The trump family is an international crime syndicate

Idiot on parade :spew:

Oddly malignant narcissists do not care about how people react to the type of hubris TFG displayed in that clip. It gives them the attention they desire and to TFG it gives him a feeling of "winning", an inner glow for things that he can do that others cannot get away with. He doesn't recognize the embarrassment people have for him, how appalled they are. It's his own little joke. He will continue to do this and if returned to power he will do far worse. TFG is like a shark with a sniff of blood but nothing to eat now. He lost power and is losing influence.
I have a dream, a dream that one day there will be no news mentioning the names Trump, Musk, or Kardashian. That would be so peaceful.
Thirty years ago only one of those names was somewhat known. I wonder with which names we will conjure dread “the year Greenland shed its ice”.
Oddly malignant narcissists do not care about how people react to the type of hubris TFG displayed in that clip. It gives them the attention they desire and to TFG it gives him a feeling of "winning", an inner glow for things that he can do that others cannot get away with. He doesn't recognize the embarrassment people have for him, how appalled they are. It's his own little joke. He will continue to do this and if returned to power he will do far worse. TFG is like a shark with a sniff of blood but nothing to eat now. He lost power and is losing influence.
Exactly, it feeds them the sense of influence, the purr of power, and that can lead them into a false sense of others, a proclivity for easy assumptions. In other words, it makes them weak to the agency of others, so they NEVER see themselves going too far, because they’re blind to the realities of human beings; they never notice their own intent to overreach, recognize it, & reel it back in. That’s a level of self-reflection narcissists rarely permit themselves, but it’s kind of the core of self-discipline itself: to know yourself well enough to catch our own destructive choices & actions in the making and step back from them.
I did not vote for the guy who has spent 50 years screwing it up, surely is not going to fix it. Millions of gullible people voted him in place. They own this shit just as much!!!