I often wonder about all the old airraid shelters dotted all over the country, surely most of em aren;'t kept under observation, thick enough concrete to block out a heat signature as well
Personally, i have always wanted to build a submarine, not buy, build one, i am very very practical like that when i have the tool and equiptment i actually need, i was drawing up blueprints for various inventions when i was like 5 years odl, mum still has them somewhere
But the idea being that the ocean currently belongs to the nulear subs and everything is hush hush billions of making em silent and all that lot. I'm gonna take my sub and ping the fuck out of the ocean till the dolphins are swimming upside down!
A nuclear sub won't ping for another nuclear sub, because the ping works both ways. Me and my hand cranked wooden submarine though, we have nothing to lose, PING PING PING PINGPING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING
PING PING PING PING PING PING!I think that might really really really piss off some snavy honcho's I'm rather a fan of the Nautilus, so if anyone fancies raising a few million quid and finding a secret sea cave and uch, let's get crakcing
Good day folk?