• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Time Has Come NY Could Be Next


Active Member
We are so close: Call your N.Y. legislators and tell them to pass medical marijuana legislation
Dear MPP Supporter :
It’s week two of the Legislature Watch, and we are so close to passing a bill — but not there yet. Yesterday, in order drive home the plight of all the seriously ill New Yorkers suffering without their medicine, longtime advocate and well-known MS patient Montel Willams flew in for a very successful press conference and legislative meetings. The result was electrifying and brings renewed hope to this effort. His visit had a tremendous impact on legislators and received great press coverage and a compelling video. It appears that the Senate is finally, finally starting to get it.
Let us drive the necessity for this bill home by ramping up our efforts again. Please call your senator and your assemblymember TODAY to urge them to vote for the amended version of A. 9016 and to ask their leadership to call a vote as soon as possible.
While it looks like we are not going to be included in the budget, as a result of all of the calls you have put in, and Montel’s great work, we are definitely still alive. We are now looking to pass the bill as a standalone, which means we are targeting all the Democrats and some swing vote Republicans for their votes. Please call your senator and your assemblymember and explain why passing medical marijuana this week is so important.
Help make sure that this last, best opportunity to help seriously ill patients does not slip away. Please also urge other New Yorkers to act now before it is too late. Forward this message to at least 10 New Yorkers, post the link to your social networking sites, and otherwise spread the word. We must not let another year go by with patients criminalized for treating their illnesses.


New Member
fuck yeah montel and go go go NEW YORK WOO!

Not much longer and we will be able to drive from the atlantic to the pacific only crossing thru MMJ STATES!!!! If only we could get some Central EAST states..


Active Member
Well it would seem NY gets the shaft again. Our asshole Gov. is in pissing contest with the senetors. SO he spent the day yesterday vetoing all the bills because they still wana talk about the budget and this POS wont budge. SO basicly in one day this POS undid all the work done this year to have it legal for no other reason then he wanted to show NYS he has a bigger dick then the Senetors. Awsome you fucking POS this is why your ass is done come election time. You were handed a sweet deal and have done nothing but F it up. Frankly we would have done better with the dude fucking high class whores on the side.

So thanks Paterson I know your blind but coud you atleast kiss us while fucking us. Way to repersent the people asshole.


Active Member
It wont be last. It will be next we just gota get this asshole out of office or remind him why he is there. It was so close all this asshole had to do was sign his name and was done. It was a complete pass 60% of the votes. But like I said he is in a pissing contest and its not right.

Legal or not it works for me and I want the bill passed but if not nothing will change for me. I will keep meding and nobody will know the difference unless I tell them.

The Potologist

Active Member
Regardless if they do or dont NY will, BY FAR, have the narrowest, most restrictive, regulations BAR NONE! The legislation that is set to be voted upon is nothing like those in CA, WA, VT, and more liberal states. NY plans on passing legislation that would allow "terminally ill" patients to obtain medical marjiuana through a state regulated dispensary. There will be no measures for "patients" to grow their own, or for others to grow it for them. All in all, patients would be looking at a uber high priced cannabis. This is fact, will press them into turning back to the black market to obtain "cheaper" medicine.

NY, is by far, the most IGGNORANT state there is. nothing they do on a legislative measure makes any sense. Especially, to those who are seeking medical assistance. Dont expect any passed measure to be geared towards the patient. ALL they are doing is trying to "make a buck". But like many other things that NY tries, it will be a true and UTTER FAILURE!


Well-Known Member
Regardless if they do or dont NY will, BY FAR, have the narrowest, most restrictive, regulations BAR NONE! The legislation that is set to be voted upon is nothing like those in CA, WA, VT, and more liberal states. NY plans on passing legislation that would allow "terminally ill" patients to obtain medical marjiuana through a state regulated dispensary. There will be no measures for "patients" to grow their own, or for others to grow it for them. All in all, patients would be looking at a uber high priced cannabis. This is fact, will press them into turning back to the black market to obtain "cheaper" medicine.

NY, is by far, the most IGGNORANT state there is. nothing they do on a legislative measure makes any sense. Especially, to those who are seeking medical assistance. Dont expect any passed measure to be geared towards the patient. ALL they are doing is trying to "make a buck". But like many other things that NY tries, it will be a true and UTTER FAILURE!
it's not that clear how restrictive this will be, the wording seems to be 'severe and terminal illnesses'
that could put some wiggle room into the interpretation, add some activist doctors and maybe not so bad
also, it isn't clear on who can grow, there doesn't seem to be wording that forbids a patient from growing
looks more like a system that they can throttle back as much as they want
i didn't know though it had passed the legislature, f'ing paterson, yeah he has a legacy now

The Potologist

Active Member
I agree with you that there is still alot left in the dark or grey area of the actual legislation in NY. HOWEVER, the exact wording throughtout the ENTIRE initiative is "terminal illnesses". No where in there is there the exact words " severe" they actually make it really clear that this will be ONLY for Terminal ill patients. MORESO, its very defined that the dispensaries will be STATE OPERATED, and that NO Patient will have any rights to grow his/her own or have a third party do it for them.

Granted, there is alot to be done before this measure even thinks about being passed. In the mean time, I am sure NY will live up to what the critics are saying and continue to be the most suppressive and controling state when it comes to medical patient rights. NY has no plans on putting this regulation in the hands of its citizens or of medical patients for that matter. Please note that NY has no intentions on being a liberal party when it comes to any adoption of Medical Marijuana Laws. Time will show that NY and its dummy administrators will still have control and they will do what they want regardless of what is really needed or warranted by the people of NY. Dont get your hopes up if you live in NY and think you are going to get medical marijuana like they do out in California. Moreso, dont think or pretend that NY is going to have any success with any Medical Marijuana laws. Just look at the madness out in cali that has come from medical marijuana. NY will be sure to avoid any of that madness, and in doing so, they will continue to take even more patient rights away.

Im sorry, I am not making this shit up. I really wish I was. Its just the sad, and cold hearted truth. NY will suck a big one when it comes to doing anything right that has to do with Medical Marijuana. Maybe the reason behind all that is because over 70 % of the larger Pharma companies have headquaters in NY and CONTROL alot of Medical Patient rights and the latter such. However, I guess we can still hope of sunny days...but I wouldnt hold my breath when it comes to NY Politics.


Well-Known Member

this is what i see in the bill last time i looked, maybe it changed, but i don't think it has


this is what i was referring to, if it has changed, well, that would suck even worse

The Potologist

Active Member
Well I dont want to seem like a story teller, but I will take a step back and reorganize my statements. Typically, citizens of USA can actual view initiatives and prospect legislature, on a National level. You can actually download the greater majority of them in PDF. HOWEVER, for NY that is not the case. I recieved my information via NY NORML, who are the current leaders in actually trying to reform the wording in those bills.

From them, and their standpoint, the biggest dissapointments they have are what I stated, for that is what has been told to me. BUT, I could have it all wrong, its always a possibility.
However, I have personally read some press releases where NY did state that They were going to have the control and actual run and regulate all dispensaries. I can honestly say that I personally have not read the " Terminal Illness only clause". But, I have read that the state will/wants to control dispensaries, and for the saftey of New Yorkers they wish for the "ill" not to grow because cultivation is "dangerous".

Peace, Love and Happiness

The Potologist

Active Member
Wow. Thanks for the link. Man, thats a tough call right there. There is just SOOO Much in that bill that is totally inconclusive, and very unclear. I think the problem may reside in not the actual passing of legislation, but the actual attempt to make a useful, working, fair, and just bill that holds the patient rights first, and the general public saftey as a follow up.

Again, I would not be surprised to see the criminals in NY Political seat that make these bills. Its a utter waste of tax payers dollars to continue to make defective and ignorrant legislation that is bound to fail. It actually motivates one, in my opinion, to vote against it just cause of the lack of clarity, and the general lack of concern that I feel when I read it. I just get the feeling they are doing it get people off their back instead of doing what is right. BUT hey what else are politicians good for now days.

Anyways, thanks for the link.

Peace, Love and Happiness


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't fault anybody for being skeptical of this bill, especially with the context of NY politics, pretty corrupt on the whole
i believe the intention is to maintain control
there is no way they want an 'out of control' Cali MMJ to get going
and that's what this bill reflects


New Member
Id like to welcome you guys to medical marijuana laws, they are all ridiculous and incredibly unclear thats the nature of this right now for our state at least. It is pretty much exactly the same as most of the other states except the thing about registered organizations and supposably allowing pharmicies to be one of these, which I might add is a great addition because you guys will not have to deal with the debate of which kind of transfers are legal and if collectives, compassion clubs, and dispensarys are legal because it is already right there in your bill, It is a very good program one of the best I would say in the country, you guys should be happy this bill takes from the mistakes made in other states and solves the problems we have for the most part.

There does need to be a few addendums; for one, you need parts in there to protect the patient and caregivers privacy - writing down reports of MJ your selling by these organizations as required by this bill would mean people would be documenting that they are breaking a federal law, if that is to be in place there needs to be heavy protections for this data.

anyway guys - very very good bill if that passes NY will be on top of the game and have a great medical marijuana industry and community very quickly.


Active Member
Well at this point it was vetoed in Patersons pissing contest. Not sure what that means if it will be passed if he gets his way.

The best thing is come Nov. we get to vote his worthless ass out office and that my friend you can be 100% sure off. The sad thing is this clown has pissed off too many people with lies and his pissing contests if he gets re-elected I am moving.

Paterson was handed this job cause our real Gov like to bang high priced whores while he paid state troopers to to gaurds him. I still think we were better off with him.


Well-Known Member
Well at this point it was vetoed in Patersons pissing contest. Not sure what that means if it will be passed if he gets his way.

The best thing is come Nov. we get to vote his worthless ass out office and that my friend you can be 100% sure off. The sad thing is this clown has pissed off too many people with lies and his pissing contests if he gets re-elected I am moving.

Paterson was handed this job cause our real Gov like to bang high priced whores while he paid state troopers to to gaurds him. I still think we were better off with him.
you don't have to worry about him being re-elected, he's not running
he's the deadest duck i've seen in politics for a while
which does create a bit of a problem in the short term, he's not likely to be affected by any voter perception
i still have some guarded optimism
1 is the Paterson is not historically anti MMJ, he was pro MMJ for quite a while
the other is getting the MMJ bill through both assembly houses was HUGE, this may have broken the ice
if it happened once, it can happen again


Active Member
As the temperatures rise, keep the heat on N.Y. leadership to pass medical marijuana bill
Dear MPP Supporter :
It’s week three of the Legislature Watch, and our legislators have left Albany in this heat wave. However, they may return to session at any time. Thus, we need to keep the heat focused on them, urging them to pass medical marijuana legislation as soon as they can.
Let us make our leaders understand the necessity for this bill by making a big push this week. Please call Governor Paterson TODAY and ask him to work with the legislature to enact the bill.

Then call Speaker Silver and Senator Sampson and ask them to pass the medical marijuana bill when the legislature returns — patients can’t wait!
Last week, the legislature temporarily adjourned without finishing its work. Now it is likely that it will return at least once more before adjourning for the summer. As a result of all of the calls you have put in, and Montel Williams’s great work, we are definitely still alive and are now looking to pass the bill as a standalone measure.
Help make sure that this last, best opportunity to help seriously ill patients does not slip away. Please also urge other New Yorkers to act now before it is too late. Forward this message to at least 10 New Yorkers, post the link to your social networking sites, and otherwise spread the word. We must not let another year go by with patients criminalized for treating their illnesses.

Litle update on whats going down in NY. These guys wana get done b4 track seasons that all. LoL.