The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Spent the day looking for some decent air cooled hoods and theres fuck all out there in my budget, if you want a good un then its 140 each and i want 3 lol so that aint happening. Gonna ave a trip to the hydro shop tomorrow if im brave enough, i fucking hate having to go there but i wanna see his wares before i hand over any cash.


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Well-Known Member
Fucking hell Dura. Was this in the boozer? Is the cunt fae ur area
naw, ah was in my flats drinking wae sum decidely unsavoury characters, the flat looked like a scene fae trainspotting and it just kicked off. ah dont remember anything apart fae the ambulance.


Well-Known Member
I like the look of the super sun 2, its a yank one they seem to have all the nice toys but at 140 each they aint cheap. That aerowing isnt 100% air tight from a few reviews ive read and im running two coolstars atm and they aint air tight either, ive got duct tape on mine covering all the gaps lol. Gonna run 3 600w in a row with there own seperate cooling fan so want something decent found this today but its 5in and really want a hood with 6in vents if im gonna run three, ill have to keep looking but really want them by the end of the week, gotta get more light in my tent as its filling up fast lol.


Well-Known Member
Just looking to upgrade all my gear is all, had the same ballast now for years so think its time for new one or 3 lol. Dont want or need top of the range hood just something half decent.


Well-Known Member
heh off my house m8 :) the hid i had originally i was borrowing from him, anyways it belonged to someone else and it had to go back , he was talking about cutting early so i asked if i could use his to finish mine and he offered me it for £20 its now hanging in my cab and hes using the borrowed one :) its a slight pain as the ballast is built into the hood and the cables not very long but ive got round it for now until i can get to hardward shop even got a new bulb with it :)

(its pretty sweet too ive veg'd under it before and its alot cooler than my 250 was)


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I was driving home the other day when all of a sudden the car swerved. I hit the kerb full on, the car span in the air a full 360, I smashed into a lampost, 2 cars and then took out a post box. As I struggled to get out of the wreckage a policeman came up to me and said 'Are you drunk sir?' I said 'I fucking hope so, do I look like a woman?'


advice on the ultimate would be its not the ultimate lol its dutch passion say no more lol slh can be lovely tho if ya get a nice pheno.
its looking realy exelent atm, i wanna start a journal to show people because iv herd its rubish from a lot of people but this baby is looking bang on, jus gotta work out how to make 1 :)