The trump family is an international crime syndicate

Accounting firm retracts financial statements, cuts ties with Trump Org amid NY AG probe
"We write to advise that the Statements of Financial Condition for Donald J. Trump for the years ending June 30, 2011 — June 30, 2020, should no longer be relied upon and you should inform any recipients thereof who are currently relying upon one or more of those documents that those documents should not be relied upon," Kelly wrote in the letter, which is dated Feb. 9. "We have come to this conclusion based, in part, upon the filings made by the New York Attorney General on January 18, 2022, our own investigation, and information received from internal and external sources.

"While we have not concluded that the various financial statements, as a whole, contain material discrepancies, based upon the totality of the circumstances, we believe our advice to you to no longer rely upon those financial statements is appropriate," Kelly added.

According to the attorney general, those misrepresentations came on Trump's regularly prepared statements of financial condition which the company provided to tax officials, potential investors and creditors.

In a statement a spokesperson for the Trump Organization expressed disappointment with Mazars' decision, while saying its work was in accordance with accounting standards.

“While we are disappointed that Mazars has chosen to part ways, their February 9, 2022 letter confirms that after conducting a subsequent review of all prior statements of financial condition, Mazars’ work was performed in accordance with all applicable accounting standards and principles and that such statements of financial condition do not contain any material discrepancies," the statement said. "This confirmation effectively renders the investigations by the DA and AG moot.”
A lot of people are frustrated about delayed justice, I get that way from time to time too, but Donald's demise spilling over into an election year along with the 1/6 panel's public testimony and reports is much more useful, the public has a short attention span. Donald going down and going nuts while it happens, along with the 1/6 shit hitting the fan in 2022, might just be enough to help the democrats keep the house and increase a few seats in the senate. Donald has a lock on at least 30% of the republican base and facts or reason don't matter to them at all. If Donald panics or gets pissed and walks his supports out of the party or tells them to stay home in November, the GOP is fucked, margins are tight in most places. Donald already fucked the republicans in 2020 and he might do it again, he will soon be under a lot of stress as reality catches up to him.

I hope Georgia does him first, it would fuck the GOP and top republicans would have to testify against him, perhaps this summer! It also has the added bonus of being on TV as all their trials are, so the country can make the call and Donald's humiliation will be profound. If he incites violence after indictment when the judge owns his ass, they will jail him until trial and he could even appear in an orange jumpsuit on TV frothing at the mouth and freaking out with bad hair!
maybe i'm wrong but this move by Mazars seems like NY might be in the lead now? the public statement about his finances not being in order is striking to me
I hope he has to fly between Georgia and NY this summer for court appearances and they have to fight over who imprisons him first. I can't see that nice democratic lady in Fulton Co, missing such an opportunity to fuck the republicans in Georgia, especially since this has been delayed kinda long. The damage to the GOP will be done when top GOP officials like Kempt testify against him in court on TV, Donald will lose his mind and they will have to ball gag the fucker the keep him from going to jail, as he flips out in court! :lol: We can dream...
"This confirmation effectively renders the investigations by the DA and AG moot.”

HO HO! No it doesn't. It says the CPA's followed the bare minimum in due diligence while relying upon statements from those assholes. Doing a review and publicly announcing nobody should rely on the financials for those 9 years says exactly the opposite. These are guidelines from the AICPA.

Mazars will be up to their asses in lawsuits now. That's always the way it ends when dealing with any malignant narcisisst, not just Trump.
Pandora's box has been opened now. Every one of Mazar's other major client's will be getting demands for reviewed financials. Scapegoats, i.e., loan officers, analysts, junior accountants will be getting axed by clients and banks. The IRS could tag Mazar's for higher scrutiny of their client's returns.

Meanwhile the Trump family still has closed eyes thinking they will able to simply move to another firm. It won't happen that way even though the family will use extreme pressure from on high.

On top of that it gives McConnell leverage he needs so he'll also be pulling levers behind the scenes to get rid of his problem. He has an opening.

Trump's biggest advantage is the money he pulls in from the rubes and the poor reporting by the press.
There should be a website with those old fashioned horse races with the cutout of the horse and rider on a board with individual lanes for each investigation into Trump and who is in the lead to take him down. I think whoever does one would have so much traffic on their site, taking care of it might be a full time job. I would do it but I am retired and can't be bothered.
There should be a website with those old fashioned horse races with the cutout of the horse and rider on a board with individual lanes for each investigation into Trump and who is in the lead to take him down. I think whoever does one would have so much traffic on their site, taking care of it might be a full time job. I would do it but I am retired and can't be bothered.
an apt all goes around in a circle and seemingly will never end....
There should be a website with those old fashioned horse races with the cutout of the horse and rider on a board with individual lanes for each investigation into Trump and who is in the lead to take him down. I think whoever does one would have so much traffic on their site, taking care of it might be a full time job. I would do it but I am retired and can't be bothered.
Oh make it look like the big board in Mercury Control, with young interns with long sticks periodically sliding the cutouts along lit tracks across an enormous backlit Mercator projection map.
Valentine’s Day Really Sucked for the Trump Organization
The Trump Organization on Monday was dragged back into a District of Columbia court case that seeks to hold it accountable for its role in more than a million dollars of misspent funds during former President Donald Trump’s 2017 inauguration.

The development marked the second whopping punch against the ex-president’s corporate empire on Valentine’s Day, following news that the company’s own accounting firm accused Trump of cooking up misleading financial statements.

The Trump Organization is now fighting a full-on multi-front war with prosecutors in Manhattan investigating tax fraud, in New York State investigating bank fraud, and in D.C. suing over alleged corrupt self-dealing with nonprofit money.

What caused the sudden shift in D.C.? A new judge who saw through a previous judge’s confounding error.

The Trump Org Stiffed a Hotel. His Kids May Pay the Price.

In November, D.C. Superior Court Judge José M. López appeared to ruin the local attorney general’s investigation when he decided the case could proceed—but dropped the Trump Organization from the lawsuit. His odd reasoning was that Donald Trump Jr.’s financier friend, Gentry Beach, had made a deal on behalf of the Trump Organization without the company’s permission and therefore the company wasn’t really at fault. In reality, Don Jr., Ivanka, and other staffers at the company’s New York office were on a ton of the paperwork.

In that jaw-dropping decision, López ignored D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine’s request to get to the bottom of Gentry’s role by subjecting him to sworn testimony and instead put the Trump Organization on an escape boat.

As The Daily Beast reported last month, the Trump kids’ close involvement and the assignment of a new judge on the case offered a glimmer of hope to reverse that.

Indeed, Judge Yvonne Williams on Monday issued a ruling that zeroed in on the previous judge’s Catch-22.

“It was erroneous for the court to rule against the district based on the district’s failure to depose… Mr. Beach… when the Court had [withheld] ruling on the district’s request to conduct that very discovery,” Williams wrote.

The Trump Organization did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“Our lawsuit is moving forward fully intact & full steam ahead. We sued the inaugural committee for misusing funds to enrich the Trump family. Now we’re going to trial,” Racine wrote on Twitter shortly after the ruling.

Racine seeks to have the Trump Hotel D.C. pay back nearly $1 million in funds that were spent on what local government investigators describe as self-dealing by the incoming president’s adult kids—Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump—to personally benefit themselves using money meant to celebrate the nation’s peaceful transfer of power. His idea is to set up a trust fund that would be diverted to another nonprofit actually engaging in charitable community work.

At the crux of that alleged scheme is an episode in which the Trump Organization reserved a block of rooms at the Loews Madison Hotel, only to stiff the hotel when more than a dozen expected guests didn’t show up. The company managed to dodge a credit collection agency and pushed off the $49,358 bill to the nonprofit presidential inaugural committee, the PIC.