The true story: How Oboma killed Osama


Ursus marijanus
Random thought: I would never do the dry ice thing if I have bubble bags. Bubbling is more work, but provides a much much cleaner product. Dry ice powders the leaf matter, no matter how careful one is. It's just too cold. cn


Well-Known Member
I did not vote for him and will not this time as I would like to see my friends get jobs and I want to sell my damm house this decade. One thing for sure it took real balls and leadership to order that raid and if for nothing else I respect him for giving the order and the Seals for getting the job done.

He risked his entire career on that move which shows me he does in fact put the country first. With that said, hats off to our President and Please vote Romney Ryan in Nov.


Well-Known Member
Random thought: I would never do the dry ice thing if I have bubble bags. Bubbling is more work, but provides a much much cleaner product. Dry ice powders the leaf matter, no matter how careful one is. It's just too cold. cn
You use the dry ice with a bubble bag. DOes leave too much leaf in product though


Well-Known Member
I have the 5 filter bag thing. I have done both dry and regular ice.... dry ice much better for yield and bubble much better for smokin. bongsmilie


New Member
Random thought: I would never do the dry ice thing if I have bubble bags. Bubbling is more work, but provides a much much cleaner product. Dry ice powders the leaf matter, no matter how careful one is. It's just too cold. cn
I could never figure out why a grower/smoker would even waste his time making the stuff when he has plenty of good smoke at his disposal?

What am I missing?


Ursus marijanus
I could never figure out why a grower/smoker would even waste his time making the stuff when he has plenty of good smoke at his disposal?

What am I missing?
I have bud and bubble. Every night I smoke bubble and make a bit of a face when contemplating smoking unwashed bud. When the weather turns cool, I'm turning my bud into bubble. It's a much pleasanter way of smoking for me. cn


Well-Known Member
I could never figure out why a grower/smoker would even waste his time making the stuff when he has plenty of good smoke at his disposal?

What am I missing?
Apparently alot.

Id take nice full melt bubble over any green, any day of the week.

Gives you way more of a " is going on?" buzz.


Well-Known Member
You guys are so gullible. You just believe everything the government tells you. Just like when the FDA said it was ok to take thalidimide if your pregnant. They buried the body at sea, yeah sure they did. HAve you seen the photoshopped photo what was supposed to be dead OSama? Thats how stupid they think the people are and apparently they are right after reading this thread. Ok go back to sleep now. Turn the TV back on and get brainwashed some more.


Well-Known Member
You guys are so gullible. You just believe everything the government tells you. Just like when the FDA said it was ok to take thalidimide if your pregnant. They buried the body at sea, yeah sure they did. HAve you seen the photoshopped photo what was supposed to be dead OSama? Thats how stupid they think the people are and apparently they are right after reading this thread. Ok go back to sleep now. Turn the TV back on and get brainwashed some more.
Gawd you are so stupid

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States never licensed thalidomide for general use; some of the birth defects caused by thalidomide in the United States were results of the drug being obtained from other countries.[SUP][17][/SUP] However, samples had been distributed to a number of physicians as part of a clinical trial, in which 20,000 patients in the U.S. received thalidomide.[SUP][18][/SUP]

For correctly denying the application despite the pressure from Richardson-Merrell, Kelsey eventually received the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service at a 1962 ceremony with President John F. Kennedy. In September 2010, the FDA honored Kelsey with the first Kelsey award. The award, given annually to an FDA staff member, came 50 years after Kelsey, then a new medical officer at the agency, first reviewed the application from the William S. Merrell Company of Cincinnati.[SUP][25][/SUP]