The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Most i've ever heard for cuttings around this area is a fiver a pop and i don't see the point, they ought to just get given away.

Wasn't in the best state this morning. Got to work and for various reasons imediately started going from a freezing environment to a suana one and back and firth, ended up having to dash to the bathroom face sweating uncontrollably feeling like i was gonna puke up everywhere.

So what's this thing you saw OTB that would help stoners? Personal airship?
I used to give cuts away all the time but peeps just take you for granted, I wouldn't mind but i'm the only 1 who ever buys new genetics so now if they want them it's fivers the going rate is tenners so they're still getting a discount if the cheap fuckers start buying beans then they can get them free again.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
from a drivers point of view the engine bogging down made him look an utter tit.
You could say that from a drivers point of view a burnout made him look an utter tit. I'm speaking as a viewer who saw what looked like a fun/annoying spinning of tyres and making of smoke. I don't think he as trying to look like anything just make some smoke.


Well-Known Member
Blimey been stomping around the boards for the first time tonight and i must say god i don't like it out there couldn't wait to get back in the uk thread even if iam posting to myself !


Well-Known Member
pretty shit mate havent slept again gonna try not to nap in the day today tho and stay up until say 10pm and hopefully ill be able to get some sleep lol. Should have goodies arriving today tho :)


Well-Known Member
hahah suprises then lol ive got this sinking feeling my shit wont come till 2mrw. ill be pissed if it doesnt show cuz im fookin bored !