The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Look at the sister bashing northern twats pure envy of us southern lads and out ability to keep things lively, ya bunch of dreary incomprehensible cunts :lol:


Well-Known Member
Look at the sister bashing northern twats pure envy of us southern lads and out ability to keep things lively, ya bunch of dreary incomprehensible cunts :lol:
You shandy drinkin fairys couldnt keep things lively with a once of cheng up ya snouts and as for the sister bashin no chance of that off you puffs get battered lmao

Hey pukka its a dehumidifier. Thats its fucking name. Now whats my name
supersillyfuckinbilly lol..............poor lad would be sound orderin a humidify when he's 80% already tho wont he ey? lol