The trump family is an international crime syndicate

Federal grand jury has been empaneled by DOJ on Trump illegally taking classified material to Mar-a-Lago.
Classified material is a serious thing, if he were a democrat, or just a regular person who made a mistake. It would make no difference to republicans if he gave the Russians the entire CIA data base. The republican senate already let him off for high treason, sedition and insurrection, impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Remember that line if ya get the chance to impeach some supreme court justices, ya might as well do a bunch at once, as do one.
The Trump admin & big meatpackers fabricated claims of pork & beef shortages to force workers into dangerous plants at the pandemic's height. **269 workers died** after getting covid-19 in meat packing plants.
I like the phrase “criminally low tax rates”. True.

must-see TV.

we should make a drinking game of every time he pleads the 5th, you gotta do a shot. @Jimdamick
You'll kill the poor fucker in 15 minutes, it's not a bet on if he dies from alcohol poisoning, just how long he lasts!

must-see TV.

we should make a drinking game of every time he pleads the 5th, you gotta do a shot. @Jimdamick
The most whiskey I ever had at one sitting, aided by copious amounts of cocaine was around 3/4 of a liter of Tullamore Dew (Jamesons blows in comparison)
So that was around 25 shots in 9 hours plus a few of the Dark One/the Black crack/Mother's milk, also known as Guinness :)

I survived that night, barely, but I sincerely doubt that I could survive Trump lies/taking the 5th if I had to drink for every one that he uttered.

I'd end up dead, for sure

Judge throws out Trump’s suit to block NY AG probe
The ruling from U.S. District Judge Brenda Sannes, who sits on the federal district court for upstate New York, comes just a day after a state appeals court ruled that Trump and his two eldest children must comply with the attorney general’s subpoena for their testimony.

Sannes granted New York Attorney General Letitia James’s (D) motion to dismiss the case, rejecting Trump’s arguments that the investigation is being conducted in bad faith and motivated by politics.

“While the New York proceeding has been ongoing since August 2020, Plaintiffs have submitted no evidence that the subpoena enforcement proceeding has been conducted in such a way as to constitute harassment,” Sannes, an Obama appointee, wrote in a 43-page decision.
House panel investigating Jared Kushner over Saudi investment with private firm
The House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Thursday announced a probe into an investment by the government of Saudi Arabia into a private investment firm managed by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former president Trump.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), the chairwoman of the House panel, said in a news release she is investigating a $2 billion investment from the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF), which is controlled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, into Kushner’s investment firm A Fin Management, LLC (Affinity).

Donald Trump removed himself from the board of his media company on June 8, a few weeks before the SEC and a grand jury in Manhattan issued federal subpoenas to the company. Also removed was Donald Trump, Jr.
wonder how he got wind of that? he's like a weasel...he can smell trouble coming and cut and's his super power...well, that and never telling the truth if a lie will do
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wonder how he got wind of that? he's like a weasel...he can smell trouble coming and cut and's his super power...well, that and never telling the truth is a lie will do
Someone showed Donald a new trick, but someone will testify against him to avoid prison too. There is little point however, Donald has committed hundreds of federal crimes he can be indicted for and he only has one pathetic old carcass to do a few years with before they take him out in a bag. Don jr. might be another matter and any pardon he has wouldn't cover this crime, he might be spending the rest of his life in the slammer for this and various other crimes.
my accounting firm is a bunch of liberal RINOs. lol.
Were that actually the case, the firm would have donated any excess to a particularly suitable charity.

Like food and housing aid for hungry wiccan trannies of color. Orwell aside, they’re just as much citizens as the leaders of society. Time to rub the bigots’ noses in their own skidmark.