the thing that irritates me most is....


Well-Known Member

That sounds nice and dandy, but that system doesn't allow for any free thought whatsoever. Where does this money come from if no one earns any wages? Who pays for it? Who sustains it? Who controls it? This is a system that we as a people should be against.Look at the way things are now, and tell me a system with even less individual control is better.
I've replied in this thread because I don't want to hijack...

Global Governance through Realtime Interaction.


Active Member
sorry soe of y key don't work..only the ones that i est up in.... lol drop y bong water in it. need to go buy a new one key board..


Well-Known Member
The thing that irritates me the most is people who talk about their religion all the time or try to force it on me. why can't they just keep their religion private?


Well-Known Member
People fucking driving next to each other at EXACTLY the speed limit.

Hello fuckers! look next to you, it's the same car!. Look in your rear view! There are 80 cars behind you two. One of you get the fuck out of the way so we can all continue on by at 9 over like every other driving thinking no cop will pull me over for 9 over.

If it weren't for ASSHOLES like you, we might not have any fucking traffic jams anymore.


That felt good.


New Member
young ass kids on this site that "sling dope" and think there as cool as the other side of the pillow. Wanna smoke weed? Grow it.. Wanna make money? Get a damn job.

F'ing kid's


Well-Known Member
...Life lately

Faggot little kids that think their life sucks when their mommy and daddy give them everything.

Peole that say "money wont buy happieness"?!?! Fuck that.

and marshmellow peeps


New Member
true.. if money dont buy someone happiness then they will never be happy. shit i'd be happy if I had enough money to buy me a gd quarter to smoke right now..

and yea , fuck marshmellow peeps! lol


Well-Known Member
the area where the carpet meets the wood floor and when you step on it its like a damn razor blade. I hate that shit. and serial killers


Well-Known Member

i really like the fact that you use "lmao" and "lol" in every NEVER gets old.



Well-Known Member
people who steal shit.


bright fuckin lights

fuckin people on left 4 dead who don't understand the concept of the game