The UK Growers Thread!


Ello Lads & Ladies , just joined forum Ive got one good plant on the go. Will post pic later today hoping that some kind soul will tell me what to do with it next! All the best A


Well-Known Member
Got a letter today from Beko. Seems the fridge freezer thing we purchased in 2006 has the potential to self combust and they need to send out an engineer. Priceless


Well-Known Member
woohooo my mate just payed up and brought me a oz of "church" round ... never tried this strain so looking forward to getting mashed in a minute hahaha :)


Well-Known Member
Got a letter today from Beko. Seems the fridge freezer thing we purchased in 2006 has the potential to self combust and they need to send out an engineer. Priceless
been all over the news, they have known ages but not told anyone, been a lot of bad fires.........


Well-Known Member
"fire caused by fridge, marijuana grow op discovered" get that engineer round nowwwww bill before shit starts stankin up!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
fridge`s that go on fire!!!! fuck.. my nan has a beko tv, be round her`s asap with different one for her, (just in case), she`s 83 and watchs tv all the time has it on even when she pops to bed in the afternoon for a nap, thing is she takes some medication to sleep so wouldn`t have a clue there was a fire and certainly wouldn`t hear the alrm go off,

question: whats the highest yeilding strain, i`ve read that its an oz a plant but are there strains that are known to yeild more?


Well-Known Member
fridge`s that go on fire!!!! fuck.. my nan has a beko tv, be round her`s asap with different one for her, (just in case), she`s 83 and watchs tv all the time has it on even when she pops to bed in the afternoon for a nap, thing is she takes some medication to sleep so wouldn`t have a clue there was a fire and certainly wouldn`t hear the alrm go off,

question: whats the highest yeilding strain, i`ve read that its an oz a plant but are there strains that are known to yeild more?
There is no highest yielding strain. There are high yielding strains, and how much you actually get from it depends on your skill.