The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm chasing my hangover off with white wine :D Off fishing in a tic, couple of beers, ouple of joints, should be fun hopefully.

If i were prime minister i would instigate a government funded dial-a-rape service, it's like a double whammy of YES! We can teach women to show due respect and at the same time get all those immigrants off the benefits ladder, get em into employment. Taxes might go up to fund said immigrants new lines of work but not to worry, we can cut it out of the maternity budget.


Well-Known Member
i love me some gin...

i do try and avoid it though ... depressant.. makes me a miserable cunt... more so than usual...

it was just strongbow. i'm one those people that change my drink depending on mood so i dont really have any 1 particular choice. i do drink a lot of gin the now though.


Well-Known Member

I'm chasing my hangover off with white wine :D Off fishing in a tic, couple of beers, ouple of joints, should be fun hopefully.

If i were prime minister i would instigate a government funded dial-a-rape service, it's like a double whammy of YES! We can teach women to show due respect and at the same time get all those immigrants off the benefits ladder, get em into employment. Taxes might go up to fund said immigrants new lines of work but not to worry, we can cut it out of the maternity budget.


Well-Known Member
im not a gin person but i know that its flavoured with sloe berries instead of juniper berries lol, normally a kinda purple colour
Yeh thats the stuff mate, we get aye lass's uncle a bottle for xmas, thats how i ended up tastin it its nice the berry take the edge of it :)


Just had to give the works van back what a twat ! Think i may get some gin and have a 'j'.

@pukka No mate im a new user,nice to meet you anyway.


Well-Known Member
Just had to give the works van back what a twat ! Think i may get some gin and have a 'j'.

@pukka No mate im a new user,nice to meet you anyway.
Nice to meet you to mate.......................thought you might of been 1 of the many users that disapear then come back with a new name lol!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind a company car, although i know i'd probably be fired within the week because of phone calls complaining about some nut in a van who thinks he's jenson button with your company written all over it hehe. It would certainly force me to be a little more "sensible" at the wheel.

My darkstar smells like white chocolate :)


Thats the problem with works vans and cars,you tend to think that they are yours ! I dont mind though been the Lake district in it and been over to Lancashire (wink wink) so i have had a good run with it. Tell you what though if i had the money i would live in the Lakes any day,what a nice place everyone seems so relaxed.


Well-Known Member
Now I got a proper hangover!
i only had a few litres of cider last nite but i got a right fuckin dodgy gut and i almost threw up when i got up, the shits is nuthin new but i'm NEVER sick in the mornings, i was as tired as fuck as well, just lay on the couch for 3 hours while ma wee boy scooted around. feeling a bit better now thank fuck.