The UK Growers Thread!

Haha my clones came from clones and a seeds further down the line many moons ago but to b accurate id av said i ve learned out how to turn clones into a trip to barbados haha i did nt need riu to learn that tho brothers just commensence and alot of experimenting lol dont get me wrong ive failed like so many others but workin things out from problems u madr yoursrlf makes u a betta grower imo
Right what all this fucking Exo Cheese talk. Ive never smoked it. Smoked Blue Cheese and it blew my head apart. Is the Exo stronger than Livers, if so I want a bit to try cheddar
yeh im going psycosis and exo next grow clones are being made and cali mist ths time labelly coreectly the last turned out o be jack the fukin whopper
so il have 2x cali 1 psycosis and 1 exo
it's daft to just grow, puts you on the radar. don't get me wrong ive been down that road and it gets hard to put the cash places you can use it. lumpy mattresses are risky ;)
it's daft to just grow, puts you on the radar. don't get me wrong ive been down that road and it gets hard to put the cash places you can use it. lumpy mattresses are risky ;)

fucking need an enigma machine tae decode that. Luck has it I seem to be on your wavelenghth. lol Educational software, u need a large server in an offsite location for security. lol
Eyup lads hows tings in UKer land, gettin pissed of we graft might fuck it off an go chedz style lol

Lmfbo pukka we ll see how far u get fella i graft my bollox off every day mate no offence and its still dam hard to put money were i want it !! Cheeky fuckin coment that u cunt do wot chedz does lmfbo you would nt last a few hours with wot i do pal no offence from fuckin lashin it down to snow to minus 8 degress to over 30 degress pal i have to work in it and tbf there is times wen i think fuck me i could quit now but theres only so much time growin takes uo before it starts to get at u and family bro trust me i ve been there and nearly lost my nearest and dearest ! Thats wen u start to Q if its worth it all mate
it's daft to just grow, puts you on the radar. don't get me wrong ive been down that road and it gets hard to put the cash places you can use it. lumpy mattresses are risky ;)

Haha don true and u know there are that many jealous cunts oit there pal they ll do anythin to see u fail mate believe me jealousy is 1 evil bitch and hope neva to get caught out by the cunt !! Tbh they should b took off the earth pal the world would b a betta place
but theres only so much time growin takes uo before it starts to get at u and family bro trust me i ve been there and nearly lost my nearest and dearest ! Thats wen u start to Q if its worth it all mate

i know pal my missu aint happy at all im just trying to provide for my family and upcomeing baby though so its constatnt bikering about it sorta thing damn ionly done 3,
Haha don true and u know there are that many jealous cunts oit there pal they ll do anythin to see u fail mate believe me jealousy is 1 evil bitch and hope neva to get caught out by the cunt !! Tbh they should b took off the earth pal the world would b a betta place

in the words of B Real ' I only listen to my one OG, he said get money but stay low key' ;)
hey attitude paid up sent me fruity juice cronic moby dick and northern lights x big bud!
just started germinating the juice and nl/bb

lol 2 seconds ago i was saynig clones only lol i just wanna get one going NOW!!!

Massive respect to that man! That's what i call one hell of a welcome home from work :) Couldn't smell a thing, had to hack it to pieces with a stanley knife :D
No probs big man nuff respect for u 2 pal sorry about it being squashed to fuck lmfao quite hard tring to make arfa fit in a cd pack haha

your a good man chedz spect for ya! not many stick to ther word nowadays

im getting a juicy chronic and nlxbb going feminized but i wont let them dry out lol new tub for prop
then il get my 2 clones next week :) loookin forward to the juicy and without question we all get fed :)

orderd sum canna start and perlite and got boost and canazym so i ithink im all set

umm wat do i do wth perlite?