The UK Growers Thread!


They are dry on top because they are under 1200w of HPS and the cab is warm, the top of the Coco will dry naturally in a day.

There's no way they need watering daily in 18L airpots, especially at that size. If you keep topping them up then the air/water ratio in the Coco is crap affecting your growth rate and yield (regardless of what you think, no offence).

Try drying them out between waterings. Let them wilt a little then water, if it takes say 6 days for them to wilt then you know they need to be watered every 4-5 days.
Sticking your finger in the pot to judge watering is a load of bollocks because the roots are still piss wet through. it's obvious the top of any medium will dry out but the roots are not at the top are they?

Water when your plants need it, not when you THINK they need it.
ill try that then, give it a miss for a couple of days and see.
but i will say my temps are well under control, as ive gone overkill with the ventilation too!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ministry of cannabis "shanti" and nirvana "blackjack" haven`t a notion which is which as the markers feel down the side (i think) but either way have disappeared....

and thanks its only the second time grow so i`m still feeling things out so to speak, was putting together a flower room with 400w hps but neighbour doing a bit of building so no go for a while so have to finish them under cfl, with the 5 and decent cfls i think i could get some smoke from it, massive yeild not important but i would like some kind of return from them...

any ideas on yeild while i bring it up?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
ministry of cannabis "shanti" and nirvana "blackjack" haven`t a notion which is which as the markers feel down the side (i think) but either way have disappeared....

and thanks its only the second time grow so i`m still feeling things out so to speak, was putting together a flower room with 400w hps but neighbour doing a bit of building so no go for a while so have to finish them under cfl, with the 5 and decent cfls i think i could get some smoke from it, massive yeild not important but i would like some kind of return from them...

any ideas on yeild while i bring it up?


mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
morning scrotes n trannys n the odd few gents haha. wot a sunny day.gunna b a cracker here.
so how come these companys sending to uk aint getting busted? esp if it over net? cant b legal in holland coke?
seems a odd one.
u no in bristol they had a weed selling firm there. they hung flyers n posted cards round the unis for weed deliverery. different guy everyday dropping off was a sweet set up. think name on cards was high way or something


Well-Known Member
Its untracable m8.....As long as you dont go over a certain wait limit, its just your average joes on the street doing the they give a fuck.....check out the purple Im getting off the SLH:shock:


mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
nice dude. been cold in the cab?
was gunna ask u billy as i thought the site wood get closed down?
how do u mean untraceable fella? if u found site surely most could if look in right place? or is this secret web or woteva made so police cant trace ip addys etc etc
it all real to ? as in ent erbal versions or legal drugs simular to the coke n that. like meow meow was legal once.
years ago before ket was a big thing my mate got busted with a bag ket. now in them days wasnt on the banned list so he got released after they checked his bag n sent lab or tested.
haha wouldnt happen nowadays tho hed b cuffed n jailed. its shite that ket just a rape drug in my mind


Well-Known Member
Aye its all incripted and shit m8.....I reckon its safe...its on that hidden web....Im sure the feds are on to it but are they really wanna catch people with the odd gram or two

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
they do coyote cactus on these sites? or is it poyotey cactus?
watched them crazy welsh fuckers other day dirty sanctez n they went round world find the ultimate high, funny as fuck n some interesting lsd mushroom style things out there

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
mesculine always reminds me off fear n loathing in loss veags haha
may have get a mate have a look these sites as he loves his trips bless him(old scholl hippy) haha. wot hed give for it b dropped through his letter box.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
morning rangers. yeah i seen the damage it does haha not for me tho im to much off a control freak for them intense trips haha.
theres a shroom id like try tho. think its in brazil n called mushroom off the gods or eye off the gods. seems intense but could b a great laugh if u with good peeps n relaxed. think thats the name all i no is jimmy hendrixs went there to sample it n was inspired so cant b all bad


Well-Known Member
What's this website? Went back few pages couldn't see it ha. PS UK grower here gonna squeeze 400w hps in 0.6x0.6x1.5m tent with 4 plants. Mwahaha
Mornin everyone. Av had tabs n smoke some salvia but never the peyote. Would try it tho. Goin to order me some squidy fae SR once av got money. Gold seal 10 a g. Looks super tasty lol