The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Happens to my mrs all the time ttt probs because she's a bit vertically challenged lol. Still they think they own the roads!!

Al be having a few strongbows myself cheap n cheerful lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you put a heater in your grow room it will heat the grow room. Seems valid enough a theory to me. The only harm will be if it's too powerful or close and cooks your plants.


Well-Known Member
alright uk growers , you all ok ?

had a right 'mare today , stupid security systems !! been playing with relays that control barriers and electric shutters spent 2 hours locked in a room with a shutter and then locked everyone in a carpark with a electric barrier !! lol

tt just sent you a message mate ..


Active Member
@TT.........Fuck me you did alrite there mate! 2000!? lol wish i had the room to do some breeding. I really wana make my cross northern dickhead lol think i'll make a fortune down ere!


Active Member
For those who havent seen my idea before lol.......Northern lights x Moby dick x Headband. There my friends are the genetics of the Northern Dickhead lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
a little pollen goes a LONG way. I got 130 seeds from the black rose i grew and that wasn't even 3 joints worth of bud once harvested.


Well-Known Member
yes indeed it does t
my pal just done a crop of ice 14 plants (started with 35 regs rather than fems oopps)
nayways rite ant the end like 2 weeks left found a small 1 ft tall male in the fukin middle couldnt get more central FUUUKKKKK lol so yes small plant in amongst the big ones can do a lot of damage OR good depends ofc on what your objective is

watching this tonite

its on server robbie if u want to watch it and this

and this looks kinda good

how is everyone anyways

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, all i can say is your mate is a noddy!! :lol: funny as fuck, didn't notice the seed swollen calyxs? :D heehee

I'm just drinking smoking and watching weed wars right now :D shitty but hey, it's about weed, i like weed.


Well-Known Member
Lol, all i can say is your mate is a noddy!! :lol: funny as fuck, didn't notice the seed swollen calyxs? :D heehee

I'm just drinking smoking and watching weed wars right now :D shitty but hey, it's about weed, i like weed.
yeh lol 2 wilma 20 pots side by side so gets p[retty bushy and hes a THER WEEDS type of guy and has everything on timers and cheks maybe once a week PLUS i orderd regs not fems like hes always done his SIG as it wer so bak to araura indica,

yeh weed wars 3 epsidoes so far skimmed thru the 1st seems cool how are the next 2?


added them to the server too mate soz aint been putting much on i cant be arsed (tho i should be costing me 30 a month for it!)

OH and TT soz pal earlier dident realise was you when i nrly ran u over. :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Episode 2 and 3 are much like 1, trying to find something to make an episode about. It's really not fantastic watching ut it's killing the time from where i'm sat :D


Well-Known Member
Episode 2 and 3 are much like 1, trying to find something to make an episode about. It's really not fantastic watching ut it's killing the time from where i'm sat :D
yeh think they made em to show how the usa is leading the way in legalistation like a big fuck you to all us disbaled folk watching who ihave to illigaly buy or grow your own never mind the backstreet dealing with little fuking dikturd CHAVS muppets
i just been putting my pals ounce out OLDSCHOOL tenner for 1.7gm 3.5 for 20 40 for 7 JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS lol sold 16 ounce in 9 days nicely done i think :)

SO at last managed to get a sync lead for me iphone 99p free delivery on ebay but fuk i just never got round to it so heres a snippet of my kali mist 12-12 clone thread

ther about 4-4.5 weeks in 12-12 i veged under t5 for a few weeks in smaller pots til established then flowered i dont think ther looking bad and they STINK OF THE GOOD STUFF!
wat u reckon

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Good plants and good karma man! I generally sell nowt, just tell people to help themselves, but last i had to sell to pay a bill, was £60 a half.


Well-Known Member
Good plants and good karma man! I generally sell nowt, just tell people to help themselves, but last i had to sell to pay a bill, was £60 a half.
yeh even when we do grade ima stil do he same everyone else does .6-.7 for tenner i do 1.7 :) fuk il do em .8 for 5 and .4 for 2.50 they call it a 2.50 DOOB! lmao

moneys money and as hes giving me it at 100 per oz im making 60 so i sold 8 straight up and then sorted the estate out,the youngens like 16 yrs old ect have NEVER seen eighths so big as a eigthth round here is generallly 1..6 LOL fuk but weve had this convo,

so chek ou the rest of my pics in my sig i think ther looking good for 4 weeks flower from what they was like but only my second grow just had to get a few yankee candles in as can smell them downstairs
gunna start adding canna boost in next few days u think that will make em bigger,better#'?

and yeh good karma the kids round here wil burgle you in a second but u know what ive had em sat ther when ive come in before in my garden and told me you div you left your keys in the door so we waited for you so no1 robbed you and so you could get in

fuk they help the missus with shoppin so im kinda hoping ther some sort of respect ther coz belive me ther robbin little twats,asda vans wont even come here anymore catalogue delivery cars get robbed i swear you see em chasing the asda van around(before) catalogue cars bowt 5-6 smasgh the winder and grab all they cana nd run!lol wtf

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm just in from a joint in the freezing cold, don't ask me why, i enjoy it, in the past any notion of wind and a joint was fuck that! So for now i say fuck you to your long post, i'll read it in a bit, or maybe better the morning :p

You know you have a seed problem when every time you have joint, no matter thayou you try and get em in the jar, you stand up and there are 20 seeds where you were just sat. I've had thoughts of simply waterlogging my catpet and seeing what i can grow. It's being replaced in a few months anyway :D


Well-Known Member
qwik rundown last post
kids dont know shit
theyve never seen s a 3.5g eighth
iu think mine are looking ok for 4 weeks 12-12 clones
and going on about hope the kids dont rob me but i dont think they will and reason

so horseshit really!

anyways no fuking way am i standing outside with a spliff in this weather ur down south so should be warmer! unless yor over hill donw dale
