It REALLY amazes me... that people are still playing the blame game, when it all boils down to ONE THING- Your rights (including the basic right to a fair trial and jury) are being overlooked by most of the posts here.
I could CARE LESS who the current lame ass president is, the problem is that he/she/it is doing NOTHING TO COUNTER THIS obvious violation of rights and has in effect even condoned it by not responding.
For all of those who think the second amendment is not that important, you are part of the problem, not the solution. The founding fathers of this country KNEW that the 'right to keep and bear arms' was required to keep corrupt, evil, tyranny laced government leaders in check. That's why they listed it right after freedom of speech and the right to assemble, etc. That makes them smarter than you, even whilst long dead.
When the government comes pounding on your door (with their guns) and takes away everything you ever worked for in your life and gasp... maybe even your pathetic life, I will not shed a tear.
Cowards and slackers get what they deserve.