The UK Growers Thread!

u may need to read back bout 5 10 pages as i cant fully remember site. think u was looking up a 60 day strain called 60 day or something. it looked crap from wot i read and on the same page as the 60day strain there was papaya ten pound a seed cheaper and sounded nice for the price.
I bought my vapouriser from them...
Just had a look at that alibongo website & didnt realise volcano vapes were that pricey. Are vapourisers any good?
I always thought I wouldnt find it as satisfying as smoking a nice J and also that they looked kinda weird & shit. But I've got a long-term plan of giving up smoking so these could be my future.
My volcano's been sat gathering dust for what, must be nearing 6 months or something, cost £300 i think it was, flightbox was another £100+. Same as my bong, same as my pipe, same as my flightbox, same as my vapebong. My thoughts are that if i'm used to greatly enjoying a nice joint, witha spot of tobacco in it, then a joint just shits all over these alternative options. Not in terms of how high you get, but just on how much you'll enjoy the experience. When i stopped smoking tobacco for a few months i realised that the large reason for me enjoying getting high from joints so much was because of how pleasurable the added tobacco made to em. I do need to stop smoking though :D
yeah thats the vision I had - sat gathering dust at the back of a cupboard. Hmmmm maybe I'll quit for next new yrs resolution :)
Sounds like you've collected a fair stack of smoking tools there. The shittest pipe I ever bought was this one
Cost a few quid & got clogged SO easily, think I was smoking a lot of soap bar back then lol.
Solids can clog up pipes fairly easily. My collection is small by most peoples standards but it's still almost £600 worth that doesn't see the light of day, including an ice bong. I packed it with ice just the two times, didn't seem to be much different to not bothering in my mind :lol: Packet of king skins and some amber leaf please! :DMy little box of trinkets for when on the move.


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yeah I had an ice bong a few years ago and couldnt really ​tell the difference. it wasnt a nice, posh, glass one tho.
i been looking at percolators most of them do ice too..
i'm not using my MFLB as much as i thought i would.. its a nifty little gadget.. but the female doesn't like it :/

quite fancy a good qaulity ice bong, they are pretty fucking nice that ice cold smoke gos down a treat.
i'm gonna look after your volcano when you take your little holiday ;)

Solids can clog up pipes fairly easily. My collection is small by most peoples standards but it's still almost £600 worth that doesn't see the light of day, including an ice bong. I packed it with ice just the two times, didn't seem to be much different to not bothering in my mind :lol: Packet of king skins and some amber leaf please! :D

My little box of trinkets for when on the move.