The Tao Of The Individual?

Government patterns can be changed. Common sense is subjective and fluid.

common sense is exactly as it sounds. common, defined as: of or relating to a community at large. this means it is an amalgam of our common goals which include very obvious things, an aversion to injury, not wanting to hurt people we love...
Boil it down and it comes to two things.
Impulse controll and decision making.
It has been shown time and time again, both throughout history and in recent history, that in the face of seven or eight or ten zeroes people lose this common sense. Impulse controll whithers. They are immediatly set apart by the fact that they controll so much. so much money, so many resources, so many people. how could they not feel set apart?
When your yearly bonus is counted in the tens or the hundreds of millions of dollars, the issues that dictate 'common' sense become faint echoes of what it might once have been. This is why corporations cannot be trusted to run things. They no longer excersise common sense. They are social deviants.
Government patterns can be changed. Common sense is subjective and fluid.

Well THIS govt. pattern certainly needs to be changed.... we need to stop right now and start heading back to economic fortitude and responsibility. Obama is showing none of those properties...

Obama has ONE chance, (excluding current events XYZ unknown) to get a second term. let health care go....and steer hard towards the middle. This is what saved Clinton from getting the boot, and right now, I see the same scenario. let Health care go, ignore the left and get reelected. If he stays on the left...he's finished.

common sense is exactly as it sounds. common, defined as: of or relating to a community at large. this means it is an amalgam of our common goals which include very obvious things, an aversion to injury, not wanting to hurt people we love...
Boil it down and it comes to two things.
Impulse controll and decision making.
It has been shown time and time again, both throughout history and in recent history, that in the face of seven or eight or ten zeroes people lose this common sense. Impulse controll whithers. They are immediatly set apart by the fact that they controll so much. so much money, so many resources, so many people. how could they not feel set apart?
When your yearly bonus is counted in the tens or the hundreds of millions of dollars, the issues that dictate 'common' sense become faint echoes of what it might once have been. This is why corporations cannot be trusted to run things. They no longer excersise common sense. They are social deviants.

He'll be fine - he can stay as left as he wants. America has shifted to the left. The times, they are a changin'.
You must not get out much..... constitutional conventions are coming.....look for it. Yes indeed the times will be a's already begun.
Despite a couple of very poor attempts to twist your meaning by a few people who obviously miss the point of your post, a few of us did hear and feel what you were trying to get across. Great post and appreciated.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. - TJ

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. - TJ

Agreed. :clap: