that are observed. Unlike action potentials, slow wave
potentials do not depend on a threshold to be initiated, and exhibit decreasing amplitude and
decreasing speed of propagation with distance from the site of initiation.
In plants, auxin may serve as a type of neurotransmitter, as with polar auxin transport PAT,
in which an action potential-like event results from IAA secretion...

Examples of plants responding to their environment include:
&#8226; Phototropism and Sun Tracking
&#8226; Venus flytrap: The trap has sensitive hairs which when sufficiently stimulated trigger a depolarization
of membrane potential, causing the cells of the hinge to lose turgor on top and gain turgor and elongate
on the bottom (from influx of K+), resulting in closure of the hinge...
&#8226; Flowering in plants resulting from PHY detection of light, FT Protein transmitted in phloem, etc.
&#8226; Tomato Wound Response: Insect bites lead to propagation of an action potential, along with
synthesis of systemin (a peptide hormone) in wounded phloem parenchyma cells. (The systemin
pathway leads to synthesis of jasmonic acid, which propagates in the phloem.)
&#8226; Hypersensitivity responses: including local necrosis.
&#8226; Chitinases: these are directed against insects and fungi.
&#8226; Phytoalexins: plant antibiotics, including terpenoids, glycosteroids and alkaloids.

( cryptochromes are found on retinal tissue, of higher animal's eyes ...Including humans...
Once we were plants...
There are many "indications",about that......)


Well-Known Member
As to AB testing, clones are ~ 5-6 weeks after solstice seeds are planted, no? So doesn't that alter the time lines/life cycle of clones v seeds?


Well-Known Member
As to AB testing, clones are ~ 5-6 weeks after solstice seeds are planted, no? So doesn't that alter the time lines/life cycle of clones v seeds?
It does...

But lets say they are ideal "young "-"baby" clones...
We do care about the two plants being same genetically..(as clones do..)
Not so much,about their seedling or clone " properties" (not yet..Wait a bit...)

When seedlings emerge into the light, they transition from the dark-adapted form to a PS-capable form via photomorphogenesis, acomplex but rapid process which includes stem growth slowing, straightening of the apical hook, and synthesis of PS pigments including Chl. This change is signaled by exposure to light, especially red light(650-680 nm ). The most important plant photoreceptors absorb red and blue light.
Phytochrome,which in its two isomeric forms absorbs red light (RL) and far-red light (FRL), plays the key role in lightregulated(photomorphogenetic) vegetative and reproductive development. In etiolated seedlings, it comprises about 0.2% of total extractable protein, about 50 times more concentrated than in mature green
&#8220;Although phytochrome is an important plant pigment, it occurs in very low concentrations and it is not visible unless chemically purified.&#8221;Phytochrome is an intracellular photoreceptor, not a hormone.Not indicated any secretion of these
Phototropism responses (coleoptile bending, etc.) are blue light responses and not typically phytochrome mediated
Floral Competence, Induction, Determined State, And Expression
Some plants flower with autonomous regulation in response to strictly internal factors (such as plant sizeor number of leaves), whereas others respond to environmental stimuli (such as day/night length).<=For the latter, either
&#8226; environmental stimuli are absolutely required (&#8220;obligate&#8221; or &#8220;qualitative&#8221;), or

&#8226; environmental stimuli promote flowering but are not absolutely required (&#8220;facultative&#8221; or
(day-night temp difference like on tomato plant or vernalization.)
Environmental stimuli include vernalization(achieveable only on seedlings) and photoperiodism.