The UK Growers Thread!

yeah if its family you aint got much choice m8 just show ya face say happy bd n do one lol

never heard of crisp but different areas use different slang is prob what you said dragon and the stuff he gave you was qaulity so id have high hopes.

im not up too much 2day just relaxing n recovering lol im the same mate i dont think i change but then i have flashbacks n get reminded of my actions n its pretty obvious that i do lol need a fuckin smoke badly might have to get a 10s it kills me tho paying the crazy prices.

that's the plan mate in and out as quick as possible, yeah i'm hoping mate he said he had the little half a house brick bags about 8 of them full so fingers crossed mate, and i feel you on the prices i feel like jabbing them in the eye after giving them my money 10 a gram is steep especially when you only get 3 joints out of it sucks, i might be in bristol either 2mo or the next day mate is that far off where you are mate? i gotta go catch u later mate
Evening folks...

Well i have managed to spend the last 4 hrs re writing parts of my assignment that i had allready done, so still no furter on that i was yesterday... Fuck it

How is every one this rather dull Sunday
Evening folks...

Well i have managed to spend the last 4 hrs re writing parts of my assignment that i had allready done, so still no furter on that i was yesterday... Fuck it

How is every one this rather dull Sunday

alright mate well at least you got a bit done, i'm still recovering at the mo just come in i saw my mate earlier it was 11 bags of trim he's convinced it's crisp but it's trim so i inherited that aswell i gave away the majority of my weed aswell my 2 best friends are skint at the mo so i gave them the majority and they'll replace it later on at some point, any plans for the rest of the day mate or is it time to take it easy?
alright mate well at least you got a bit done, i'm still recovering at the mo just come in i saw my mate earlier it was 11 bags of trim he's convinced it's crisp but it's trim so i inherited that aswell i gave away the majority of my weed aswell my 2 best friends are skint at the mo so i gave them the majority and they'll replace it later on at some point, any plans for the rest of the day mate or is it time to take it easy?

yeah a bit being the operative word lol,,, kids running riot, thats always fun mate, feel for ya, least ur home now and have more free stuff, free trim is free trim lol... also im skint, send some my way lol

and taking it easy for the rest of the day, cant be arsed doin anything now, still got books open so may do a bit of light reasearch... Happy Days
alright mate well at least you got a bit done, i'm still recovering at the mo just come in i saw my mate earlier it was 11 bags of trim he's convinced it's crisp but it's trim so i inherited that aswell i gave away the majority of my weed aswell my 2 best friends are skint at the mo so i gave them the majority and they'll replace it later on at some point, any plans for the rest of the day mate or is it time to take it easy?

11 bags of trim ya lucky git whatcha gonna make with it?

id do a half half of butter n gumby hash, or you could just siv it all n make kief hash then weaker butter with the trim?
yeah a bit being the operative word lol,,, kids running riot, thats always fun mate, feel for ya, least ur home now and have more free stuff, free trim is free trim lol... also im skint, send some my way lol

and taking it easy for the rest of the day, cant be arsed doin anything now, still got books open so may do a bit of light reasearch... Happy Days

if i could send it to you i would mate i have no idea what to do with it but i figure il'll have to do something i haven't got hardly any weed left now, and the 2hr party last 4 they didn't stop screaming from beginning to end apart from when every1 sang happy bday it was painfull lol
if i could send it to you i would mate i have no idea what to do with it but i figure il'll have to do something i haven't got hardly any weed left now, and the 2hr party last 4 they didn't stop screaming from beginning to end apart from when every1 sang happy bday it was painfull lol

Make some Hash with it, thats what id do... n 4 hrs of screaming kids, no way i could handle that again, had my time with kids, not goin back for a while lol
11 bags of trim ya lucky git whatcha gonna make with it?

id do a half half of butter n gumby hash, or you could just siv it all n make kief hash then weaker butter with the trim?

i'll have to look up what to do mate aprt from the keif i can't cook toast lol
Make some Hash with it, thats what id do... n 4 hrs of screaming kids, no way i could handle that again, had my time with kids, not goin back for a while lol

lol there was me feeling like crying and legging it and the misses getting all brewdy, we got engaged last week so it looks like a little 1 is next on the agenda mate i just made a joint out of it just to see what it's like i'm gonna do a bit of homework either later or 2mo to see what the options are but honestly i'll probably just end up siving it, i had a video on how to make hash and it all seemed easy enough but regarding butter and things like that i haven't got a clue i've never eaten weed with food before, swallowed a lump of solid before but that was just so the cops didn't get it. thats vid for the gumby hash theres others but they are all the same its really simple and that hash is worth bucks too.

the butter you carnt go wrong m8 chuck 4-5 blocks of high fat content butter lurpak or sumfin decent into the microwave till its liquid then chuck that into a large pot with 4-5 bags of ya trim and enough water to cover it all dont matter if you use to much water cause your be throwing the water away n it will stop everyfing burning. boil all that shit on a low heat for 4hours plus you can go longer but 4 is enough, then just get a tea strainer or cheese cloth n strain all the cooked up trim outa the water/butter mix good idea to pour boiling water over the strained trim to get any butter that you aint strained out of it.

then just leave ya water/butter mix in the fridge, the butter will seperate n harden on the top when its cold, throw the manky water away n there you go you got cannabutter, easy m8.

you would have had a much quiter party if youd taken sum of uncle dragons special brownies round for the kids lmao
Hey Sambo, hows you doin today mate?

alrite smar3t yeah im good m8, dieing for a joint but still good lol

gonna giv in 2mora i think and buy a poxy gram just to remind myself what its like to get ripped off! fucking tenner a gram only in england hay! ive lived abroad a few times south africa you got 25grams for 8quid! trinidad was like 20p for a little bag bout an 8th! this country takes the fucking piss!

rant over lol hows ya sunday been m8 u been studying all day? can you study when ya stoned? i can barely move let alone think when im smoking lol
lol there was me feeling like crying and legging it and the misses getting all brewdy, we got engaged last week so it looks like a little 1 is next on the agenda mate i just made a joint out of it just to see what it's like i'm gonna do a bit of homework either later or 2mo to see what the options are but honestly i'll probably just end up siving it, i had a video on how to make hash and it all seemed easy enough but regarding butter and things like that i haven't got a clue i've never eaten weed with food before, swallowed a lump of solid before but that was just so the cops didn't get it.

Congrats on the engagement mate, only been engaged once, n that was to a welsh bird, she had a sprog so i know the kids screamin n parties shit that u have to do... i love kids though, just prefer my own to others lol

Swallowin a lump of solid... mmmm tasty lol, rather u than me lol
alrite smar3t yeah im good m8, dieing for a joint but still good lol

gonna giv in 2mora i think and buy a poxy gram just to remind myself what its like to get ripped off! fucking tenner a gram only in england hay! ive lived abroad a few times south africa you got 25grams for 8quid! trinidad was like 20p for a little bag bout an 8th! this country takes the fucking piss!

rant over lol hows ya sunday been m8 u been studying all day? can you study when ya stoned? i can barely move let alone think when im smoking lol

Cant beat a good rant mate lol... yeah pretty much spent the day doin coursework, and no i cant study or concentrate when stoned, good job i dont have anything to smoke, stayin of it for a while now mate, next time i will have a smoke is when my own has been dried n cured, so a few month of yet lol

Weed around the world is always cheaper then here, we get ripped of with everythin mate, its the british way lol
lol there was me feeling like crying and legging it and the misses getting all brewdy, we got engaged last week so it looks like a little 1 is next on the agenda mate i just made a joint out of it just to see what it's like i'm gonna do a bit of homework either later or 2mo to see what the options are but honestly i'll probably just end up siving it, i had a video on how to make hash and it all seemed easy enough but regarding butter and things like that i haven't got a clue i've never eaten weed with food before, swallowed a lump of solid before but that was just so the cops didn't get it.

yeah congrats on the engagement m8 you been 2gether long? my missus keeps hinting lol but im swinging her round to gettin married in vegas if we ever do so at least ill get a holiday aswel lol

as for kids, thats what we are made for i suppose so its gotta happen at sometime and i dont wana be some grandad dad so its cool the missus is pregnant am still shittin it abit tho lol thats vid for the gumby hash theres others but they are all the same its really simple and that hash is worth bucks too.

the butter you carnt go wrong m8 chuck 4-5 blocks of high fat content butter lurpak or sumfin decent into the microwave till its liquid then chuck that into a large pot with 4-5 bags of ya trim and enough water to cover it all dont matter if you use to much water cause your be throwing the water away n it will stop everyfing burning. boil all that shit on a low heat for 4hours plus you can go longer but 4 is enough, then just get a tea strainer or cheese cloth n strain all the cooked up trim outa the water/butter mix good idea to pour boiling water over the strained trim to get any butter that you aint strained out of it.

then just leave ya water/butter mix in the fridge, the butter will seperate n harden on the top when its cold, throw the manky water away n there you go you got cannabutter, easy m8.

you would have had a much quiter party if youd taken sum of uncle dragons special brownies round for the kids lmao

cheers mate just watched it and i definately like the sound of the butter cheers for the info mate saved my head getting worse getting stressed trying to find info, when i opened them mate i went to visitors messages mate?
cheers mate just watched it and i definately like the sound of the butter cheers for the info mate saved my head getting worse getting stressed trying to find info, when i opened them mate i went to visitors messages mate?

im not too good with pms either ive ended up sending some to myself b4 lol

and yeah the butter is easy dragon and once ya got the butter just get ya lady to cook sumfin with it.
am getting another couple of clones 2mora gonna do a couple of tests with them 1 im gonna lst will veg it for 12hr in the grow room then bring it out n just put it in ne room with the lights on the other im putting in the grow room to flower, i wana see what this strain does straight from clone? dont think it will do much cause they aint really a large single cola plant the blueberry but we will see?
cheers guys and i'm the same with kids we've been together 4 years now but were friends for a year before we got together that's why i don't get allowed out very often lol and sambo your a braver man than me mate i feel scared just knowing we could end up pregnant any time, but like you said mate it's the way to go i'm 26 and nearly all my friends are settled down with kids now and happier than ever, well smoke report on the trim it's not bad i made a big 1 with just a little bit rolling tobacco a little harsher but i feel stoned it's done a better job than some of weed i've bought or that could just be because of the hangover but i don't think so
next joint get a tea strainer if you got 1 n siv sum you should end up with a pile of whiteish/yellowish powder thats some strong shit the sivd thc.

yeah same ear dragon im only a year older n its time to settle down hay, feeling old just saying that lol